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U.S. History Tuesday: 5/4/16 1)Bell Ringer: CNN STUDENT NEWS 2)Guided Notes: The Clinton Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. History Tuesday: 5/4/16 1)Bell Ringer: CNN STUDENT NEWS 2)Guided Notes: The Clinton Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. History Tuesday: 5/4/16 1)Bell Ringer: CNN STUDENT NEWS 2)Guided Notes: The Clinton Administration


3 Election of 1992 (R) President George H.W. Bush vs (D) Governor Bill Clinton

4 Republicans: Bush/Quayle Republicans: Nominated President George H.W. Bush for re-election in 1992. -VP: Dan Quayle

5 Democrats: Clinton/Gore Democrats nominated Bill Clinton Gov. of Arkansas. -VP: Al Gore

6 President Bush vs. Gov. Clinton

7 Themes of the 1992 Election -The Persian Gulf War (1 st Iraq War) -The Economy -Unemployment -Poverty

8 What happened in the 1992 Election? President George H.W. Bush is defeated by Bill Clinton Bill Clinton becomes the new President.

9 1992 Electoral Map

10 NAFTA: Approved 1992 NAFTA means: N: North A: American F: Free T: Trade A: Agreement

11 So What is NAFTA? Reduces trade taxes. Leads to more U.S. exports to both Canada and Mexico. Exports?

12 Canada, Mexico, The USA

13 NAFTA Trade Routes

14 President Clinton’s Reforms Lowering the deficit. Tax increases and budget cuts. The Brady Bill (Gun safety)

15 The Brady Bill (1993) 1981 President Reagan was shot (He was not killed) This bill sets a 5-day waiting period to buy a handgun.

16 Brady Bill (1993) National computer database to track criminal records + ages of gun buyers.

17 Healthcare The First Lady = President’s Wife. First Lady Hilary Clinton tried to fix healthcare She did not succeed. Who did?

18 President Clinton and First Lady: 1993

19 Former Secretary of State Clinton

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