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HS2 – Section 11: Support Services. What will we discuss? Functions of support services Responsibilities of support staff Agency Operations Aseptic Procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "HS2 – Section 11: Support Services. What will we discuss? Functions of support services Responsibilities of support staff Agency Operations Aseptic Procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 HS2 – Section 11: Support Services

2 What will we discuss? Functions of support services Responsibilities of support staff Agency Operations Aseptic Procedures Resource management Aesthetics of Physical Environment

3 Discussion What are some support services careers? What is quality control in a hospital environment? How do hospitals maintain a clean and safe environment? What are aesthetics? What are some examples of staff development? Complete this statement: Customer satisfaction is important because… How would you think you would prepare to monitor compliance


5 Functions of Support Services 1.Create a therapeutic environment to provide Healthcare **A HC environment is therapeutic when it…. -Supports clinical excellence in treatment of the physical body -Supports psycho-social and spiritual needs of patients family staff

6 Functions of Support Services 2. Develop and implement: HC Administration Quality control Compliance regulations

7 Functions of Support Services 3. Maintain a clean and safe environment 4. Manage resources 5. Maintain an aesthetic environment



10 Agency Operations 1.Provide for healthcare administration -Develop plan to achieve agency goals and objectives -Develop policies and procedures -Coordinate activities between departments, outside agencies and contractors -Provide new services as needed -Provide a program for employee recognition

11 Agency Operations 1.Provide for healthcare administration Career examples??? Healthcare Administrator Director of Nursing Floor Supervisor Clinic/office Manager Education Needed? Minimum of bachelors in administration (DON needs nursing degree)

12 Agency Operations 2. Measure and improve quality -Monitor customer satisfaction -Provide standardized support to departments -Determine cost effectiveness of alternative methods. -Assure quality management

13 Agency Operations 3. Monitor Compliance 1. “Obey the rules” -Codes of ethics -Legal, regulatory, and accreditation standards/codes -Hazardous materials management -Safety and building regulations 2. Coordinate Emergency Preparedness Plans -physicians -depart. managers -outside agencies 3. Inspect buildings and grounds


15 Aseptic Procedures 3 Components: 1. Clean and Decontaminate the HC Environment 2. Manage Hazardous Materials and Wastes 3. Manage and Store Materials

16 Aseptic Procedures 1. Clean & Decontaminate the HC Environment - Follow standard precaution guidelines - Implement cleaning methods to prevent the transmission of infectious agents -Select procedures and precautions to be followed when using chemicals -Integrate all infection control standards with design and construction activities 5 Components….

17 Aseptic Procedures 1. Clean & Decontaminate the HC Environment 1. Environmental cleaning method for cleaning low-risk environmental surfaces: -walls -floors -bathrooms involves using appropriate detergents/chemicals use personal protective equipment

18 Aseptic Procedures 1. Clean & Decontaminate the HC Environment 1. Environmental Cleaning Cont… Pre-cleaning – Don’t delay! Aims to remove visible soil from: -reusable medical devices -environmental surfaces -medical equipment Decontamination removes/reduces infectious organisms

19 Aseptic Procedures 1. Clean & Decontaminate the HC Environment 2.Disinfection -Used to decontaminate medical devices that come in contact with mucous membranes, blood and body fluids -Used for heat sensitive items

20 Aseptic Procedures 1. Clean & Decontaminate the HC Environment 3. Chemical disinfection -used to disinfect instruments that do not penetrate body tissue -clean to remove particles or debris -follow manufacturer’s directions -may need to use antirust tablets

21 Aseptic Procedures 1. Clean & Decontaminate the HC Environment 4. Ultrasonic cleaners Remove debris and provide thorough cleaning of stainless steel devices with joints, lumens or other complicated parts that are difficult to clean by other methods Cavitation – -Process where a bubble in a fluid is forced to fluctuate in size or shape, usually by sound -Picks up and carries contaminated particles away

22 Aseptic Procedures 1. Clean & Decontaminate the HC Environment 5. Sterilizing with an Autoclave -Autoclave uses steam under pressure or gas to sterilize equipment and supplies -Destroys all microorganisms

23 Aseptic Procedures 1. Clean & Decontaminate the HC Environment 5. Sterilizing with an Autoclave Cont… -Wrap items prior to sterilization -Autoclave indicators ensure that articles are sterile -Consult manufacture’s guide for length of time amount of pressure

24 Aseptic Procedures 1. Clean & Decontaminate the HC Environment Principles of Sterile Technique Will discuss…. Surgical Asepsis Sterile field Contaminated Drop technique Mitten technique Transfer forceps

