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Introducing the Progressives. MuckrackersMuckrackers ReformPoliticiansReformPoliticians TemperanceTemperance SuffragettesSuffragettes PopulistsPopulists.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing the Progressives. MuckrackersMuckrackers ReformPoliticiansReformPoliticians TemperanceTemperance SuffragettesSuffragettes PopulistsPopulists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing the Progressives

2 MuckrackersMuckrackers ReformPoliticiansReformPoliticians TemperanceTemperance SuffragettesSuffragettes PopulistsPopulists SOCIALREFORMeRsSOCIALREFORMeRs LaborUnionsLaborUnions CivilRightsCivilRights

3 2 nd Great Awakening Antebellum Reforms [1810s- 1850s] CIVICIVILWARCIVICIVILWAR Populism [1870s- 1890s] Social Gospel Progressivism [1890s-1920] 1920s Revivalism New Deal [1930s- 1940s] 1950s Revivalism Great Society & 1960s Social Movements Christian Evangelical Movement CONSERVATIVECONSERVATIVEREVOLUTIONREVOLUTIONCONSERVATIVECONSERVATIVEREVOLUTIONREVOLUTION The “Culture Wars”: The Pendulum of Right v. Left

4 WHY PROGRESSIVISM NOW?? 1901-1918  Industrialization, Immigration and Urbanization all grew dramatically in the 19 th Century. So quickly and dramatically that it it also created equivalent problems. –Under-developed & overpopulated cities (corruption/ Boss System/ poverty/ squalor and death) –Power of big business (PES) –Gap b/w Rich and Poor (Socialist Movement? Unrest?) –Segregation and Women’s Suffrage –Vice and Immorality (drinking and prostitution)

5 Progressive Leadership? Progressives were generally not revolutionaries, they believed that great change was a necessity and that a HONEST Government was the proper entity to facilitate this change.Progressives were generally not revolutionaries, they believed that great change was a necessity and that a HONEST Government was the proper entity to facilitate this change. They lead and worked at all 3 levels of government.They lead and worked at all 3 levels of government. Who were the Progressive Presidents?Who were the Progressive Presidents? Theodore Roosevelt ®Theodore Roosevelt ® William Howard Taft ®William Howard Taft ® Woodrow Wilson (D)Woodrow Wilson (D)

6 Who Were The Progressives??  Middle class men and women –Educated –Professional and white collar business –Protestant crusaders  Squeezed from above and below by corporations, immigrants, and labor unions  Philosophy –Pragmatic (Laissez- faire = wrong b/c it is no longer practical) –Scientific Management (theory) applies to EVERYTHING – PES

7 What is a MUCKRACKER?  Ummmm…. racker of the muck?  Reformers that used their talents to expose the rotten side of issues. –Public had to be informed and shocked a bit before they would be ready to take action against the status quo. –Investigative reporting –Photojournalism ( Jacob Riis – “How the Other Half Lives”) –Careful research and use of data with sensational headlines –Cause Magazines  McClure’s ( Samuel Sidney McClure) –Ida Tarbell ( expose on Standard Oil w/ data = big deal) –Books  Upton Sinclair's “ The Jungle”

8 Reforms  Labor/Workers  Women  Consumer Protection  Temperance  Political reforms  Trust busting  Child Labor  Conservation  Railroads  Settlement house movement  Ummm… What is missing form this list?? WHY?

9 Social Welfare  Settlement Houses –Services?Volunteers? –Jane Addams and Francis Kelly –Social Justice Movement needed political support to reach its goals.  Garbage collection  Schools  Juvenile Courts  More liberal divorce laws  SAFETY REGULATIONS IN TENEMENTS AND FACTORIES!!

10 Political Reforms Voter Participation  Secret Ballot – by 1910  Direct Primaries (Robert La Folette) by 1915  Direct Election of Senators –Senate = Millionaires’ Club so…. –17 th Amendment = Senators by popular vote 1913  Initiative, Referendum and Recall

11 Political Reforms Municipal Reform  Target= Boss System (corrupt and inefficient)  Reform Mayors –Samuel M. “Golden Rule” Jones of Toledo Ohio and Yom Johnson of Cleveland Ohio –Offer services to people without corruption  free Kindergarten  Night schools  Public playground  Cheap transportation (3cent trolley rides) –Controlling Public Utilities  Water systems, gas lines, electric plants, transportation systems, –City managers and Department Heads  Fire, Police, Sanitation – Cities begin to function b/c of progressive reforms

12 Political Reforms State Reform  Voter Participation Reforms ( I. R &R)  Tax reform  Railroad regulation  Prohibition –Rural movement inwards –Cities see it differently (culture clash RRR) –1915 – 2/3 of states banned the sale of alcohol (DRY)

13 Your Turn  Complete Progressive Era GR  This is were we stopped in class.

14 Who’s Who  Eugene Debs – founded socialist party in 1901  Florence Kelley – advocate for improved working conditions; mobilized women  La Follette – introduced direct primaries to bypass political machines & put voting in the hands of the people

15 Who’s Who  J.P. Morgan – owned RR & controlled powerful trusts  Muir – naturalist & proponent of conservation  Riis – photographer & journalist; How the Other Half Lives  T Roosevelt – President, trust buster & conservationist  Upton Sinclair – exposed meat packing industry;  Steffens – McClure’s “The Shame of the Cities” exposed corrupt alliance b/t big business & municipal gov’t

16 Who’s Who  Taft – president & trust buster – set aside public lands  Tarbell – exposed Standard Oil Co – naturalist & proponent of conservation  Veblen – The Theory of the Leisure Class; attack on predatory wealth & conspicuous consumption  Willard – WCTU: Women’s Christian Temperance Union – became largest women’s organization in world; 18 th Amendment in 1919 – Prohibition

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