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Civilian Response. Sergeant Dan Gomes 10 years Law Enforcement 9 years assigned to SWAT Active Shooter Instructor NTAC Officer Past assignments in Narcotics,

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Presentation on theme: "Civilian Response. Sergeant Dan Gomes 10 years Law Enforcement 9 years assigned to SWAT Active Shooter Instructor NTAC Officer Past assignments in Narcotics,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Civilian Response

2 Sergeant Dan Gomes 10 years Law Enforcement 9 years assigned to SWAT Active Shooter Instructor NTAC Officer Past assignments in Narcotics, Detectives, Street crimes prevention, gangs and graffiti John Pedrini 14 years EMS 10 years SWAT/Tactical medic Active Shooter Instructor Platoon Sergeant 168 medevac with Nevada Air National Guard, 5 years combat flight medic

3 A.L.E.R.R.T.

4 “One or more subjects who participate in a random or systematic shooting sprees, demonstrating their intent to continuously harm others. An active shooter’s overriding objective appears to be that of mass murder, rather than criminal conduct such as robbery, kidnapping, etc.” - NTOA

5 a)Schools b)Public Venues c)Business

6 Locations: Business = 37%, Schools = 34%, public Venues = 17%. Median killed = 2/event. Median shot = 4/event. Weapons = pistol (605), rifles (27%), shotguns = 10%. Multiple weapons carried in 41%. 2013 Bank Crime Stats: 71 Bank Robberies in Las Vegas. ALERRT Study of ASE 2000-2013

7 Workplace Retaliation Domestic Disputes Academic Retaliation ***Domestic Disputes on the rise*** 23% 14% 11%

8 1.Loss of significant relationships 2.Changes in financial status 3.Loss of Job 4.Major adverse changes to life circumstances 5.Feelings of humiliation or rejection ***Same common triggers for suicide***

9 Arrival Time:3 - 4 minutes (from 1 st 911 call) Stop time:7 - 8 minutes post arrival (10 - 12 minutes) 49% of all attacks stop BEFORE law enforcement arrival. physically subdued attacker /shot attacker shooter suicide /left scene 50/50 resolution after law enforcement arrival ALERRT Study of ASE 2000-2013

10 Those who have “played dead” or froze in place have historically become victims (Virginia Tech 2007).


12 a)Sandy Hook b)Fort Hood c)Columbine d)Virginia Tech

13 11:19 am, two shooters enter Columbine High School. By, 11:35am, 12 students and 1 teacher were killed and about 20 other wounded. Shortly after 12pm, the two shooters take their own lives. About 12:14pm, Law enforcement enters the School. 53 minutes after the first Shot was fired. Possible motive, bullied / social outcasts

14 Who or What are they waiting for?



17 Denial (If you think you hear gunfire, you probably do!) Deliberation (Fight, Flight or Freeze) Decisive Moment (Run, Hide, Fight – FBI) (Avoid, Deny, Defend - ALERRT)

18 Create distance – get away from the threat. Have an exit plan (fire drills).

19 Deny Shooter access to you & others. LOCK THE DOOR. Turn off lights. Cover windows. Remain quiet (silence cell phone). Plan to escape or defend.


21 Position yourself on walls adjacent but not in front of doors. Swarm the shooter immediately upon entry. Secure weapon and point it in a safe direction.

22 If you have successfully avoided shooter call 911 and report: Your location Number of people with you Any and all information on shooter/attack

23 Multiple Agencies Priority of Work: 1. Stop the killing (1 st responders will not render aid) 2. Assist the injured 3. Evacuate the building Show your hands (open palms) Do not move Comply with all commands Expect to be detained & interviewed

24 Utilize your weapon to defend yourself & others per applicable state laws. Do not hunt down the shooter – you may be shot by others/law enforcement. Call 911 and communicate your position. Put your weapon down upon arrival of law enforcement.

25 IEDS Columbine – initial initiation was to be via IED. 99 found at scene. Largest threat = shock wave – path of least resistance, i.e. hallways!!! If you can see it, it can hurt you!!!

26 IEDS Take refuge – 90 degree offset/create an air gap. Beware of booby trapped victims! Suicide Bomber = Deadly Force!

27 IEDS #1 – Never touch the device. #2 – Create distance between you and device. #3 – Communicate with others about the device & Dispatch.



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