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Phylum Mollusca Examples: Snails, slugs, squid, clams, octopus, and scallops.

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Presentation on theme: "Phylum Mollusca Examples: Snails, slugs, squid, clams, octopus, and scallops."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phylum Mollusca Examples: Snails, slugs, squid, clams, octopus, and scallops

2 Characteristics Term means “soft” Live in oceans, freshwater and terrestrial Two body openings Muscular foot for movement

3 More Characteristics Well developed head w/mouth Nervous system w/ brain Open or closed circulatory systems Gills for gas exchange - oxygen Bilateral symmetry Coelomates Mantle - thin membrane around internal organs - secretes shell if animal has one!

4 Class Cephalopoda Octopus, squid, cuttlefish and nautilus

5 Characteristics Name means “head foot” (the foot is the tentacles by which they capture prey) Siphons to expel water gathered in mantle Move by jet propulsion (squid 20m/s) Release ink to confuse predator External (nautilus), internal (squid) or no shell (octopus) * Closed circulatory system

6 Squid Facts Internal pen used as body support Strong beak to tear food 2 tentacle with suction cups and ring of teeth to capture prey Have chromatophores- pigment cells to help body change color Large eyes


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