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Reforming American Society By Nathan Nelson, Connor O’Neill, Sydney Koh, and Jennifer Kolpasky.

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Presentation on theme: "Reforming American Society By Nathan Nelson, Connor O’Neill, Sydney Koh, and Jennifer Kolpasky."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reforming American Society By Nathan Nelson, Connor O’Neill, Sydney Koh, and Jennifer Kolpasky

2 Vocabulary Revival-Meeting to reawaken religious faith. Second Great Awakening-The renewal of religious faith in the 1790s and early 1800s. Temperance Movement-A campaign to stop the drinking of alcohol.

3 Revival and Temperance Societies In the early 1800s, heavy drinking was common. Some workers spent their wages on alcohol which left families with no money. So, churches led Americans to start a temperance movement.

4 Revival and Temperance Societies cont. Many woman joined the Temperance movement. Speakers travelled all over America asking people to sign a paper to give up alcohol. In 1838, one million people signed it. Business owners supported the temperance. Alcohol made it hard for industry workers to keep schedules and run machines.

5 Revival and Temperance Societies cont. Pamphlets were handed out advertising why people should stop drinking. Neal Dow led a fight to make selling alcohol illegal. Some states passed the law or similar ones. Most laws were repealed because of many opposing people.

6 Worker’s Rights Business owners tried to improve worker’s habits, and worker’s called for improvement because they were noisy and unsafe. The workers began to organize in 1830.

7 Worker’s Rights cont. Mill workers (young women) started a labor union or a group of workers who bond together to seek better working conditions. In 1836 women’s rent was raised causing them to go on strike.

8 Worker’s Rights cont. In 1835 and 1836, 140 strikes took place. The panic of 1837 brought hard times. Jobs were scarce so the workers didn’t protest and the young labor movement fell apart. Some goals were reached such as ten-hour work day for government workers.

9 Improving Education In the 1830s, Americans began to demand a better education. In 1837, the first board of education was established. It was established in Massachusetts and the head was Horace Mann. “By 1850, many Northern states had opened public elementary schools.” “Women could not attend most colleges. Oberlin was the first college to accept women.

10 African Americans were not allowed to be educated, because it had been outlawed in 1831. If an African American tried to learn they were brutally punished. Few colleges accepted African Americans and if they did they only were allowed a few at a time. The first African American who received a college degree was Alexander Twilight in 1823. Improving Education cont.

11 Conclusion The Temperance caused many people to stop drinking. Workers started to demand better working conditions. People also started to demand better education for everyone.

12 Sources story/images/Timeline_Ch14.jpg story/images/Timeline_Ch14.jpg ages/history/saranac_workers3.jpg ages/history/saranac_workers3.jpg ilight.jpg ilight.jpg http://apush-wiki-marlborough- ce_2.jpg/68758105/temperance_2.jpghttp://apush-wiki-marlborough- ce_2.jpg/68758105/temperance_2.jpg

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