25 Aseptic Procedures 1. Clean & Decontaminate the HC Environment Principles of Sterile Technique Surgical Asepsis -Procedures that keep an object or area free from living organisms STERILE

26 Aseptic Procedures 1. Clean & Decontaminate the HC Environment Principles of Sterile Technique Sterile field – area that is free from all organisms -2-inch border of sterile field is considered contaminated -To maintain a sterile field, never reach across or turn your back on the sterile field keep the sterile field dry

27 Aseptic Procedures 1. Clean & Decontaminate the HC Environment Principles of Sterile Technique Sterile Packages Check expiration date: don’t use if past Check sterile indicator Opening Sterile Packages Touch only the outside of the wrap -pull the top flap away from you -pull the wrap out to the side, on each side of the package -pull back on the wrap to open the side nearest you

28 Aseptic Procedures 1. Clean & Decontaminate the HC Environment Principles of Sterile Technique Contaminated - organisms are present -Never reach across or turn your back on the sterile field -When in doubt, consider it contaminated!

29 Aseptic Procedures 1. Clean & Decontaminate the HC Environment Principles of Sterile Technique Drop Technique – tool dropped without tech touching tool. Mitten Technique – a mitten is formed with the wrapper around the hand holding the item. Used for odd shaped items (bowls, etc..) Transfer Forceps - An instrument resembling a pair of pincers/tongs, used for grasping, manipulating, or extracting, especially such an instrument used by a surgeon.

30 Aseptic Procedures 2. Manage hazardous materials and wastes Monitor a waste management program Develop procedures that minimize customer cost of supplies, services, and equipment

31 Aseptic Procedures 2. Manage hazardous materials and wastes -Ensure that regulated waste is -handled -packaged -stored -disposed of in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations -Maintain appropriate documentation

32 Aseptic Procedures 3. Manage and Store Materials Handle and store sterile and non- sterile items properly Control inventory and distribution of materials

33 Aseptic Procedures 3. Manage and Store Materials -Purchase materials, supplies, and equipment within budget -Monitor materials distribution consumption pilferage -Provide space for storage


35 Resource Management Components: – Manage Agency Finances – Acquire and Distribute Resources – Manage and Maintain Equipment – Staff Development and Productivity ***Will discuss Q one

36 Resource Management Manage Agency Finances -Participate in purchasing processes -Evaluate audit activities to include: review discrepancies purchase orders invoices

37 Resource Management Manage Agency Finances Cont… -Evaluate cost benefits that support best products -Identify opportunities for reduction in use of resources

38 Resource Management Acquire and Distribute Resources -Analyze order placement and supplier performance for effectiveness -Organize and update: Catalogs Price lists Inventory records Purchase order files Product and supplier files

39 Resource Management Acquire and Distribute Resources Cont… -Assist with supply distribution -Maintain adequate quantities of supplies equipment instruments medical devices

40 Resource Management Manage and Maintain Equipment -Participate in purchasing processes -Determine procedures for selecting, acquiring, distributing, and maintaining equipment -Provide written instructions for equipment operations departmental policies and procedures

41 Resource Management Manage and Maintain Equipment Cont… -Implement a preventive maintenance (PM) process for buildings, equipment, parts, supplies, and utilities -Participate in equipment and systems training programs for maintenance staff

42 Resource Management Staff Development -Participate in a comprehensive training and education program, to include; Safety Infection control Hazardous materials New equipment use

43 Resource Management Monitor Productivity -Evaluate labor distribution for projects and operations -Adopt a reporting system for departmental functions


45 Discussion Are you afraid of the doctors office? Are you afraid of the dentist office? What are some things that turn you off when you walk into a doctors/dentist office? What are some things that you feel a pt notices first about a doctors/dentist office

46 Aesthetics of Physical Environment Patients are often afraid and confused. These feelings may slow their recovery. Hospital stay should be – non-threatening – comfortable

47 Aesthetics of Physical Environment The interior design of the healthcare agency should be based on – facilities mission – patient profile

48 Aesthetics of Physical Environment Coordinate selection of facility finishes and furnishings Participate in development of design and construction plans Analyze the therapeutic and functional aspects of color décor and furnishing

49 Aesthetics of Physical Environment Provide accessibility through appropriate directional aids Maintain a clutter free environment Maintain facility in good repair Present products and services in a quality manner

50 Aesthetics of Physical Environment Use familiar and culturally relevant materials Use cheerful and varied colors and textures Use natural light wherever possible and color- corrected lighting in interior spaces that do not have natural light

51 Aesthetics of Physical Environment Provide views of the outdoors from every patient bed; pictures or murals of nature scenes if outdoor views are not possible Design a “way-finding” process to allow for ease in getting to a destination and returning

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