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Time to Educate Regional QI Work Group Meeting #5 Date Facilitator/Chair person A BBC document developed by Orange County RPPC with Title V funding through.

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Presentation on theme: "Time to Educate Regional QI Work Group Meeting #5 Date Facilitator/Chair person A BBC document developed by Orange County RPPC with Title V funding through."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time to Educate Regional QI Work Group Meeting #5 Date Facilitator/Chair person A BBC document developed by Orange County RPPC with Title V funding through CDPH/MCAH, 2010.

2 Homework Report Homework Report Roundtable discussions Roundtable discussions Summary of Multidisciplinary Summary of Multidisciplinary Team meetings Team meetings

3 MD Education/Collaboration CPSP CPSP AAP AAP ACOG ACOG

4 CPSP Coding for Breastfeeding Education CPSP Physician providers and the Orange Co. Health Care Agency. CPSP Physician providers and the Orange Co. Health Care Agency.

5 Physician to Physician Education & “Buy in”

6 Tools of the Trade Tools of the Trade Roundtable sharing of Breastfeeding Education Materials Roundtable sharing of Breastfeeding Education Materials

7 Decision Maker Workshop for Birth and Beyond Introduction of concepts to Administrators Introduction of concepts to Administrators Ensure attendance of all key players for 2 hour workshop Secure Key Physician attendance Lunch meetings for time and convenience

8 Next Meeting - Sustainability

9 Sustainability How do we maintain gains? How do we maintain gains? How do we provide for positive change? How do we provide for positive change?

10 Applause... For Your Efforts

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