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PARK NICOLLET VOLUNTEER SERVICES 2013 Volunteer Mandatory Education.

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Presentation on theme: "PARK NICOLLET VOLUNTEER SERVICES 2013 Volunteer Mandatory Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 PARK NICOLLET VOLUNTEER SERVICES 2013 Volunteer Mandatory Education

2 Annual Education Annual education is required for all volunteers and staff at Park Nicollet. Topics that are covered by this online packet include:  Volunteer Services policies  Confidentiality  Infection control/Health Assessment  Emergency management  Code of Conduct (Packet)  Confidentiality Policy (Packet)

3 What We Require from You In order to complete mandatory education, you need to:  Read through the information on this presentation  Complete the mandatory education survey. This includes:  Taking a quiz  Electronically agreeing to the PNHS Code of Conduct  Electronically signing the PNHS Confidentiality agreement  Completing a self-assessment The mandatory education survey can be found here:

4 Volunteer Services Policies Topics covered include:  Dress code  Absences and substitutions  Holidays  Volunteer records  Parking

5 Policies: Dress Code Volunteer uniforms include a purple shirt/vest and a photo ID badge  Note: Some volunteers may have different uniforms (i.e. scrubs) Always wear appropriate clothes. You may not wear:  Jeans, sweat pants, open-toed shoes, etc You must always wear your ID badge while volunteering Your ID badge should be visible to others and above your waist Smoking is not allowed Limit scented items due to prevalence of allergies  Scented items include things like perfume, cologne, lotion, aftershave

6 Policies: Absences and Substitutions If you will be absent, please try to find a substitute for that shift A Volunteer Services staff can print you a copy of the substitution list if requested

7 Policies: Absences and Substitutions (Continued) Important reminder: please inform Volunteer Services of any planned absences right away  This will allow us to find adequate replacements in a timely manner Directions for reporting absences:  Call Volunteer Services and give us the dates you will be absent. Ask for an updated substitute list  Call the volunteers on the list. Keep track of those who cannot substitute to prevent duplicate calls

8 Policies: Absences and Substitutions (Continued) If you need a substitute at the last minute:  Call Volunteer Services: (952) 993- 5086  If you call after hours, leave a message with:  Your full name  The service area in which you volunteer  The day and time scheduled to volunteer  The name of your substitute  Your phone number

9 Policies: Absences and Substitutions General tips:  If you will be gone for one or two shifts, try to switch with another trained volunteer from your area  If you will be gone three to five times, call substitutes from the printed list with your current schedule  If you will be gone for more than three months, please submit a Leave-Of-Absence (LOA) in writing to the Volunteer Services office

10 Policies: Holidays Volunteers are not required to work or have a substitute for these holidays:  New Years Day  Memorial Day  Independence Day  Labor Day  Thanksgiving  Christmas If there are other holidays you observe, please inform Volunteer Services.

11 Policies: Volunteer Records Some volunteers report service hours online through the Volunteer Services database. Please speak to staff if you volunteer offsite and would like to learn about this process. If you have moved within the last year, contact Volunteer Services with your new address  Also inform us of any phone number changes For safety purposes, please keep your emergency contact information updated

12 Policies: Parking Methodist Hospital parking:  Park on the orange ramp on the third level or higher  The lower levels are for visitors and patients  Volunteers may also park on any sloped/inclined area in the parking ramp. St. Louis Park Clinic:  Park on the west side of the third floor of the ramp

13 Policy: Conclusion If you have any questions, ask the Volunteer Services office If you have any comments or suggestions to improve our volunteer program, let us know Remember…  Staff, patients, and other volunteers are counting on you!

