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A. Yamamoto, N. Walker, and M. Ross ILC-GDE Project Managers LCWS-11, Granada, Spain, Sept. 28, 2001 Accelerator Parameters and SCRF Guidelines for TDR.

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Presentation on theme: "A. Yamamoto, N. Walker, and M. Ross ILC-GDE Project Managers LCWS-11, Granada, Spain, Sept. 28, 2001 Accelerator Parameters and SCRF Guidelines for TDR."— Presentation transcript:

1 A. Yamamoto, N. Walker, and M. Ross ILC-GDE Project Managers LCWS-11, Granada, Spain, Sept. 28, 2001 Accelerator Parameters and SCRF Guidelines for TDR A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 1

2 Outline Accelerator Design Parameters for TDR SCRF Technical Guideline for TDR A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 2

3 Accelerator Design & Integration 2009 Design Studies –on-going Cost Constraint –‘Global’ Value Engineering Towards an agreed- upon baseline for the TDR –Top-Level Change Control Process (TLCC) –Communication with stakeholders (e.g. Physics & Detector groups) RDRSB2009 A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 3

4 Major Approved Updates in SB2009 1.31.5 MV/m average accelerating gradient with gradient spread of ≤ +/- 20 % 2.Single tunnel for Main Linacs 3.e  source relocation (undulator-based) to end of e  Main Linac 4.Reduced beam-power parameter set 5.3.2km circumference Damping Ring 6.Singe-stage bunch compressor 7.Central region integration*900425 A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 4

5 ILC-ML SCRF Cavity Gradient Specifications Update Cost-relevant design parameter(s) for TDR ML cavity gradient Specification R&D Milestone 9-cell Cavity Gradient in vertical test 35 MV/m, average - Spread: 28 – 42 MV/m (+/- 20 % or less) 35 MV/m at 90 % yield including 2 nd pass, (eq. > 38 MV/m, average ) Cryomodule Operational Gradient 34 MV/m, average ML Operational Gradient 31.5 MV/m, average Spread: 25 – 38 MV/m ≤ +/- 20 % Required RF power overhead for control 10-15% A. Yamamoto 101111 5 SCRF Industrialization

6 6 Global ILC Cavity Gradient Yield Updated, March, 2011 Plot courtesy Camille Ginsburg of FNAL TDP-2 Goal TDP-1 Goal Achieved > 50 % A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 35 MV/m usable

7 7 Global ILC Cavity Gradient Yield Updated, March, 2011 Plot courtesy Camille Ginsburg of FNAL TDP-2 Goal > 28 MV/m usable Effectively Achie ved: > 70 % A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline

8 Updated Main Linac Tunnel Solutions A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 8

9 Updated Main Linac Tunnel Solutions A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 9

10 SB2009: KCS Single Tunnel in Japanese study A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 10

11 Single Tunnel Proposal with DRFS updated for Mountain-site A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 11

12 High-Level RF Solutions Klystron Cluster Scheme, KCS (SLAC) Distributed RF Sources, DRFS (KEK) 2×35 10MW MB klystrons A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 12 ~4000×800kW klystrons

13 Reduced Power Option Primary motivation for low-power: - Reduced RF power (modulators, klystrons, associated CFS) - Smaller circumference damping ring (6.4 km → 3.2 km) Important: recovery (upgrade) scenario now supported - e.g. support for 3 DRs in single tunnel Important: recovery (upgrade) scenario now supported - e.g. support for 3 DRs in single tunnel A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 13

14 SB2009: Accelerator Parameters at 250 + 250 GeV Number of cavities14,560 Repetition rate5 Hz Gradient31.5 avg. MV/m (25 to 38 at most ) 2 K Cryogenic load1.3 W / cavity average Final Energy Stability / energy spread0.1% EC - LCWS 27.09.2011 Marc Ross - Fermilab 14 250 GeV/beam # of bunches bunch spacing beam current beam duration rf peak power fill time, t i rf pulse duration full beam RDR 2625369.2 ns9 mA0.969 ms294.2 kW0.595 ms1.564 ms ½ bunches A DRFS 1313738.5 ns4.5 mA0.969 ms147.1 kW1.190 ms2.159 ms (up 38%) ½ bunches B KCS 1313535.1 ns6.21 mA0.702 ms203.0 kW0.862 ms1.564 ms ½ bunches B RDR 1313553.8 ns6 mA0.727 ms196.1 kW0.893 ms1.619 ms (up 3.5%)

