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Local Association Nuts & Bolts Presented by Laura Arnold Jordan UniServ Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Association Nuts & Bolts Presented by Laura Arnold Jordan UniServ Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Association Nuts & Bolts Presented by Laura Arnold Jordan UniServ Director

2 What’s on our Agenda Governing Documents Constitution Bylaws Job Descriptions

3 Governing Documents

4 Definitions

5 Local Association Constitution Written document that sets the fundamental governing laws or principals under which the Association is organized and operates.

6 By-laws By-laws are the rules adopted by the Association for its own meetings and/or affairs. They may not contradict or negate any part of the local’s constitution.

7 Ratification Acceptance of the constitution by the members.

8 Amendments A change to the constitution by the members.

9 Constitutions

10 Let’s Talk Constitution Some Basics: What is your purpose (Preamble)? The Association is known as the CANYONS EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (CEA) and has been established to: Section 1Encourage Educators to become active members in the UNITED TEACHING PROFESSION (UTP), Canyons Education Association, Utah Education Association, National Education Association. Section 2Represent its members in their relationship with the Canyons District in: Securing wages, benefits and improved working conditions. Assisting its members with job related problems. Insuring their personal rights, including job security and due process.

11 Next? Does your document describe who can be members and their qualifications? Is your local practice matching the description? Does it state who holds the “power”? Section 1.2 Rights:The right to exercise final authority in all matters pertaining to the CEA is vested in the general membership.

12 Dues Should state how the dues are established. UEA has a formula as well as NEA. How are your local dues established?

13 Governance Descriptions of Governance Legislative Council, Board, Officers Descriptions of each with some detail Elections Voting and who gets to vote Delegates to both UEA House of Delegates and NEA RA Affiliations UEA NEA

14 Committees and Task Forces Local standing committees Task forces Guidelines in the Bylaws

15 Establishment of Governing Documents Section 6.1 Constitution:The Constitution is the fundamental document governing the structure and operation of the Association as now enacted and hereafter amended by the members of the Association. The Constitution is by vote of the membership enacted, amended, or revoked in the way(s) provided in this Constitution. Section 6.2 Amendments to the Constitution:This Constitution may be amended by a majority of the votes cast by the membership in a general election, provided that the proposed amendment(s) has been previously approved by the Legislative Council and presented to the general membership at least fifteen (15) days prior to the election

16 Governing Docs, cont. Section 6.3 Bylaws:Bylaws are comprised of those bylaws that are enacted by the Legislative Council and may deal with all matters of the Association not controlled by the Constitution. Bylaws are, by vote of the Legislative Council, enacted, amended, or revoked as provided in these Bylaws and Constitution. Section 6.4 Amendments to the Bylaws:The Bylaws may be amended by the Legislative Council at any regularly scheduled meeting or special session provided that it has been considered by the Council at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the vote. The vote is by secret ballot and requires two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast.

17 Bylaws

18 Bylaws-Operating Rules to Live By Who can be a member? Active/reserve; full time-part time? Dues—how are they collected, deposited, formula? Legislative Council—Responsibilities including Executive Officers—more specific descriptions of responsibilities, terms of office, recall? Executive Board-who do they represent (High School, Elementary, Minority position), terms of office, recall?

19 Operating Rules, Con’t. Meetings—should be addressed under both Leg. Council and Boards Elections—how are they handled, dates, ballot counting, notifications Changes to Constitution and Bylaws—how are those presented and handled.

20 Document Keeper Large Locals Smaller Locals

21 What’s Next? Use organizing model to get some other people involved Create a task force to review the documents and bring information back to your Board or Leg. Council. Creates transparency and also allows you opportunity to build informed members. Should probably done every couple of years to make sure that practice meets documents.

22 Questions?

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