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Public Health Initiatives Programme Operators meeting Lisbon, 5-6 June 2014.

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1 Public Health Initiatives Programme Operators meeting Lisbon, 5-6 June 2014

2 18 calls for proposals 9 calls released Estonia 3/3 Lithuania 2/2 Poland 2/2 Portugal 1/1 Slovenia 1/1 9 calls under preparation Bulgaria 2/2 Czech Republic 2/2 Hungary 5/5

3 Final date of eligibility 30 April 2016 The FMC decided at its meeting of 7 May 2014 that no further decisions to grant general extensions to the final date of eligibility of projects will be taken.

4 Applications – turnout and success rate Number of approved projects 33? Number of received applications 31522 Estonia ? 2 Lithuania Poland PL07 585 PL13 60 so far about 35?

5 The number of the submitted applications broken down into different thematic areas PL07

6 Who applied in PL07? All Polish public and private bodies as well as non-governmental organisations constituted as legal entities and operating in the public interest are eligible applicants, including: Public and non-public health care institutions providing health services financed from public funds and their founding institutions, including - public health care institutions transformed into capital companies providing health services financed from public funds: 481 Research institutions functioning in the health care system: 9 Medical universities or public universities conducting didactic and research activity in the medical science: 12 Long term care centres financed from public funds and their founding institutions: 32 Non-Governmental Organisations operating in the health care field: 48

7 Different approaches – Polish example PL07PL13 A broad catalogue of eligible applicants and possible partners Only 156 eligible local government units (poviats) (list based on the analysis of standardized mortality ratios (SMR) for total and for main causes of death (cancer, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, diseases of the digestive system, external causes). Broad catalogue only for Norwegian partners A great interest in the open call from the sector156 poviats invited to trainings and informed A great number of applicationsLimited number of applications Very high competition - „the best of the best” will receive the support Limited competition, bigger chances for every poviat from the list Selected projects are often ready to implement and the Project Promoters well prepared Projects prepared especially for the call, on the basis of requested health needs assessment model – more experiments

8 Consequences for the appraisal and implementation process PL07PL13 Many well prepared projects – low risk of failling to select good project during one call for proposal The target group of the call were poviats experiencing troubles – need for action is considered more important than the excelency at applying for funds A great number of applications results in a longer appraisal and selection process Applicants need training and inciting – that is time-consuming TIME IS AN IMPORTANT ASSET IN BOTH CASES CONCLUTIONS FOR THE FUTURE:  both approaches have strong points  need to foresee more time for organising calls and implementing projects in both cases Time is needed for evaluation of many applications submitted Time is needed for training and preparing the applicants

9 How to get more time? In this financial perspective the limited time underpin the implementation of projects (expenditure eligibility date -30/04/2016) The programme cycle logic should preview: at least 3-4 years of projects implementation up to 1 year for the organization of calls for proposals and selection procedure less time for the negotiation and appraisal of the programmes CONCLUSIONS: The sooner the new perspective programming will start, the better It is of utmost importance to sign the Programme Agreements and start the organizations of calls for proposals as quick as possible

10 Predefined projects and small grants schemes Every country is responsible for at least one predefined project Almost all are in the implementation phase Among Project Promotors are Hospitals, Ministries, Universities and National Public Health Institutions Predefined projects Preparatory phase Small grants schemes Hungary 2/2 Bulgaria 1/1 Czech Republic 2/2

11 Assessement of the projects Content-related assessement INTERNAL – Programme Operator (Estonia, Poland) Programme Partner (Czech Republic) EXTERNAL (Czech Republic, Poland – calls for proposals) Formal assessement INTERNAL (Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Poland – predefined project)

12 External assessment - challenges Difficulty to find a sufficient number of independent experts, available at one time Long duration of public procurement procedures WHAT COULD BE A SOLUTION? Proposition to consider: establishment of an expert list within the Financial Mechanisms

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