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Published byAllison Curtis Modified over 8 years ago
Physics analysis with KFParticle Iouri Vassiliev CBM Collaboration
Physics case: Exploring the QCD phase diagram Projects to explore the QCD phase diagram at large μ B : RHIC energy-scan, NA61@SPS, MPD@NICA bulk observables CBM@FAIR/SIS-300 bulk and rare observables, high statistic! SPS-CERN CBM LHC RHIC The equation-of-state at high B collective flow of hadrons particle production at threshold energies (open charm) Deconfinement phase transition at high B excitation function and flow of strangeness (K, , , , ) excitation function and flow of charm (J/ψ, ψ', D 0, D , c ) charmonium suppression, for J/ψ and ψ' ? QCD critical endpoint excitation function of event-by- event fluctuations (K/π,...) Onset of chiral symmetry restoration at high B in-medium modifications of hadrons ( , , e + e - (μ + μ - ), D)
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM3 SPS Pb+Pb 30 A GeV KFParticle - the mission: SIS-300 SIS-100 D 0, D +, D s +, c, D * D 0, D +, J/ P.Senger J/ ,
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM4 central Au+Au 25AGeV 791 mc track 697 reco Ref primary eff = 94.6% 80 ms lxir039 up to 10 7 Au+Au reactions/sec (J/ψ) determination of (displaced) vertices with high resolution ( 50 m) identification of leptons and hadrons fast and radiation hard detectors self-triggered readout electronics high speed data acquisition and online event selection
Finder: 80 ms (1.28s) Fitter:1.6 ms (25.6) PV:51.2 ms (820) K 0 S :32.8 ms (525) Total 165.6 ms/16 cpu 2.65 s 697 reconstructed tracks Ref. prim. eff = 96% All set eff = 88% dp/p = 1.2% 700 160 p 53 K 32 K S ~1 - 0.022 - front view SIMDized tracking Online: track finder, track fitter, PV finder, V 0 finder, -, - finder
Primary vertex reconstruction Au+Au @ 25AGeV 450 tracks central 100 tracks mbias 50 ms (800ms) 450 primary tracks
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM ! Real user’s World 2011 !
low-mass vector meson measurements I ≡ 7.5 λ I ≡ 13.5 λ I Fe 20 20 20 30 35 100 cm J/ measurements 256 pads 3.5×8 mm 2 Straw tubes GEM detectors trigger Charmonia (di-muon channel)
J/ψ, ψ' Signal and background yields from physics event generators (HSD, UrQMD) Full event reconstruction based on realistic detector layout and response 3.8 10 10 events 6 J/ψ recorded in 10 10 events (b=0) (20 J/ψ per hour) J/ψ → μ + μ - p+C 30 GeV Au+Au 25 AGeV Charmonia (di-muon channel)
e +/- π +/- RICH + TRD: e identification efficiency 85 % π-suppression 10 4 Rings: up to 100 per event ~ 6cm diameter ~ 20 photo electrons finding eff. 95.3% multi-anode PMT glass mirror with Al+MgF 2 high-rate TRD Charmonia (di-electron channel)
Signal and background yields from physics event generators (HSD, UrQMD) Full event reconstruction based on realistic detector layout and response Electron id: RICH and TRD π suppression: factor 10 4 dominant background: e from π 0 Dalitz 4 10 10 events Charmonia (di-electron channel) KFParticle - vertexing: Background suppression γ-conversion, π 0 Dalitz
Outer acc. Inner 2 prim > 3 2 geo < 3 Eff =10.4% K0SK0S eff~12.0% 2 prim > 3 2 geo < 3 q>0 proton mass Reconstruction QC (1 week)! Bulk observables: K 0 s and Λ
13 from -, - 6 window Secondary CBM, STAR trigger !? Au+Au @25AGeV 10k Strangness (~month) : - and -
14 Au+Au @ 8AGeV Under threshold 3.1% Strangness (~ one more month) : - and -
15 Au+Au 25 AGeV KS0KS0 -- decay channel -+-+ p -p - -p --p - K - p - M HSD 26.2280.96 0.022 BR(%)69.263.9~10067.8 total eff. (%)10.4121.10.55 S/B 2 0.611.46.50.4 Yield/central int.1.882.140.018.2E-5 30.06.2016 Au+Au 8 AGeV KS0KS0 -- decay channel -+-+ p -p - -p --p - K - p - M HSD 9.814.20.27 0.005 BR(%)69.263.9~10067.8 total eff. (%)914.32.30.8 S/B 2 Yield/central int.0.611.30.0062.7E-5
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM htop Intel E7-4860 Simulation & reconstruction 80k UrQMD 02.2012 ii Welcome to the new multi-core era!
