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WHAP Essay Questions  Document Based Essay  Change/Continuity Over Time  Comparison Essay.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAP Essay Questions  Document Based Essay  Change/Continuity Over Time  Comparison Essay."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAP Essay Questions  Document Based Essay  Change/Continuity Over Time  Comparison Essay

2 Change and Continuity Over Time  What is “change”?  Things that shift over time  What is “continuity”?  Things that remain the same over time  WHY do these things stay the same?

3 Change and Continuity Over Time  AP U.S. History prompt: Analyze the cultural and political changes and continuities in the United States from 1800 to the present.

4 Change and Continuity Over Time  Political changes:  Parties (federalist/dem.repub) ------------------------- Dem/Rep  Vote = wealthy white men ------------------ 18+ can vote, not in jail  Expansion of territory = East coast -------------- Hawaii  Slavery ------------------------ No slavery  Powerful state governments ------------------------ Federal government  Changes in currency ------------------------------ paper money  Isolationism --------------------------- internationalism  Cultural changes:  Slavery -------------------------- Integration  Europe immigration ------------------------- Latin America/Asia  Patriarchy --------------------- Hilary Clinton running for president  Technology (steam ships) -------------------- iphone  Education for rich people ------------------------- free for all citizens (funded by fed gov)  Advances in med tech ----------------------- cures for many diseases, better understanding of disease

5 Change and Continuity Over Time  Political continuities  Democracy: Constitution, three branches  Male presidents (so far)  American exceptionalism  Cultural continuities  Racism  Sexism  Social elitism/Capitalism  American exceptionalism

6 Change and Continuity Over Time  Think of a reason for the change or continuity, what caused it? The reason must be related to the prompt  Change in voting rights*  This change occurred because… education, ongoing suffrage movement  Continuity of capitalism*  Attracts immigrants for American dream, lots of land/opportunity  Umbrella – World Context  End of slave trade  Suffrage movement in Europe  Europeans had stopped slave trade (not in their country)  Industrial revolution, labor movements (USA adopted reforms for laborers/unions, not communism)  General/vague thesis b/c no double dipping  “In 1800 many African Americans were working in bondage but by 2015 they were free.” Save specifics of civil war and amendments for paragraphs

7 Change and Continuity Over Time  CCOT Rubric  Has acceptable thesis  Addresses all parts of the question, though not necessarily evenly or thoroughly  Substantiates thesis with appropriate historical evidence (seven pieces)  Uses relevant world history context effectively to explain change over time and continuity  Analyzes the process of change over time and continuity

8 Change and Continuity Over Time  One paragraph for change, one for continuity  Start with “By the beginning of this time period” “By the end, this was a change”  “Throughout this time period…”

9 Change and Continuity Over Time

10  Analyze continuities and changes in the ways ONE of the following regions participated in interregional trade during the period circa 1500 to 1750.  Latin America, including the Caribbean  Sub-Saharan Africa  Southeast Asia

11 Change and Continuity Over Time  Changes:  Conquistadors come to conquer ---------- settled, Spanish living, missionaries living there  Catholic church making these decisions (tortillas) ------------------------ nope  Spanish/Portuguese ------------------- France/English/Dutch

12 Change and Continuity Over Time  Continuities:  Triangle of trade  Spanish dominating trade  Cash crops- coffee/ sugar plantations  African slave trade, destination of middle passage  Silver

13 Change and Continuity Over Time  REASONS  Continuity/Reason for triangular trade: extremely profitable, make W Europe a power  Missionaries go with trade, continue to spread Catholic religion  Mercantilism  Glory

14 Change and Continuity Over Time Your turn!

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