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Offering Library Instruction Through Crystal RoseDr. Kathryn Rose

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Presentation on theme: "Offering Library Instruction Through Crystal RoseDr. Kathryn Rose"— Presentation transcript:

1 Offering Library Instruction Through Crystal RoseDr. Kathryn Rose


3 Category 1: Professional videos (like music videos, commercials) What is the most viewed video?

4 Category 2: Amateur videos What is the most viewed video?

5 1. GOOGLE 2. FACEBOOK 3. YOUTUBE 8. TWITTER 6. WIKIPEDIA How Popular is YouTube?

6 Who is Using YouTube? Generation C: the “YouTube Generation” ●age 12-34 ●watch daily ●watch on mobile devices

7 Monthly Views of Educational Videos

8 “The library needs to be in the user environment and not expect the users to find their way to the library environment” (Dempsey 2005)

9 Why we decided to make YouTube Videos...

10 TIP #1: Find a partner


12 TIP #2: Make the most professional quality videos as possible


14 TIP #3: Identify Need

15 “Linking videos to a specific a critical part of creating video tutorials” (Lindsay, Cummings, Johnson, & Scales 2006) “you’re going to use them if you need them. I’m not going to sit here & watch them if I don’t need to” STUDENT COMMENT (Bowles-Terry, Hensley, & Hinchliffe 2010)

16 TIP #4: Be specific

17 “The clearer the message of a video, the less cognitive load it will require from students who are trying to make sense out of it, and the more brainpower they will have left to process and internalize the skills being taught” (Leeder 2009)

18 “guide students through specific and discrete tasks as opposed to teaching more complicated skills” (Bowles-Terry, Hensley, & Hinchliffe 2010) “There are moments when teaching Boolean is appropriate, but video tutorials are not that place...need to be clear, concise and to the point” (Wyant 2013)


20 Where to Find the Citation Information

21 TIP #5: Keep them short!

22 “brief tutorials meet students at their point of need when facing a specific library-related research task” (Bowles-Terry, Hensley, & Hinchliffe 2010)

23 “The speed would be something more that my parents would need. But as a student, I’d want it to speak a little quicker” STUDENT COMMENT (Bowles-Terry, Hensley, & Hinchliffe 2010)




27 TIP #6: No Funny Business

28 “If you’re just wanting an explanation...I don’t think it needs to be too flashy” “try to make it too fancy, it just gets a little ridiculous. Then people might just watch it to laugh at it” Student Comments (Bowles-Terry, Hensley, & Hinchliffe 2010) (Bowles-Terry, Hensley, & Hinchliffe 2010)

29 TIP #7: Engage Multiple Learning Styles

30 Different Learning Styles Self- directed Late Nighters & Last Minuters Auditory Repetition VisualSocial


32 TIP #8: Navigation






38 TIP #9: Effective Metadata


40 TIP #10: Findability

41 “Relevant materials must be placed in close proximity to the populations that will use them, such as embedding video tutorials within a course management system or within library guides.” (Wyant 2013)

42 14% YouTube 86% DELTS’ course management system Views of APA Videos

43 Traffic Sources YouTube Analytics Unknown/ Other 20% YouTube 37% External Websites 43%

44 External Website Referrals YouTube Analytics

45 “video tutorials should be linked at the point of need” (Bowles-Terry, Hensley & Hinchliffe, 2010)

46 APA Videos: 72,455 MLA Videos: 23,996 Chicago: 5000 Video Usage Stats (Views as of June 2015)

47 APA Videos by Popularity

48 MLA Videos by Popularity

49 Chicago Videos by Popularity

50 Watch all our videos

51 References Bowles-Terry, M., Hensley, M. K., & Hinchliffe, L. J. (2010) Best practices for online video tutorials in academic libraries: A study of student preferences and understanding. Communications in Information Literacy, 4(1), 17-28. Retrieved from[]=V ol4-2010AR1&path[]=112 Charnigo, L. (2009). Lights! camera! action! Producing library instruction video tutorials using Camtasia Studio. Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning, 3(1), 23-30. doi: 10.1080/15332900902794880 Dempsey, L. (2005). Lorcan Dempsey's weblog on libraries, services and networks. Retrieved from Gutelle, S. (2013, April 2). As early adopters grow up, will YouTube’s audience age in place? Retrieved from demographics/#sthash.RMm4f4k1.dpuf Latimer Group. (2013). Who’s watching YouTube? Gen C. Retrieved from watching-youtube-gen-c/ Leeder, K. (2009, October 14). Learning to teach through video. In the Library with the Lead Pipe. Retrieved from Lindsay, E. B., Cummings, L., Johnson, C. M., & Scales, B. J. (2006). If you build it, will they learn? Assessing online information literacy tutorials. College & Research Libraries, 67(5), 429-445. Retrieved from

52 Loo, J. (2010, July 16). Library Instruction through online video and social media. Retrieved from Think with Google. (2013, May). Meet Gen C: The YouTube generation. Retrieved from Wieling, M., & Hofman, W. (2010). The impact of online video lecture recordings and automated feedback on student performance. Computers & Education, 54(4), 992-998. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2009.10.002 Wikipedia. (2015, March 26). List of most popular websites. Retrieved from Wikipedia. (2015, June). List of most viewed YouTube videos. Retrieved from Wyant, N. (2013). The effectiveness of online video tutorials as supplemental library instruction. Kansas Library Association College and University Libraries Section Proceedings, 3(1). doi: 10.4148/culs.v1i0.1835 YouTube. (n.d.). Statistics. Retrieved from YouTube. (2013, March 20). YouTube hits a billion monthly users. Retrieved from http://youtube- YouTube. (2013, September 24). Top 5 educational blockbusters of the summer. Retrieved from results=4

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