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Session 4: Self review framework- reviewed and renewed.

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1 Session 4: Self review framework- reviewed and renewed

2 Objectives To understand the changes and revisions to the Schools’ SRF

3 Number of SchoolsSchools SRF Registered East Midlands2087121758% East of England2623170065% London North139297370% London South111574367% North East England120086472% North West England3241198861% South East England3398220965% South West England2371142260% West Midlands2435156564% Yorkshire and Humber2311137059% Grand Total2217314051 NATIONAL AVERAGE63% The Adoption of the Self-review framework is a success

4 Why people use the SRF Drivers along the SRF journey Drivers Public commitment Enthuses stakeholders ‘Easy entry point’ LA endorsement Helps with Ofsted Linkage to BSF Helps to prioritise/focus Good for planning, valuable process Helps review where we are Helps engage stakeholders Tangible whole- school improvement ICT excellence being achieved Stakeholders can see real benefits Finishing the job Status and pride Recognised proof of excellence The logical next step ICT Mark Becta Self Review Framework Research - March 31st 2010 The more elements that are completed the more benefit is derived from the framework

5 Why people use the SRF The draw of the ICT mark

6 Leadership and Management Curriculum Learning and Teaching Extending Opportunities for Learning Professional Development Assessment Resources Impact on pupil outcomes The Original Self-review framework 8 ‘Elements’ Leadership and Management Curriculum Learning and Teaching Assessment Professional Development Extending opportunities for learning Resources Impact on pupil outcomes Each Element divided into ‘Strands’ – 22 in total Each Strand divided into ‘Aspects’ – 72 in total Each aspect broken down into 5 ‘Level Descriptors’ ICT Mark threshold levels a mix of 2 and 3

7 Changes to the Elements Repetition and overlap Safeguarding Sustainability Environmental Issues Home Access Parental Engagement Leadership and Management Curriculum Learning and Teaching Extending Opportunities for Learning Professional Development Assessment Resources Impact on pupil outcomes 10 K E Y Q U E S T I O N S The B I G E R P I C T U R E Leadership and Management Learning Assessment of ICT Capability Professional Development Resources Planning Resources

8 The revised Self-review framework Headline changes Six elements: 1. Leadership and Management 2. Planning 3. Learning 4. Assessment of ICT capability 5. Professional Development 6. Resources Elements still divided into ‘strands’ – 13 in total Strands divided into 57 ‘aspects’ All ICT Mark thresholds at Level 2 in all aspects Introduction of an initial overview ‘10 Key Questions’ – this is a response to schools asking if it would be possible to have a quick overview of their ICT use. It gets schools to think about the ‘Big Picture and the impact ICT is having…………………………….…or not!! The 10 Key Questions can be accessed NOW on the Becta schools site: Leadership and Management Learning Assessment of ICT Capability Professional Development Resources Planning Resources

9 Revised Self-review framework = has been addressed SRF too long A lot of repetition Too wordy Look at ICT Mark threshold levels – Some levels need to be more challenging Some large steps between levels New educational initiatives and technologies The tool could be more user friendly

10 Implementing the revised Self-review framework Mapping of the current version to this revised version Setting a time scale for use of the old and the revised – Plan to allow a period of time for schools well down the line for the Mark to still gain it using the current framework. A cut off point. Mapping and transferring ‘exemplar’ material Updating guidance and suggested actions

11 Activity 4.1: A look at one element in detail Learning Element Divided into two strands: Teaching and Learning process Pupils’ learning experiences Will this better reflect how your schools could be approaching the effective use of technology in Learning? How useful might this element be for you to plan support for schools Learning

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