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1. Objective (READ) SWBAT identify the effects of colonization on India. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO A QUESTION) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER) A.Why.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Objective (READ) SWBAT identify the effects of colonization on India. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO A QUESTION) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER) A.Why."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Objective (READ) SWBAT identify the effects of colonization on India. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO A QUESTION) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER) A.Why do you think the British colonized India? B.How did India get a democracy?

2 1. Objective (READ) – Day 2 (H) SWBAT explain Gandhi’s nonviolent resistance. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO A QUESTION) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER) A. Explain why Britain would want India to join the Commonwealth of Nations? B. Why did Britain build infrastructure in India?

3 Table of Contents DateTitleLesson # **SOUTH ASIA UNIT** 3/2Hinduism66 3/3Overpopulation67 3/4Effects of Overpopulation68 3/7Colonization69 1. Create a new page called “Colonization” 2. Label it page # 69.

4 Once Upon a Time… In the country of India… Directions: Set up the following on your colonization page: India Before Colonization: 1. Economic 2. Political 3. Social

5 India Before Colonization Political: –India was first ruled by small kingdoms. –Eventually invaders entered and established large empires which existed until the European colonists arrived. READ ONLY Sketch one picture in your notebook about the political situation in India before colonization.

6 India Before Colonization Economic: –Most Indians made their living as farmers & traders –Traded silks, cottons, wool, ivory, spices, & gems –Only a small number of Indians were wealthy, most were extremely poor READ ONLY Sketch one picture in your notebook about the political situation in India before colonization.

7 India Before Colonization Social: –Religion most important part of daily life –Advanced education for wealthy children –Art & architecture reflected religious beliefs –Highly skilled in math & astronomy –Advanced in medicine & surgery READ ONLY Sketch one picture in your notebook about the political situation in India before colonization.

8 Arrival of the British The British arrive in India around 1500 looking for spices & cloth. Economic Colonization - British companies controlled India’s trade with Europe by 1757. Colonization (Direct Rule) - After a revolt in 1857, Britain established direct rule over India, called the raj - lasted for 90 years. RAJ – Period of British rule over India (colonization). COPY ON WHAT’S IN THE BOX

9 PoliticalEconomicSocial Directions: Create this on your colonization page: 1. Copy this chart. 2. Get a laptop. 3. Go to S:) Student Read Only – Orso Folder – South Asia Folder – Open the file called “Colonization Effects – 11”

10 Political Effects British Colonization will shape India’s current government. READ ONLY

11 Political Effects A. INDIA HAS A DEMOCRACY - India is the world’s Largest Democracy (started in 1950) - Reflects both the American and the British systems - British aspects in Indian government: It is a parliamentary democracy The leader of the majority party becomes the prime minister the head of the government

12 PoliticalEconomicSocial A. INDIA HAS A DEMOCRACY Directions: Create this on your colonization page.

13 Economic Effects The British were able to make a lot of money by controlling trade in India. Today the two countries still trade with each other. READ ONLY

14 Commonwealth A. India Joins the British Commonwealth of Nations - organization of countries that were formerly colonies of the British. Allows free trade, increases GDP of members.

15 Commonwealth Membership Criteria include: –Must be democratic. –recognize the monarch of the Commonwealth as the Head of the Commonwealth. –accept the English language as the means of Commonwealth communication. Task  Does this represent economic colonization? Explain why or why not. READ ONLY

16 Economic Effects B. British crushed all of India’s industries and replaced them with their own. Today About 2/3 of India’s people still rely on farming for their income. Traditionally, cotton textiles have been the major source of income for India. –However since the removal of British control and the monopoly over the various industries, other industries such as iron and steel have become major sources of income for India.

17 C. Infrastructure was built 1.Railway System connecting to ports 2.Ports for imports and exports Rail By 1920 a total of 38,040 miles of railroad spread out through India connecting the three main British ports used for trading Bombay, Madras and Calcutta. COPY BOX ON LEFT

18 Social Effects British colonization had both positive and negative effects on the people of India. READ ONLY

19 Education System The colonization of India by the British provided a high level of education but only to India’s elite. Today spending per student is extremely low but performance in wealthy areas is very strong. A. Education System – modeled after the British system, wealthy families have excellent educational opportunities.

20 B. Sati - a Hindu practice, widow throws herself on the funeral pyre of her husband – Banned by the British. Sati was officially abolished by the British government in 1829. It is still practiced in rural areas throughout India today Task  1)Is this abolishment of Sati by the British an example of ethnocentrism? Explain why or why not. 2) Do you feel this is related to overpopulation? Explain your answer.

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