15 Outline Accelerator Design Parameters for TDR SCRF Technical Guideline for TDR A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 15

16 Subjects to be prepared for SCRF in TDR - 1 Cavity gradient : –Update of ILC cavity production and process recipe. –Update of successful production yield definition/evaluation for production stage, including new parameters such as radiation, and …, –31.5 MV/m +/-20 %, with sorting, and requirements for HLRF –Gradient degradation after installation into cryomodule Cavity Integration and Cryomodule assembly –Delivery condition of cavity with LHe vessel, and necessary testing sequence and monitor, –Plug-compatibility specially on, beam-flange, couplers and tuner, magnetic shield, –Cost saving with 5K radiation-shield simplification, removal of 5 K shield at inter-connect. –Acceptance criteria w/ He vessel, and test program (including high-pressure code) Cryomodule and HLRF configuration with single tunnel –8 + (4+Q+4) + 8 cavity-string assembly –Split-yoke, conduction-cooled quadrupoles Cavity-string and cryomodule Test –Warm conditioning of Input Coupler: before or after installation into the tunnel –Cold performance test: How much fraction to be cold tested? Subjects to be tested? A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 16

17 Subjects to be prepared for SCRF in TDR- 2 Cryogenics –Location and the options of cryogenic systems –Heat balance with thermal design harmonization with cryomodule HLRF –KCS/DRFS/RDR-unit HLRF system configuration including backup power supply and utilities with the single tunnel design –Marx generator? –AC power with gradient spreads, –Rescue/recovery plan against cavity degradation after installation into cryomodule, by using circulator and power distribution system, –Optimizations for low-power and high-power option. –Tunable power distbribution system ML Integration –Beam dynamics Quadrupole periodicity, locations, alignment, and beam tunability, Bunch spacing limit specially on KCS (requirement of DR beam dynamics) Availability, reliability, and backup of cryomodules to be required A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 17

18 Standard Procedure Established for ILC-SCRF Cavity evaluation, in guidance of TTC Standard Fabrication/Process FabricationNb-sheet purchasing Component Fabrication Cavity assembly with EBW ProcessEP-1 (~150um) Ultrasonic degreasing with detergent, or ethanol rinse High-pressure pure-water rinsing Hydrogen degassing at > 600 C Field flatness tuning EP-2 (~20um) Ultrasonic degreasing or ethanol (or EP 5 um with fresh acid) High-pressure pure-water rinsing Antenna Assembly Baking at 120 C Cold Test (vertical test) Performance Test with temperature and mode measurement 18 A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline Key Process Fabrication Material EBW Shape Process Electro-Polishing Ethanol Rinsing or Ultra sonic. + Detergent Rins. High Pr. Pure Water cleaning allow twice

19 What we need to consider/discuss? To prepare for the next step of the “success production yield” –Additional criteria/definition for ‘usable cavity’, such as ‘field emission’ including measuring technique, standard, –Acceptable conditions such as New fabrication and surface preparation process vertical test with ‘Helium Jacket’ repaired cavities, Cycle of the test, –Further practical measure with definition of denominators in the production stage A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 19

20 Cryomodule Gradient Spread and Degradation Observed at DESY and KEK, as of Nov. 2010 FLASH: –3 PXFEL cryomodules ILC R&D: –S1-Global cryomodule –CM1 (S1-Local @ Fermilab) Current status: –12/40 degraded with ~ 20 % A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 20 PXFEL-1 PXFEL-2 PFEL-3 S1-Global D. Kostin & E. Kako

