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Government  Motto, “My honour is my loyalty”  Secret Police  Military High Command  Economic Infrastructure  Education/Labour training  Public service.

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Presentation on theme: "Government  Motto, “My honour is my loyalty”  Secret Police  Military High Command  Economic Infrastructure  Education/Labour training  Public service."— Presentation transcript:


2 Government  Motto, “My honour is my loyalty”  Secret Police  Military High Command  Economic Infrastructure  Education/Labour training  Public service sector  True communist society (country fully takes care of its’ self)  5 “Dignitaries” in charge of the 5 sectors

3 Currency The community doesn’t use any currency. Each member of the community works a job that fits their skill set the best. Then each citizen gets the same amount of food and supplies needed to live. No one person is treated better. The only day you are treated any different is on your birthday, where you are given a larger portion of food and a choice of a “Special desert”

4 Education The Government teachers teach simple mathematics, sciences and languages. This continues until the age of 15 when students start their training for mandatory military service that officially begins when they reach the age of 16.

5 Employment During a citizens mandatory military service term they will take 2 aptitude tests. These will say what position both in the military and the work force they are best fit for. They will then receive more “specialised” training to gear them towards those positions.

6 Jobs 1/2  Full time military personnel: A citizen who excels in military combat, and tactics will be asked to stay in the military full term even after mandatory service has ended. Promotion is possible by exceling further and joining the special forces (Sentry Commando Armoured Recon “S.C.A.R.”)  Secret Police: A citizen who showed prospect in keeping order may be assigned to the Secret Police, or “Citizen Militia” it is their Job to keep order in the community and protect it if need be.  Doctors: Because the community does not have the ability to train it’s own Doctors it pays to have Doctors brought in to the community on a permanent basis. This ensures the community can get the top members in the medicine field.

7 Jobs 2/2  Teacher: Teachers in the community are trained the same way teaches are in Canada. They go through multiple levels of schooling to become masters of the single subject they will teach.  Labourer: Is pretty every other position. The candidate would be taken on by a citizen who had been doing the job for at least 20 years. They will then teach the student everything about the job. Sort of like an apprenticeship.

8 Crime and Punishment  Theft: First time - 2 weeks prison sentence, 3 weeks hard labour Second time - 4 weeks prison sentence, 8 weeks hard labour Third time - 8 weeks prison sentence, 4 months of hard labour (Convicts are known to return bloody and bruised, but will never say why) Fourth time – Hard labour for life (Working you to death)  Withholding supplies: First time - year long prison sentence, beatings Second Time – Public Execution  Murder: First time – Public Execution

9 Transportation All transportation in the community is provided, serviced and paid for by the government. Types of transportation include:  Buses  Subway  Trains  Street Cars

10 Recreation 1/2  Children: The hours after schooling are given to the children as “Free Time” This is to be spent at a “play area” Supervised by government employees or finishing assigned work.  Adults: Adults work long hours, but because of this they receive 5 hours of “free time” weekly. This can be spent filling out their meal card which when filled out will show what meals the citizen will receive for the next week. Adults will also have the choice to watch government sponsored “movies” that run hourly 24/7

11 Recreation 2/2  Elderly: The Elderly have the same choices as adults, but have more time to do it. The Elderly receive 14 hours of “free time”, after working more “Elderly Friendly” Job. This could include sewing or working simple switch boards.

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