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM Reconstruction QC multi-cores (few hours)! 4 ms/ev 80 cores 80k central UrQMD events
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM vector t1; t1.push_back(&tt1); t1.push_back(&tt2); CbmKFParticle Ks; Ks.Construct(t1, 0); //Ks has been created t1.clear(); ReFit( T2, 2212 ); //proton hypothesis --> CbmKFTrack proton(T2.track); ReFit( T2, 211 ); //back to pion hypothesis --> t1.push_back(&tt1); t1.push_back(&proton); CbmKFParticle Lambda;//Lambda has been created Lambda.Construct(t1, 0); // Lambda_topo.Construct(t1, &PV);, &PV); t1.clear(); ---------------- CBMROOT
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM Reconstruction QC multi-cores (few hours)! 4 ms/ev 80 cores 80k central UrQMD events
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM Ξ - KFParticle code … CbmKFParticle pion(&tt3,0); CbmKFParticle Ksi; vector pp; pp.push_back(&Lambda); pp.push_back(&pion); Ksi.ConstructFromKFParticle(pp, 0); Ksi.TransportToDecayVertex(); chi2 = Ksi.Chi2/Ksi.NDF;; Ksi_z->Fill(Ksi.r[2] ); Ksi.GetMass(m_geo, merr_geo); …
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM Reconstruction QC many cores (few hours)! 4 ms/ev new reality! 80 cores 80k central UrQMD events 1.5k
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM PV K-K- ++ ++ 2 geo 2 topo D+D+ Open charm decay topology Target plane L 2 prim 1 2 prim 2 2 prim 3 cτ = 60…312 μm !
Monolithic Acitive Pixel Sensors in commercial CMOS process CBM: 5 µm single point resolution Micro Vertex Detecor (MVD) Development first demonstrator tested in beam! first station 5cm downstream of target high position resolution! Chip-on-polyamide
IR: 0.1MHz = 300 Au ions -electrons! t = 30 s 0.1 MHz0.2 MHz0.4 MHz0.8 MHz Au 10.7 GeV Au+Au @ 25AGeV
30/06/201625 0.2 MHz K - (D) L1 Time! && 16% 8% L1 L1 + LIT New tools no limitation -electrons! Au+Au @ 25AGeV
Open charm (Au+Au @ 25 AGeV) z-vertex reconstruction D0K-+D0K-+ 0.1 MHz
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM27 Strategy: background suppression keeping maximum of efficiency single track parameters based cuts: χ 2 prim impact parameter value 6.0-7.5 IP impact parameter cut (upper value) 0.5 mm protons ID by TOF track transverse momentum p t > 0.3 GeV/c (D 0 only) multiple track (KFParticle) parameters based cuts: χ 2 GEO geometrical constrained fit 3.0 χ 2 TOPO topological constrained fit 2.0-3.0 charm KFParticle to primary vertex DCA < 20(30) m Z vertex < 2(3.5) mm c
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM28 χ 2 prim impact parameter value 6.5-7.5 2 = r 2 / 2 r pv
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM29 KFParticle χ 2 geo geometrical constrained fit < 3.0 K 2 geo
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM30 KFParticle Z vertex geo > 350 m
31 KFParticle χ 2 topo topological constrained fit 2.0-3.0 PV K-K- ++ ++ 2 geo 2 topo D+D+ 2 prim