21 Current statistics on cavity gradient degradation InstituteProject Fraction of Degradation DESY/FLASHPXFEL Prototype-12/8 PXFEL Prototype-22/8 PXFEL Prototype-31/8 Fermi LabCM-14/8 KEKS1-Global3/8 Total 12/40 2011/9/28 Current Scheme of DRFS (Fukuda) LCWS11 21 Statistics, available now (see right table) Rate of degradation with > ~ 20 % ~12/40, which leads to ~30%. This is too high, and efforts of improving is required. How improved? Maybe up to ~10%. (acceptable?) Sorting after vertical test is planed in DRFS. Furthermore 10% decrease of gradient is likely occurred and this reality should included at the construction plan. This effect also results in cost-up. a.Numbers of cavities and rf units must be increased if total acceleration is short and it is not compensated by the overhead. b.Since DRFS employs one rf unit feeds powers to 2 or 4 cavities without using circulator, and therefore cavity gradient sorting is inevitable, effect of unexpected cavity gradient degradation is larger than other scheme such as RDR and KCS. Operational experiences

22 Estimate assuming 1/10 cavities degraded with 20 % Simple Calculation –80 % pairs with full performance and 20 % pairs with 0.8 x full performance 0.8 x 1 + 0.2 x 0.8 = 0.96 without circulators, 0.8 x 1 + 0.2 x {(1 +0.8)/2} = 0.98 with circulators, Difference to be 0.02 = 2 % of {Cavity+HLRF} cost required to add/compensate this degradation, –Necessary study Full circulator + distributors cost to be evaluated in comparison with the additional cryomodule backup cost (additional extension of linac). Operational flexibility and better efficiency by circulators and power distributors to be evaluated A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 22

23 23 Plug-compatibly of Cavities Important for Global Cooperation Plug-compatible interface need to be established A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline

24 Sub-Components: Coupler/Tuners Possible supply by specific companies relying on the world-wide availability A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 24

25 A Proposal Revised Keep the concept of 8 cavity sting unit, to be simplified Accept two typs of Cryomodules (from Cryomodule manufacturing) 9 4 + Q +4 9 8 8Q8 84 + Q +4 8 A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 25

26 SC Quadrupole in Cryomodule Suspended by GRP A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 26

27 27 Cryomodule Before Quadrupole Installation All beam pipe connections made inside the clean room V. Kashikhin, FNAL Review, March 2, 2010 A, Yamamoto, 110909 SCM Conduction Cooling R&D

28 28 Quadrupole Cross-Section LHe tank for current leads connections Beam pipeIron yoke V. Kashikhin, FNAL Review, March 2, 2010 A, Yamamoto, 110909 SCM Conduction Cooling R&D

29 R&D/Demonstration Required Rapid response to beam handling –Study by K. Kubo and K. Yokoya R&D cooperation under discussion between Fermilab and KEK –Magnet by Fermilab and Conduction cooling by KEK Peak fieldResponse required Quadrupole30 T/m*m0.01 T/m*m/sec (0.03% /sec) Dipole0.05 T*m3E-4 Tm/sec (0.6 % /sec)

30 Access Routes with Mountain-site A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 30

31 Layout of 2K Cryoplants ML BDS IP 2K Cryoplants RDR-based How about this? A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 31

32 Layout of 2K Cryoplants ML BDS IP Access tunnel 2K Cryoplants RDR-based A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 32

33 Layout of 2K Cryoplants ML BDS IP 2K Cryoplants Access tunnel How about this? A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 33

34 SCRF Procurement/Manufacturing Model Regional hub-laboratories responsible to regional procurements to be open for any world-wide industry participation Regional Hub-Lab: E, & … Regional Hub-Lab: E, & … Regional Hub-Lab: A Regional Hub-Lab: A Regional Hub-Lab: B Regional Hub-Lab: B Regional Hub-Lab: D Regional Hub-Lab: D World-wide Industry responsible to ‘Build-to-Print’ manufacturing World-wide Industry responsible to ‘Build-to-Print’ manufacturing ILC Host-Lab Regional Hub-Lab: C: responsible to Hosting System Test and Gradient Performance Regional Hub-Lab: C: responsible to Hosting System Test and Gradient Performance Technical Coordination for Lab-Consortium Technical Coordination for Lab-Consortium : Technical coordination link : Procurement link SCRF-110824 34 SERF WebEx Meeting

