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The Truth About Bullying By: Sara Dew What Is Bullying? Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that contain the following:

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2 The Truth About Bullying By: Sara Dew

3 What Is Bullying? Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that contain the following: o An Imbalance of Power- Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity— to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people. o Repetition- Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the ability to happen more than once.

4 What is NOT Bullying? o Peer Conflict o Teen Dating Violence o Hazing o Gang Violence o Stalking o Workplace Bullying o Early Childhood Aggression o Many situations involving young adults

5 Types of Bullying Verbal Bullying: Written or Spoken o Teasing o Name Calling o Taunting o Threatening to cause harm o Inappropriate sexual comments Social Bullying: (Relational Bullying) o Leaving someone out on purpose o Telling other children not to be friends with someone o Spreading rumors o Embarrassing someone in public Physical Bullying: o Hitting/kicking/pinching o Spitting o Tripping/Pushing o Taking and breaking someone’s things o Making mean or rude hand gestures

6 Cyberbullying How is Cyberbullying Different? o Cyberbullying is bullying through technology: o Cell Phones o Text Messages o Pictures/Videos o Computers or Tablets o Social Media o Websites o Chat o E-mail o Cyberbullying can happen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. o Can reach a wide audience very quickly. o The source is often untraceable. o Nearly impossible to delete inappropriate or harassing messages once they have been sent.

7 The Roles in Bullying The Bullies o Kids Who Bully o Engage in bullying towards peers o Kids Who Assist o Encourage bullying behavior, and may occasionally join in o Kids Who Reinforce o Laugh at the bully, giving him an audience The Victims o Kids Who Are Bullied o The targets of bullying behavior o Kids Who Defend o Comfort the child being bullied o Outsiders o Neither directly or indirectly involved with bullying, but still a witness

8 Where Does Bullying Happen? Bullying has been reported in the school building, on the school bus, at the playground, traveling to and from school, in a child’s neighborhood, and online.

9 The Cold Hard Facts… According to the National School Safety Center: o American schools house 2.1 Million bullies and 2.7 victims of bullying o 1 in 7 children grades K-12 is a bully or victim of a bully o 56% of students reported witnessing some type of bullying o 15% of absenteeism is related to bullying o 160,000 students miss school everyday due to bullying according to the National Education Association. o 71% of students report that bullying is a problem in their school o 1 in 20 students in school have seen a student with a gun o 282,000 students are attacked per MONTH in secondary schools o 75% of school shootings are linked to bullying and harassment o 90% of students in grades 4-8 are victims of bullying

10 Effects of Bullying Students Who Are Bullied o Experience Depression/Anxiety o Change in eating/sleeping o Loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed o Health complaints o Decreased academic achievement o Decreased school attendance o May retaliate with violent measures o In the 1900’s 12 out of 15 school shooters reported to have been bullied Students Who Bully Others o Abuse alcohol and other drugs o Get into fights o Vandalize property o More likely to drop out of school o Engage in early sexual activity o Higher rate of criminal convictions o More likely to be abusive toward: o Romantic Partners o Spouses o Children

11 Risk Factors Children who are bullied: o Do not get along well with others o Are perceived as being different o Are perceived as being weak o Anxious/ May have low self esteem o Considered less popular o May antagonize others Children who bully others: o Well connected with their peers o Have social power o Overly concerned about popularity o Enjoy dominating others o Isolated from their peers o Anxious or depressed o Less involved in school o Low self esteem o Easily pressured by others o Unable to identify with emotions of others

12 Is Your Child Being Bullied? o Unexplainable injuries o Damaged personal belongings o Changes in eating habits o Student may come home hungry because they do not feel comfortable eating lunch o Difficulty sleeping or frequent nightmares o Frequent illness or faking illnesses o Declining grades o Feelings of helplessness/ decreased self esteem o Avoiding social situations o Loss of friends o Self destructive behaviors o Running away from home, harming themselves, or talking about suicide

13 Prevention At Home o Help kids understand bullying o o Communicate Openly and Often o How was your day today? o Did you make any new friends? o Encourage kids to do what they love o Participating in sports o Playing music o Model how to treat others with respect and kindness o YOU are your child’s greatest role model!

14 “Knowing what’s right doesn’t mean much unless you do what’s right.” -Theodore Roosevelt

15 Prevention At School: o Assessment o Give students, teachers, parents, and community members a survey on the prevalence of bullying at school o Form a safety committee o Utilize the bully prevention training center! o Bully Prevention Training Center Bully Prevention Training Center o Develop and implement rules and policies o Enforce rules in the classroom and school wide o Know the state rules on bullying in your state! o State Laws on Cyberbullying State Laws on Cyberbullying o Establish a reporting system o Create a safe environment for students o Manage classroom behavior o Classroom Meetings

16 Stop Bullying on the Spot! o Intervene immediately! o Separate all children involved o Ensure everyone is safe o Stay calm o Get the facts! o Don’t: o Question children involved together o Question witnesses publicly o Ignore the situation o Do: o Listen without blaming o Get the story from several sources o Determine if it is bullying! o Review the definition of bullying o Support the children involved! o Address the bullying behavior! o Help the child understand WHY he/she bullied another student o Enforce Consequences o Follow up **NOTIFY THE POLICE** If there is a weapon, serious physical injury, hate- motivated violence, sexual abuse, or illegal acts involved!

17 References… Stop Bullying School Crime Supplement Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System State Laws on Cyberbullying 2008–2009 School Crime Supplement Bully Prevention Training Center Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Alice Echo News Journal Stop Bullying School Crime Supplement Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System State Laws on Cyberbullying 2008–2009 School Crime Supplement Bully Prevention Training Center Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Alice Echo News Journal

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