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Chapter Subnets in TCP/IP Networks © N. Ganesan, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Subnets in TCP/IP Networks © N. Ganesan, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Subnets in TCP/IP Networks © N. Ganesan, Ph.D.

2 Chapter Objectives Principles of subnetting Basic configuration of subnets © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

3 Module Introduction to Subnetting

4 Subnetting Division of a network into subnets –For example, division of a Class B address into several Class C addresses Some of the host IDs are used for creating subnet IDs © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

5 Need for Subnetting Classes A and B have a large number of hosts corresponding to each network ID It may be desirable to subdivide the hosts in Class C subnets Often, there is a limitation on the number of hosts that could be hosted on a single network segment –The limitation may be imposed by concerns related to the management of hardware Smaller broadcast domains are more efficient and easy to manage © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

6 Subnetting Principle Use parts of the host IDs for subnetting purpose A subnet mask is used to facilitate the flow of traffic between the different subnets and the outside network (hops) –A hop is the distance a data packet travels form one node to the other © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

7 Using Host IDs to Subnet © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. 1401500 Class B Network 1401510 1401520 Subnet 1 Subnet 2 Third octet is now used for subnet IDs 1401530 Subnet 3

8 Subnet Configuration © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. 1401510 1401511 Subnet ID First Host ID 140151254 ….. Last Host ID

9 Routing of Traffic © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. Routing Subnets 1 2 3 Outside world

10 End of Module © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

11 Module Subnetting Example

12 Consider the case of a class C address 195. 175.25.0 assigned to an organization Subnets can be constructed by allocating part of the higher-order bits of the host ID Assume that three of the higher-order bits of the host ID are to be reserved for that purpose © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

13 Subnetting Structure © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. 195175250 11100000 Subnet Mask –Redo this diagram

14 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. Sub Net Last Octet Subnet ID 1 00000000 2 00100000 3 01000000 4 01100000 5 10000000 6 10100000 7 11000000 8 11100000 Usable Subnets (6)

15 Sample Subnet Division © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. Router 30 hosts per subnet. Subnet 2Subnet 1

16 Total Number of Subnets and Hosts All zeros and ones are not used –This has been overcome in the new RFC Total number of subnets is 6 Number of hosts per subnet is 30 Subnet mask is – © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

17 End of Module © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

18 Module The Routing Process

19 Overview of the Masking Process IP address and subnet masks are used for the masking operation The purpose of masking is to identify whether an IP address corresponds to a local host or a remote host The mathematical technique used is known as the ANDing process © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

20 ANDing Process Similar to the AND Boolean operator Consider A = B and C –A is true only when B and C are true –Otherwise, A is false for all other scenarios © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

21 ANDing Table © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. BCB AND C 000 010 100 111

22 Subnet Masking AND host IP and subnet mask value at startup to identify network ID AND destination IP address and subnet mask value determine either of the following: –IP represents local host –IP represents remote host © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

23 Subnet Masking Example Subnet ID: Subnet Mask: Host address – Case 1 destination address – Case 2 destination address – © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

24 Network Scenario © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. Router Subnet Mask: Host Local Host Outside World

25 Computing Subnet ID at Startup © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. Host IP1951752534 11000011101011110001100100100010 Subnet Mask 255 224 11111111 11100000 ANDing Result 1951752532 11000011101011110001100100100000 Yields subnet ID.

26 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. TCP/IP Properties of the Host

27 Masking of Destination Address:Case 1 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. Destinati- nation IP 1951752540 11000011101011110001100100101000 Subnet Mask 255 224 11111111 11100000 ANDing Result 1951752532 11000011101011110001100100100000 Yields subnet ID to be that of the local subnet.

28 Case 1 Forwarding of Data Packets The destination host is local Broadcast for the hardware address of the local host at IP Send information to the local host © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

29 Masking of Destination Address:Case 2 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. Destinati- nation IP 1951752567 11000011101011110001100101000011 Subnet Mask 255 224 11111111 11100000 ANDing Result 1951752564 11000011101011110001100101000000 Yields subnet ID to be that of different subnet.

30 Case 2 Forwarding of Data Packets The destination host is remote Send information to the gateway The router at the gateway will route the data packet to the appropriate subnet © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

31 Gateway IP address specified In TCP/IP properties.

32 Summary of Transmission and Routing of Data Packets © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. Router Subnet Mask: Host Local Host Subnet at (Case 1) (Case 2)

33 Valid Subnet Masks for Class C Addresses © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. Subnet MaskSubnetsHostsHost Total 196

34 End of Module © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

35 Module Subnetting Convention

36 Subnet Convention Consider the following Class C example – In the above case, the first three octets and the first three higher-order bits of the fourth octet are used in subnet masking –3*8+3 = 27 bits from the beginning of the 32 bit IP address © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

37 Subnet Convention Illustrated © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. 11111111 11100000 8 Bits 3 Bits Total number of masking bits = 27 Network ID

38 Variable Length Subnets © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. Source: Microsoft White Paper 1 Network, 32,766 hosts 15 Networks, 2046 hosts per network Subnet 8 Networks, 254 hosts per network

39 End of Module © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

40 Module Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)

41 To avoid the depletion of the class B addresses, it is subnetted and assigned as class C addresses To avoid the proliferation of network IDs that would complicate entries in the routing tables, they were folded for easing the routing process The above is known as CIDR © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

42 Subnetting of Class B Example Consider the requirement of 2000 hosts by a company Allocation of one class B network ID would yield 65,534 hosts –Far more than required The solution is to subnet a B class address –8 C class network IDs with each network being able to support 254 hosts –The total number of hosts supported is 2,032 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

43 CIDR CIDR enables the folding of network IDs The Internet router tables will need one entry for network ID with the use of a subnet mask for supernetting –Otherwise, the table need to carry 8 entries in the previous example RIP for IP version 2, OSPF and BGPv2 are protocols that support CIDR © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

44 Classless Addressing © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. FixedVariable Fixed + Zeros Fixed + Variables Network ID Host IDs

45 End of Module © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

46 Module Supernetting

47 Supernetting and CIDR © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. Source: Microsoft White Paper on TCP/IP Network ID Subnet Mask (For supernetting) 220.778.168.0 Internet Router Entry Network ID...... 8 Network IDs

48 End of Module and Chapter © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved.

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