35 Production Process/Responsibility Step hostedIndustryIndustry/Lab oratory Hub- laboratory ILC Host- laboratory Regional constraintnoyes Accelerator - Integration, Commissioning Accelerator sys. Integ. SCRF Cryomodule - Perofrmance Test Cold, gradient test As partly as hub-lab Cryomodule/Cavity - Assembly Coupler, tuner, cav- string/cryomoduleassmbly work As partly as hub-lab Cryomodule component - Manufacturing V. vessel, cold-mass... 9-cell Cavity - Performance Test Cold, gradient test As partly as hub-lab 9-cell Cavity - Manufacturing 9-cell, end-group assembly, Chem-process, He-Jacketing Sub-comp/material - Production/Procurement Nb, Ti, specific comp. … Procurement SCRF-110824 SERF WebEx Meeting 35

36 Further Plan for Industrialization Study in 2011 Further Communication with industry –Industrial responses in analysis, –Specific studies being prepared: with some contracts in each region, Communication with potential laboratories –Specifically on the cryomodule assembly and tests SCRF-110824 36 SERF WebEx Meeting

37 TDR-SCRF Report and Discussions, Sept. 28 Cavity Gradient –Scope for the gradient improvement, and updates of recipe –Preparation for the production yield evaluation update Cavity, Cryomodule, and Cryogenics –Plug-compatibility with performance/cost constraint Guideline: plug-compatibility with constraints of the lowest cost for acceptable performance –Cavity-string configuration (8+8+8) and split quadrupole HLRF –Single tunnel, gradient spread and degradation, and tunability, AC power ML Integration –Beam dynamics, stability, bunch spacing?, alignment, extend-ability for 1 TeV upgrade, and availability, reliability, backups. Industrialization –Cooperation with costing group, followed by report by G. Dugan A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 37

38 How to prepare for TDR? Discussion during LCWS Further technical discussion in TTC, Dec. 5 - 8 ILC Specific discussion in post-TTC, Dec. 8-9, Consensus for TDR writing, BTR at KEK, Jan. 19 – 20, 2012 A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 38

39 backup A. Yamamoto -110928TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline39

40 Global Plan for ILC Gradient R&D A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 40 New baseline gradient: Vertical acceptance: 35 MV/m average, allowing ±20% spread (28-42 MV/m) Operational: 31.5 MV/m average, allowing ±20% spread (25-38 MV/m)

41 Gradient Average accelerating gradient of ≥31.5 MV/m, Q 0 ≥ 10 10 ≤ ±20% Operational Gradient Spread (new) –Acceptance Test ≥ 0.8×35 = 28 MV/m  Yield improvement –Assumes (some) cavities will achieve 1.2×35 = 42 MV/m –10% margin for assembly degradation, LLRF control etc. –31.5 MV/m avg. E acc in linac (25 ≤ E acc ≤ 38 MV/m) Primary impact on RF power capacity –Additional 10-15% required (reduced  RF  beam ) –Operational challenges for LLRF (  9mA programme) –Increased cost, but $(1% E acc )/$(1% RF Power) ~ 4 A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 41

42 TLCC-3 Low Beam Power Reduce number of bunches per pulse by 50% –2600  1300 Allows to –Reduce the circumference of DR from 6.4  3.2 km –Reduce the installed RF power by 30-50%* –Major cost saving Recover luminosity by more aggressive beam-beam –stronger focusing at IP –possibility of using travelling focus scheme –Top 30% luminosity is high-risk (compared to RDR) *Solutions differ for baseline RF –KCS: 6.0 mA current, 1.6 ms RF pulse –DRFS: 4.5 mA current, 2.2 ms RF pulse Recovery (risk mitigation) / upgrade –Restore (install) RF power (modulators/klystrons) –Allow possibility to construct a second DR for e+ 3 rd ring in tunnel CFS support in baseline to accommodate possible restoration A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 42

