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Arkansas Consumer Leadership Training (Pre-work Webinar 1) October 1, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Arkansas Consumer Leadership Training (Pre-work Webinar 1) October 1, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arkansas Consumer Leadership Training (Pre-work Webinar 1) October 1, 2014

2 2 Pre-work Webinar 1 Agenda Provide welcome & opening Remarks Explain webinar ground rules and review learning objectives Explain the goals of Arkansas Consumer Leadership Training Program and participant expectations Provide an overview of the Ryan White Program  Consumer Involvement  Quality Expectations Explain training program logistics and pre-work webinar 2

3 Welcome & Opening Remarks

4 4 Training Team Daniel Tietz AIDS Program Manager for Consumer Affairs, AIDS Institute Deloris Dockrey National Quality Center Coach Adam Thompson National Quality Center Coach

5 5 Ground Rules for Webinar Participation Actively participate and write your questions in the chat area during the presentation(s) Do not put us on hold Mute your line if you are not speaking (press *6, to unmute your line press #6) Slides and other resources will be available on our website at

6 6 Webinar Learning Objectives Increase the understanding of the Ryan White Program Explain Consumer Involvement Requirements Provide overview of quality expectations

7 Goals of Arkansas Consumer Leadership Training

8 8 Goals of the Training Develop leadership among consumers in Arkansas Enhance the knowledge of civic involvement methods Discuss HIV confidentiality and disclosure Review principles and vocabulary used in quality improvement Explain the roles and responsibilities of consumer advisory boards (CAB) Provide an overview of the Arkansas Quality Consumer Advisory Council (QCAC) and Draft Charter Lay the foundation to build a community of Consumer Quality Advocates in Arkansas Provide skills in the area of Health Numeracy

9 Participant Expectations

10 10 Expectations of Training Participants Pre-Work  Attend 2 Pre-Work Webinars (1 hour each)  Pre-Work Activities (approximately 3 hours) Attend 2-day training session Post-Work  Attend and actively participate on Arkansas Consumer Quality Advisory  Attend Post-training conference calls to increase knowledge and skills  Complete Post-training Assessment Tool (1 hours)

11 Reflections from Pre-work on Ryan White Program

12 12 Reflections from the Pre-Work Reading After reviewing the ‘Ryan White Voices: A Legacy of Care’ and the Quality Academy Tutorial on the Ryan White Program  What did you learn about the history of the Ryan White Program?  What are the key accomplishments of the Ryan White Program?

13 Overview of Ryan White Program

14 14 Ryan White Statistics Every year, the Ryan White Program touches an estimated 529,000 PLWH Ryan White appropriations in 2012 were at $2.35 billion across all Parts The Ryan White Program:  Part A: 637 Million to 52 Grantees  Part B: 1.2 Billion to 59 Grantees  Part C: 1991 – 114 Grantees, 2012 – 356 Grantees  More than 2000 providers funded to provide HIV care  Special Projects of National Significance

15 15 Ryan White Structure Ryan White Treatment Extension Act of 2009 US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) Different Parts (A, B, C, D, and F) National Quality Center (NQC) Your Supporting Organization You

16 16 The Ryan White Legacy “One thing that was extraordinary, and there are many things about this remarkable young man [Ryan White], was after he received that tainted blood transfusion, to the moment he drew his last breath here on Earth, he never condemned anyone. He was not looking for the scapegoats... What he was doing was reaching out in the true spirit of the American character to recognize that there were people who were suffering.” ~ Senator Ted Kennedy, “The Lion of the Senate”

17 17 Ryan White Funding Streams Part A - provides assistance to the metropolitan areas (EMAs/TGAs) most heavily affected by the epidemic Part B - provides assistance to states and territories for healthcare and support services, including ADAP Part C - provides support to health centers for HIV-related early intervention and primary care services Part D - supports comprehensive care and clinical research for children, youth, women, and their families Part F – provides support for research and educational programs

18 18 Community Involvement EMAs Planning Councils must reflect the local epidemic demographically and at least 33 percent of members must be consumers (people living with HIV/AIDS) of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program services. TGAs must use the community planning process, but the use of Planning Councils are optional.

19 19 Ryan White Treatment Extension Act of 2009 “The chief elected official/ grantee… shall provide for the establishment of a clinical quality management program to assess the extent to which HIV health services provided to patients under the grant are consistent with the most recent Public Health Service guidelines for the treatment of HIV disease and related opportunistic infection, and as applicable, to develop strategies for ensuring that such services are consistent with the guidelines for improvement in the access to and quality of HIV health services”

20 20 Ryan White Program Quality Requirements “RW grantees are directed to establish clinical quality management programs..” which include:  Development of a comprehensive clinical quality management infrastructure, including routine quality management meetings  Description of QM program in a written quality plan, with a clear indication of staff and consumer roles/responsibilities  Inclusion and involvement of key stakeholders in the quality program including consumers  Designated leaders for quality improvement and accountability

21 21 Ryan White Program Quality Requirements “assess the extent to which HIV health services are consistent with the most recent Public Health Service (PHS) guidelines…” which includes:  Development and/or adaptation of clinical quality indicators for key clinical and service categories  Routine performance measurement of key aspects of HIV care  Share clinical performance data with program staff  Use data to improve the organization’s performance on key services

22 22 Ryan White Program Quality Requirements “develop strategies for ensuring that HIV services are consistent with guidelines for access to quality HIV service…” that include:  Link clinical performance data results to quality improvement activities  Establish quality improvement teams/committees to include consumers  Integrate changes into routine program activities

23 23 Resources For information on the history of the Ryan White Program: For information on the HIV/AIDS Bureau and its quality programs: For the Institute of Medicine ’ s Report on quality management in Ryan White Program-funded grantees: To find more resources on the Ryan White Program quality improvement activities:

24 Training Logistics

25 25 Training Logistics Training Dates and Location  October 7-8, 2014 (8:30 AM to 5:00 PM)  Arkansas Department of Health Auditorium (4815 W. Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Contact Information for Travel Questions Residents of the Little Rock Area Kristen Bagwell, ARCare, Residents outside the Little Rock Area Daniel Tietz, National Quality Center,

26 Pre-work Webinar 2

27 27 Pre-Work Webinar 2 Read Two Essays: Blacks Should Agitate for Civil Rights by W.E.B. Du Bois and Blacks Should Not Agitate for Civil Rights by Booker T. Washington Complete the Pre-Work I Tool: Methods of Involvement Essay Reflection Finalize Travel Arrangements Identification of two volunteers to the present the 2 articles – who are the volunteers?

28 National Quality Center (NQC) 212-417-4730

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