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By: Trever & Bethany FEDERAL AND STATE POLICIES. WAR OF 1812 The U.S negotiated more than 200 treaties with Indian Nations which involved ceding land.

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2 WAR OF 1812 The U.S negotiated more than 200 treaties with Indian Nations which involved ceding land. 99 treaties resulted in the creation of reservations west of the Mississippi River. The War was an important conflict with broad and lasting consequences, particularly for the native inhabitants of North America.

3 INDIANS AND THE TEXAS REVOLUTION Indian relations were very important to Texans who wanted independence from Mexico, However, if the Indians joined the Mexican cause this would result badly for the Texas revolt. The provisional government of Texas promised to respect the land rights of the Indians in East Texas and establish bounderies with the tribes. The government also appointed three commisioners to deal with the Indians, including Sam Houston, an adopted member of the cherokee nation. February 1836, Houston negotiated a treaty with the cherokees and the East Texas bands.

4 TRAIL OF TEARS Over 20,000 Cherokees were forced to march westward along the Trail of Tears. About a quarter of them died along the way. Andrew Jackson, a military leader and president. Jackson Pursued a policy of removing Indian tribes from their ancestral lands. The Cherokee people called this the journey the “Trail of Tears.” According to legend, a Cherokee rose, the state flower of Georgia, grew in every spot a tear fell on the Trail of Tears.



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