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Under- stand the powers given to the Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, and the States in the Const.

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Presentation on theme: "Under- stand the powers given to the Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, and the States in the Const."— Presentation transcript:

1 Under- stand the powers given to the Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, and the States in the Const

2 1.commander in chief of the Army and Navy 2.can give pardons or reprieves for crimes committed against the USA 3.can get opinions… 4.nominates ambassadors with 2/3rds consent of Senate 5.nominates justices with 2/3rds consent of Senate 6.can make treaties with 2/3rds consent of Senate and give periodic state of the union addresses to House and Senate



5 If the Prez or VP commits crimes of Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes or misd’s Every branch of gov involved in impeachment

6 Section 1…Supreme Court and Inferior Courts 1.Hierarchy? One Supreme Court Lower Courts (?) –Judges paid for services Section 2…Judicial Powers 1.Power to hear following cases a)cases affecting ambassadors, ministers or consuls b)controversies between two or more states c)between citizens of different states d)between citizens of the same state

7 1.Treason can only be committed against the USA if you start war against the USA or help its enemies. You can only be convicted if two witnesses testify against you or if you confess. 2.Trial of crimes will be done by Jury, and trial will take place in the state where the crime is committed, except in cases of Impeachment

8 Section 2…Privileges and Crimes (also covers........................) 2.A person charged with a crime in a state and flees to another state will be delivered back to the state where he committed the crime to face Justice 3.No slave of one state can escape to another and lose his status as a slave. He/she will be delivered back to the state where his “services” and “labor” are still due

9 How to become a state and privileges in it 1.New States can join the Union, but they cannot be made from within states that current exist, unless the legislatures of that state allow that to happen 2.The United States will guarantee a Republican form of government in that state 3.States in the Union will be protected by the US government against Invasion and against “domestic violence”

10 Article 5…How to make amendments…done Article 6…Debts, Supremacy, Oaths a)All debts that existed before this Constitution (states debts) will be valid against the new Federal Government b)This Constitution, and the laws in it, will be the Supreme law of the land, and states must follow these laws first before their own c)All Senators, Representatives, members of state legislatures, executive and judicial officers shall be bound to this Constitution by Oath Article 7…Ratification a)If Conventions in 9 of the 13 states ratify this Constitution, it will be established as law for the United States of America

11 Look over the powers and conditions each Article and Branch of government has You will be given many scenarios and will have to figure out where the answers are in the Constitution

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