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Art and Knowledge. Agree or Disagree! Arts have a practical function Arts only give pleasure Art contributes to our knowledge of the world Art would help.

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Presentation on theme: "Art and Knowledge. Agree or Disagree! Arts have a practical function Arts only give pleasure Art contributes to our knowledge of the world Art would help."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art and Knowledge

2 Agree or Disagree! Arts have a practical function Arts only give pleasure Art contributes to our knowledge of the world Art would help the alien understand us

3 Theories of ART Art as Imitation Art as Communication Art as Education

4 Art as Imitation - Mimesis Arts purpose is to copy reality. Do you agree? Perfect likeness was the driving force here Real Skill was required to paint accurate real life Who was Mona Lisa? What about music Can we apply the same copy rule What did Beethoven copy?

5 Art as Imitation What about the camera? It is a perfect likeness but is it ART Theory of Imitation – Arts purpose is to copy reality. Now do you agree with the imitation theory

6 Art as Imitation Picasso (1854 -1900) He was told that his picture of Gertude Stein did not look like her he said – “Never mind, it will” What did he mean by this?

7 Avant-garde When something not accepted – or new, beyond the status-quo What is the purpose of art for society?

8 Art as Communication It seems natural to think as Art Communicating with us. “think of Alien guy” Does ART have a language? What is this language? Do you need to know context of the Art to understand what is being communicated? i.e. he painted this during WWII, etc.

9 Art as Communication/Emotion Who is in love here? Who here has said to someone I am in love with you? Ever said “I love you” using Art? Why does a poem/picture/song convey more love than the words “I love you”

10 Art as Education Art has a moral and educative role Should ART educate you? Is a movie ART? Are we educated by Hollywood Should Art challenge what we believe?

11 Art as Education What can a War poem tell you about the first world war rather then a purely factual account Are letters to loved ones from WW1 now ART even if the intention was just to send a letter home? We see a collection on letters portrayed as ART as they educate us

12 Literature Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” Atticus Finch What are examples of literature that educated you?

13 Plato & Aritstotle Both Aristotle and Plato thought art was an attempt to depict the universal and was a source for info about reality To represent reality –Mimesis – representation of reality –For Plato, art is an illusion of reality – a step removed (based on his idea of the Forms) Manipulation  propoganda –For Aristotle, depicts nature as it could be Allows for catharsis, a “purging of … emotions” ( Mitchell, Helen Buss, Roots of Wisdom, 5 th Edition 307)

14 Theories of ART Art as Imitation Art as Communication Art as Education

15 Key Words Mimesis Avant-garde Catharsis

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