14 Confidentiality Topics covered include:  Working with confidential information  HIPAA  How to protect patient information  List of Protected Health Information (PHI)

15 Working With Confidential Information You may only access or release confidential information when the following conditions are met:  The information is being disclosed for appropriate professional purposes  The information is being accessed or released at the time it is needed  The information is accessed or released to those who have a business need to know Ask yourself: Do I have a business need to know or release this information?  If you don’t, you may not access or release the information

16 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Park Nicollet follows the guidelines of HIPAA in order to:  Respect patient privacy and make sure their information is secure  Respect patient wishes about how they want the information to be treated  Protect the reputation of Park Nicollet and promote patient trust  Avoid government fines and sanctions

17 How to Protect Patient Information These are some ways you can help protect patient information:  Do not discuss patient information in public areas (cafeteria, elevators, hallways, etc)  Do not leave patient information where people may see it  Always make sure information is secure on computers (use monitor covers, lock your computer if you need to leave, etc)  Always ask questions and report problems to your supervisor or to Volunteer Services regarding confidentiality issues

18 How to Protect Patient Information (Continued) These are some other ways you can help protect patient information:  Never discuss patients with visitors, family or friends, or other volunteers, even after your volunteering has ended  Properly dispose of confidential information by using the confidential destruction bins located throughout the hospitals and clinics (the documents in the bin are shredded)  Do not discuss patient information on social media even if you have removed all identifiers

19 List of Protected Health Information (PHI) These items may not be disclosed without proper authorization:  Name and address  Dates (birth date, date of death, admission/discharge, dates of service)  Any specific age older than 89 years  Contact information (telephone, fax)  E-mail  Social Security Numbers  Medical record numbers and health plan beneficiary numbers  Account numbers  License or certificate numbers  Vehicle identifiers  Serial numbers and device identifiers  Web addresses or IP addresses  Biometric identifiers  Full-face photographs and comparable images (distinctive tattoos, etc)  Any other unique identifying characteristic (including DNA)

20 Confidentiality: Conclusion Do not give out patient information unless there is a business need to do so Not all confidentiality issues are clear If you have any questions regarding confidentiality, talk to your supervisor or contact these offices:  Manager, Compliance, Privacy and HIPAA: Sally Amundson: 952-993-7644  Volunteer Services, Methodist Hospital: 952-993-5086  Volunteer Services, St. Louis Park Clinic: 952-993-1786 Failure to comply may result in your termination as a volunteer. Legal action may also occur

21 Infection Control Topics covered include:  Hand hygiene  Dirty linens  Glove usage  Volunteer rights and safety information

22 Hand Hygiene Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly  This is especially true if you have any patient contact  Scrub vigorously for 15 seconds  Scrub all areas of hand (wrist, nails, between fingers) You may use antiseptic foam as long as your hands aren’t visibly soiled  Foam in, foam out—if you enter patient rooms, foam your hands when you enter and when you leave Remember: cleaning your hands frequently will keep you and others safe

23 Dirty Linens Treat all linens as being contaminated Follow these steps when handling linens:  Put on gloves  Roll the linen into ball as it is removed from bed  Carry the linen away from your uniform  Place linen into linen bag/hamper  When linen bag is ¾ full, tie bag and bring it to designated linen chute  Remove gloves, then perform hand hygiene Tip: Do not shake linens as this may spread germs

24 Glove Usage

25 Volunteer Rights and Safety Information Volunteer safety rights:  Right to receive information on hazardous materials  Right to be trained on hazardous materials  Right to discuss concerns with supervisor about hazardous materials  Right to refuse to work in an unsafe or unhealthful manner with a hazardous material If a dangerous chemical ever gets on your skin, wash it off immediately Note: Volunteer roles do not involve the use of dangerous chemicals. If you are asked to do something outside your role that is hazardous, do not participate in the activity

26 Infection Control Conclusion Wash your hands frequently Use gloves when appropriate Keep yourself safe from hazardous materials Keep yourself safe from hazardous situations If you are sick, stay home!

27 Emergency Management Topics covered include:  Emergency management highlights  Emergency code chart

28 Emergency Management Highlights

29 Code Chart

30 Code of Conduct The next two slides contain Park Nicollet’s Code of Conduct

31 Code of Conduct (Page 1)

32 Code of Conduct (Page 2)

33 Confidentiality The next three slides contain Park Nicollet’s Confidentiality policy

34 Confidentiality Policy (Pages 1-2)

35 Confidentiality Policy (Pages 3-4)

36 Confidentiality Policy (Pages 5-6)

37 End of Mandatory Education Presentation Remember to:  Complete online mandatory education survey. This includes:  Taking a quiz  Electronically agreeing to the PNHS Code of Conduct  Electronically signing the PNHS Confidentiality agreement  Completing a self-assessment The mandatory education survey can be found here:

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