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Origin of Mind 5: Modular Mind Basic argument: Mind is organized around three hierarchically constructed processing domains: Folk Physics: reasoning about.

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Presentation on theme: "Origin of Mind 5: Modular Mind Basic argument: Mind is organized around three hierarchically constructed processing domains: Folk Physics: reasoning about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Origin of Mind 5: Modular Mind Basic argument: Mind is organized around three hierarchically constructed processing domains: Folk Physics: reasoning about the physical world movementshelter spatial relations tool use

2 Folk Physics Sensitive to invariant features of physical environment –Movement patterns (inanimate vs. animate) –Color, shading, stability, shape (tool use) –Shelter vs. exposure (aesthetics) Brain regions: hippocampus (navigation) parietal cortex (spatial cognition, “how to” pathway) Evidence of expansion of parietal cortex in hominin evolution

3 Folk Biology: reasoning about the living world –Plant and animal classifications (edible vs. nonedible; prey/predators, essential thinking) Folk Psychology: reasoning about the social world (ingroups/outgroups; kin- nonkin; dominant/subordiant; TOM)

4 Folk Biology Universal feature: categorizing flora and fauna –Categorization based on common salient features: ecological niche, movement, body shape, etc. –Essential thinking: internal, invariant properties unchanged by physical variations (horseness vs. zebra-ness) –Extension to folk psychology –Importance of temporal cortex (“what” pathway) –Evidence of “soft modularity” in cross-cultural assessments of “typical” mammals

5 Folk Psychology Specific competencies –Self-awareness: autobiographical memory; autonoetic awareness; TOM –Reading non-verbal communicative signals –Language –Face perception Neural correlates: Fusiform gyrus: face perception Left temporal/frontal (Broca/Wernike’s areas): language R occipital/temporal: body movements Amygdala/limbic/oMFC: reading social emotions Language/TOM areas most highly “evolved”

6 Folk Psychology Group Psychology –Immediate kin…extended kin….ingroup vs. outgroup –In groups share cultural customs; language/dialects; myths/religious beliefs –Moral evolution –Importance of coalitional competition in hominin evolution

7 Folk Psychology Group psychology in hominin evolution Superpredator status and social selection Resource abundance and coalitional “pull” Conscious processing, individualizing vs. group categorizing Limbic inhibition/pre-frontal activation

8 Soft modularity: Developmental considerations Juvenile period as “calibration” period for soft modular structures involved in folk physic, biology, and psychology processing. Universal: bio categories flora vs. fauna Specific: niche-specific prey vs. predators Universal: language Specific: particular language/dialect Sex-specific interpersonal relations –Male/male competitive games, resource acquisition skills –Female relational/domestic interpersonal networks

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