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM32 PV K-K- ++ ++ 2 geo 2 topo D+D+ 2 prim charm KFParticle impact parameter < 20 m
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM33 KFParticle Z vertex < 2 mm (new cut) Duplets cut
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM34 Invariant mass spectra Au+Au @ 25 AGeV 1.6k 600
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM35 Invariant mass spectra Au+Au @ 25 AGeV
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM36 Invariant mass spectra Au+Au @ 25 AGeV. C+C @ 25AGeV
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM37 D 0 +D 0 D + +D - Ds+Ds+ c+c+ decay channel K-+K-+ K - + + K-K+ +K-K+ + p K-+p K-+ M HSD 1.5·10 -4 4.2·10 -5 5.4·10 -6 M SM 8.2·10 -4 8.4·10 -5 1.4·10 -4 4.9·10 -4 BR(%) geo. acc.(%) z-resolution ( m) 52566069 total eff. (%)3.954.751.00.05 m (MeV/c 2 ) ~11 S/B 2 0.16/0.51.24/ Yield/10 12 mb HSD 14k+41k47k+89k 0.7k Yield/10 12 mb SHM 78k+225k 95k+179k 19k3.2 k Open charm properties table (25AGeV) 28.02.1237
Open Charm Triggers D 0 K - + (K - + + - ) D + K - + + D s K - K + + c p K - + DVTDVT PV K-K- ++ ++ D+D+ 2 geo 2 topo Background D+D+ 2 prim DKTDKT
Open Charm Trigger-algorithm L1CATrackFinder SIMD L1KFTrackFitter SIMD Charm Track Candidates Selection χ 2 prim > N SIMD Charm Pairs χ 2 2geo < 3.0, zv <1 cm χ 2 topo 1.3 GeV Charm Triplets χ 2 3geo+topo < 3.0 ☺ D + c D s ☺D0☺D0 ☻ ☻ RF mb = 125 RF cen = 14 accepted rejected N = 3
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM40 Detached Vertex Trigger: RF mb = 125 RF cen = 14
CBM timeline 20102011201220132014201520162017201820192020 R&D detectors & read-out systems construction detectors & read-out systems installation, commissioning first data taking
28/02/12I.Vassiliev, CBM42 Croatia: RBI, Zagreb Split Univ.China: CCNU Wuhan Tsinghua Univ. USTC Hefei Czech Republic: CAS, Rez Techn. Univ.PragueFrance: IPHC StrasbourgHungaria: KFKI Budapest Budapest Univ.Norway: Univ. Bergen Russia: IHEP Protvino INR Troitzk ITEP Moscow KRI, St. Petersburg Kurchatov Inst., Moscow LHEP, JINR Dubna LIT, JINR Dubna MEPHI Moscow Obninsk State Univ. PNPI Gatchina SINP MSU, Moscow St. Petersburg P. Univ.Ukraine: T. Shevchenko Univ. Kiev Kiev Inst. Nucl. ResearchGermany: Frankfurt Univ. IKF Frankfurt Univ. FIAS GSI Darmstadt Giessen Univ. Heidelberg Univ. P.I. Heidelberg Univ. KIP Heidelberg Univ. ZITI HZ Dresden-Rossendorf Münster Univ. Tübingen Univ. Wuppertal Univ.Korea: Korea Univ. Seoul Romania: Pusan Nat. Univ. Romania: NIPNE Bucharest Univ. Bucharest India: Aligarh Muslim Univ. Panjab Univ. Rajasthan Univ. Univ. of Jammu Univ. of Kashmir Univ. of Calcutta B.H. Univ. Varanasi VECC Kolkata SAHA Kolkata IOP Bhubaneswar IIT Kharagpur Gauhati Univ.Poland: AGH Krakow Jag. Univ. Krakow Silesia Univ. Katowice Warsaw Univ. The CBM Collaboration: 55 institutions, 450 members 15 st CBM Collaboration Meeting, April 12-16, 2010, GSI Darmstadt
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