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Rocks and Minerals.

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Presentation on theme: "Rocks and Minerals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rocks and Minerals

2 Rocks vs. Minerals Mineral: a solid pure substance in a crystalline form Made of elements Rock: made up of different minerals

3 Common types of minerals
Quartz: made of silicon and oxygen (glassy) Feldspar: contains sparkling grains Mica: grey flakes Hornblende: dark flakes = granite

4 Common Types of Minerals

5 Properties of Minerals
Colour Lustre Streak Cleavage and Fracture Hardness Crystal structure

6 Colour Color of the mineral
Ex) minerals can take on different colours depending on the elements they are combined with

7 Lustre The shininess of the material
Depends on how light reflects off the surface

8 Streak The colour a mineral leaves when it scratches a porcelain tile
Ex) gold = leaves a gold trace pyrite = greenish-black streak

9 Cleavage The way a mineral breaks apart when you crack it
Cleavage: breaks up into smooth surfaces and planes Ex) mica breaks up into plates

10 Fracture When minerals break into jagged edges Ex) Quartz

11 Hardness A substance’s scratchability
Based on a scale called = Moh’s hardness scale Ranges from 1-10 (pg. 355) 1 = softest (talc) 10 = hardest (diamond)

12 Hardness

13 Crystal Structure How the mineral is shaped (pg. 355)
Ex) cubic, triclinic, tetragonal

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