43 TLCC-4: Positron Source Relocation Relocate undulator-based source at end of main electron linac –RDR location: nominal 150 GeV point Rationale: –Consolidation of sources in central “campus” region (environment etc.) –Large energy overhead for driving source for E cm >300 GeV –No need to decelerate the beam for E cm <300 GeV –Further integration with stand-alone conventional source (AUX source) for commissioning/availability. Requires implementation of 10 Hz alternate pulse scheme for E cm <300 GeV –Make use of reduce linac power to have separate pulse to generate positrons –Implications for RF sources and Damping Rings cost increase –Some additional transfer lines and pulsed-magnet systems required in central region (not incl. in cost estimate) A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 43

44 Further consolidation of TDR baseline Top-level baseline decisions have now been made –Large ticket items (either cost or performance) –Mandatory interaction with Physics & Detector –Requiring Director sign-off Many next-level detail decisions still required for TDR baseline –Many things have changed/evolved from the RDR –Level of complexity and impact varies substantially –None are deemed to be as “high-level” as TLCC themes A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 44

45 Further consolidation of TDR baseline Approach: continue successful format of the TLCC-BAW plenary workshops –Baseline Technical Reviews (BTR) –Project Manager driven no need for Director sign-off, unless… –Accelerator Integration & Design team orientated –Maintain strong involvement with Physics & Detector groups –Generate design documentation (  ILC-EDMS) in preparation for cost estimation in preparation for TDR writing A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 45

46 High-Level RF Solutions Klystron Cluster Scheme, KCS (SLAC) Distributed RF Sources, DRFS (KEK) ~4000×800kW klystrons 2×35 10MW MB klystrons A. Yamamoto -110928 TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline 46

47 US 26.09.11 Industrial Studies (EC) Marc Ross - Fermilab 47 AES –Best, most open, most detailed presentation –But no info on infrastructure cost New AES study to focus on cavity fabrication infrastructure –Plant layout and cost –Impact of the Chicago meeting feedback Contract nearly signed (this week) –Study due early 04.2012 To be managed by Jim Kerby and Mike; Kick –off in mid-October

48 EU Industrial Studies Paid studies to balance 2011 ‘Request for Information’, (presented 07.24 SRF2011) Updating the original ‘TESLA’ studies –~10 years old –100%; 3 year production w/2 year preparation –Important link to RDR estimate – a fresh data point Babcock-Noell, RI and Zanon Activity supported by DESY, CERN and HHG

49 CERN LHC cryomodule assembly similar to ILC –(~1200 ea; four year production for dipoles) –Facility ‘SM18’ and ‘SMA18’ are good examples –Execution contract may be similar to E-XFEL CERN will study adaptability of this approach (and this facility) to ILC –Perhaps with industrial partner

50 ILC RF Cryomodule 280 MeV in radiation –Radiation source –No stored energy 5 tons –Cavities 300kg total 18 electro-mechanical mover systems –(2/cavity) ~40 beam vacuum feed- throughs –4/cavity) 9 power couplers Room temp processing –Coupler conditioning 30 tons –Mostly cold mass –High stored energy No mechanical movers ~No beam vacuum feed-through connectors Alignment ~ 10x tighter Room temperature testing –Field measurement 50 LHC Dipole module

51 Asian effort in progress Specific industrial studies –KEK/GDE(PM)-MHI: Cavity manufacturing investment and factory layout Report to be translated. –KEK/GDE(PM)-Hitachi: Cryomodule manufacturing investment and factory layout Report to be translated. –KEK/GDE(PM)-Toshiba: Conductive-cooled, splitable magnet engineering study, Report to be translated, SCRF-110824 SERF WebEx Meeting 51

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