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Past paper mini essay questions Paper 2 Topic 3 Power.

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1 Past paper mini essay questions Paper 2 Topic 3 Power

2 Jan 2011 Paper 2 Either: Discuss how far sociologists would agree that young people are not interested in politics. Or: Discuss how far sociologists would agree that power is shared equally between different social classes in Britain today.

3 2011 Specimen exam paper 2 Either: Discuss how far sociologists would agree that pressure groups and political parties help to spread power evenly throughout British society. Or: Discuss how far sociologists would agree that social class remains the most powerful influence on the voting behaviour and political beliefs of a British citizen.

4 Revision book Question 1 Either: Discuss how far sociologists would agree that the welfare state has been successful in reducing poverty in Britain in the last 30 years. Or: Discuss how far sociologists would agree that the state represents the interests of all individuals and social groups in British society today.

5 Revision book Question 2 Either: Discuss how far sociologists would agree that all individuals and groups have opportunities to participate fully in the political process in Britain today. Or: Discuss how far sociologists would agree that British governments have been successful in reducing discrimination based on age, gender and ethnicity over the last 30 years.

6 2010 To what extent would sociologists agree that pressure groups and New Social Movements, such as those concerned with the environment or human rights, have been successful in changing British society over the last 30 years?

7 2009 To what extent would sociologists agree that mass media is the most important influence on how people vote?

8 2008 To what extent would sociologists agree that trade unions are a powerful force in British society?

9 2007 There is no longer a link between social class and voting behaviour. To what extent would sociologists agree with this statement ?

10 2006 To what extent would sociologists agree that it is possible for individuals to influence the government by joining a pressure group?

11 2005 To what extent would sociologists agree that the mass media can have as much influence on the results of a General Election as the social class of voters?

12 2004 To what extent do pressure groups and political parties help spread political power evenly through society ?

13 2003 Knowing an individual’s social class was once a fairly reliable guide to knowing how he or she would vote in a General Election. To what extent is this still true?

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