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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION TO AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY INITIATIVES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Acknowledgements Presentation by: Emily A. Greenfield School of Social Work Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

3 Overview  Situate age-friendly community initiatives (AFCIs) within a larger “universe” of interventions in aging  Identify four overarching components for AFCIs  Where they develop  What outcomes they seek to influence  How they aim to influence those outcomes  How they operate

4 AFCIs and interventions in aging  Gerontology has stronger focus on individuals relative to environments *  Within discussions of changing environments, predominant focus has been on home environments (e.g., accommodations and universal design)  AFCIs: Expand focus to local communities more broadly (e.g., neighborhoods, municipalities) * Golant, S. M. (2015). Aging in the right place. Baltimore, MD: Health Professions Press.

5 Formal definition of AFCIs  Deliberate and distinct efforts across stakeholders representing diverse sectors within a defined and typically local geographic area with the purpose of changing social and/or physical environments to benefit older adults and potentially others * * Greenfield, E. A,. Oberlink, M., Scharlach, A. E., Neal, M. B., & Stafford, P. B. (2015). Age- friendly community initiatives: Conceptual issues and key questions. The Gerontologist, 55(2), 191-198.

6 Local Geographic Area Adapted from Greenfield, E. A., & Giunta, N. (2015). Age-friendly community initiatives. In B. Berkman and D. Kaplan (Eds.), Handbook of Social Work, Health, and Aging (2nd ed.) (pp. 213-222). New York: Oxford University Press. Age-Friendly Community Initiative Collaboration and Partnerships Changes to Social/Physical Environments Improved Outcomes among Older Adults

7 Where? Local community  Typically smaller than regions for counties, states, and nations  Large cities  San Francisco, Denver, New York, Washington, D.C., Portland  Small municipalities or towns  Auburn Hills, Michigan; Bethel, Maine

8 Focal change? Social and/or physical environments  Address issues at the level of communities  Individual needs a care coordinator  Individual needs a ride  How can we enhance systems within our community to make service delivery less fragmented and more person-centered?  How can we facilitate more and better choices around mobility for all?

9 How? Collaboration and partnerships  Diverse stakeholders  City planners  Mayor’s office  Local chambers of commerce  Property managers  Schools  Librarians  Older adults themselves!!!

10 Outcome? Make life better for older residents Primary Outcomes  Health  Psychological well-being  Engagement and participation  Aging in place with connection to others Other Potential Outcomes  Improved outcomes for people of other ages  Societal-wide benefits

11 Local Geographic Area Adapted from Greenfield, E. A., & Giunta, N. (2015). Age-friendly community initiatives. In B. Berkman and D. Kaplan (Eds.), Handbook of Social Work, Health, and Aging (2nd ed.) (pp. 213-222). New York: Oxford University Press. Age-Friendly Community Initiative Collaboration and Partnerships Changes to Social/Physical Environments Improved Outcomes among Older Adults

12 For more information CSWE Gero-Ed Center Website: Center.aspx Search for teaching module on age-friendly community initiatives.


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