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Warm-Up #1 (8/13/14) New Iraqi Constitution: Preamble Using complete sentences, describe the significance of Mesopotamia in terms of the modern world We.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up #1 (8/13/14) New Iraqi Constitution: Preamble Using complete sentences, describe the significance of Mesopotamia in terms of the modern world We."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up #1 (8/13/14) New Iraqi Constitution: Preamble Using complete sentences, describe the significance of Mesopotamia in terms of the modern world We the sons of Mesopotamia, land of the prophets, resting place of the holy imams, the leaders of civilization and the creators of the alphabet, the cradle of arithmetic; on our land, the first law put in place by mankind was written; in our nation, the most noble era of justice in the politics of nations was laid down; on our soil, the followers of the prophet and the saints prayed, the philosophers and the scientists theorized and the writers and poets created.

2 Warm-Up #3 (8/14/14) Using the letters in Mesopotamia, identify something related to that civilization MESOMESO POTAPOTA MIAMIA

3 Warm-Up #4 (8/15/14) List 5 things you already know (or think you know) about Egypt:

4 Warm-Up #5 (8/23/13) Compare/Contrast Egypt and Mesopotamia Mesopotamia BothEgypt

5 Warm-Up #6 (8/26/13) For each of following characteristics of civilization, give a specific example from either Mesopotamia or Egypt: 1.Advanced Cities: 2.Specialized Workers: 3.Complex Institutions: 4.Record Keeping: 5.Improved Technology:

6 Warm-Up #6 Who was Ashoka’s grandfather and why was he so important to the development of the Mauryan Empire of Ancient India?

7 Warm Up #7 Think, Pair, Share: Look at what we learned together as a class Thursday concerning Ancient China. Pair up with a partner and share what we discussed.

8 Warm-Up #7 (8/30/13) Define the following Hindu terms in your own words: Ahimsa, Atman, Brahman, Dharma, Karma, Moksha, Reincarnation

9 Warm-Up #8 (9/3/13) What do you already know about Ancient India?

10 The Caste System: True or False (if it is false, you need to make it true) 1.The Warriors and Nobles are at the top of the Caste System 2.The “Untouchables” do not have a purpose in Indian society 3.Dharma allowed the Caste System to flourish 4.Caste Roles and Reincarnation are linked 5.The Caste System still exists in India today Warm-Up #9 (9/4/13)

11 Warm-Up #10 (9/5/12) Compare/Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism: Hinduism BothBuddhism

12 Warm-Up #9 (8/25/14) Explain what might cause a dynasty to lose the “Mandate of Heaven” What would come next in the dynastic cycle?

13 Warm-Up #10 (9/12/12) The principal of a prestigious high school has found out that there are allegations of recruiting violations by one of his coaches. What would he do if he were a Confucianist? What would he do if he were a Daoist? What would he do if he were a Legalist?

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