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Digital Footprint.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Footprint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Footprint

2 What is / makes up your digital footprint? Brainstorm...
Facebook posts Instagram pictures Tweets snapchats anything you post online! s texts Your personal information address phone number birthday pictures comments and much more!

3 Click Here for a video on digital footprint
Definition A digital footprint is the trail, trace or ‘footprint’ of data that is left behind when you go online. Everything you do online leaves a footprint: filling out a form, sending an , playing an online game, posting a photo, even visiting a website. There are two main classifications for digital footprints: passive and active. The active footprint is what YOU post online.   Your passive footprint is what others write or post about you. Click Here for a video on digital footprint

4 What does your digital footprint look like?
If we were to look you up online what would we learn about you? Is there anything online that you wouldn't want your teacher or parent to know about? UBC Digital Tattoo video

5 What is a digital dossier?
While watching the following video think about what a digital dossier includes Digital Dossier When does your digital dossier start? Where is it stored?

6 Your digital footprint is important!
87% of North Americans can be identified online with just three facts about them: ZIP/Postal code, birthday, and gender In 2009, 45% of all hiring managers used search engines to research the digital footprint of potential applicants - up from 26% the previous year 63% of hiring managers decided not to hire an applicant because they found something questionable about that person on a social networking site Most people don't know what's in their digital footprint: only 3% of people perform a search on themselves regularly, and almost three- quarters have only searched for themselves once or twice

7 Digital Footprint activity – Trillion Dollar footprint
You are a producer for the show ‘Trillion dollar footprint’. Your job is to hire a host for the show that is honest and works well with others. You have two options to choose from – Jason and linda Let’s look at our two options!

8 Linda’s profile – mailed in

9 jason’s profile – mailed in

10 Who would you choose so far?
Now as a producer, you decide to look at their digital footprint… Let’s start with their Facebook profile

11 Linda’s profile - facebook

12 jason’s profile – facebook

13 Now who would you choose?
You decide to go deeper into their footprint. Let’s look at other things that have been made public about the contestants.

14 Linda’s profile: blogs

15 Jason’s profile – newspaper article

16 Now who are you choosing?
One more step deeper….

17 Linda’s profile: instagram

18 Jason’s profile: social media

19 Based on what you have seen, discuss in a group who you would choose
Remember that we want to hire someone who works well with others and is honest


21 Tips for managing your digital footprint
Never post anything that you might find embarrassing later Be careful about the pictures that you post, especially if they are inappropriate Never post your: personal address, phone number, passwords, card numbers This includes in private messages! Once it's out there anyone can copy and paste Keep in mind that once it's posted it's almost impossible to remove, even if you delete your profile the information is still out there Sending is like publishing - Forever!

22 How to clean up your digital footprint

23 #1 - Check your Facebook privacy settings
Set your privacy to "Friends Only" If you are using Facebook to promote your business create a separate public account Under "Privacy Settings and Tools" edit "Who can see my stuff"

24 #1 - Check your Facebook privacy settings continued
Edit past actions under the "Activity Log"

25 #1 - Check your Facebook privacy settings continued
Use the drop-down options with each post

26 #2 - Search yourself If you searched yourself would you find something that could damage your reputation? If so, take the necessary steps to have it removed If you know the person who posted it, ask them politely to remove it If it's on a site hosted by someone you don't know, contact the site owner or administrator and ask for it to be removed Deleted material may still appear in search results for a short time, but will disappear as Google updates its search results

27 #3 - Revise your personal blog
Private blogs turn up in search engine results If you have a personal blog to vent frustrations and make personal observations, go through your posts and edit them for: language delete anything that will hinder you professionally

28 #4 - Delete abandoned social media accounts
Keep a list of accounts and delete the ones that you no longer use. Remember that myspace account you signed up for? Find it and delete it.

29 #5 - THINK before you post
Is that unflattering picture of your sister really how you want people to see her? Your significant other has to work late because someone messed up a big project, but does the world really need to know who it was and how it ruined your dinner plans?

30 Measure your footprint
Let's learn more about your digital footprint. Answer all three of the following poll questions to get a sense of your footprint's size and shape, and how it compares with your classmates.

31 Question 1: Where do you make your footprint?
I surf the web I use I have a FaceBook account I have an Instagram account I have a LinkedIn account I use my cellphone to update my social networking accounts I own and maintain a website about me

32 How did you do? If you said yes to any of these choices, you definitely have a digital footprint! Almost everyone visits web sites. Although it may not seem like you're leaving a footprint when you visit a site, corporations may be tracking your visit for marketing purposes. Social networking sites are also an important part of your digital life. Facebook tends to be for social interaction, LinkedIn is related to employment, and people use Twitter for both business and social purposes. If you use your cell phone to update your social networking accounts, then you probably update frequently and on the fly! Because it is so easy to post, be sure to think carefully before you do it. Lastly, a web site all about you is a significant project that takes time and effort. But if you do it well, your web site can become a personal portfolio to help market you to future colleges and employers!

33 Question 2: Who else is shaping your footprint?
My friends mention me on Facebook and use services like Four Square My friends take photos at social events and post them online I know all my social networking events in real life My friends sometimes log into each others accounts and post fake status updates as a joke

34 How did you do? By now, you have probably realized that your digital footprint can be influenced by others. Posting online about the fun you're having in real life is one of the best parts of social networking. Sometimes you might know when someone is posting something about you, but sometimes you may not. If you do not know all your social networking friends in real life, you should carefully consider how much information you share with those "friends." It's also important to choose passwords your friends can't guess, and keep your passwords private. Now that you know how important and permanent a digital footprint can be, treat your friends' digital footprints with respect. The Internet is an open stage for the world, not a place to play even a friendly prank.

35 Question 3: Are you in control of your footprint?
I was shopping online and realized that the web ads were targeting the choices I made I search myself regularly My social networking profile is a photo of me My social networking profile photo is a photo I would be willing to show my grandmother I include personal information (such as birthday and address) in my social networking profile I have tagged or untagged myself in a photo because I liked or didn't like what it said about me I had a fight with a friend online I've deleted information that I didn't like online

36 How did you do? Now that you know all the ways that you and others are shaping your digital footprint, it's important to be vigilant about keeping your footprint in shape. Have you ever realized how closely marketers are watching you online? Does it bother you at all, and would it affect the kinds of things you might shop for online? Searching for yourself on a search engine is a quick way to see what information is out there about you. You may find a number of people who have the same name as you--and some of them might have a digital footprint you wouldn't want for yourself. How will you make yourself stand out in the crowd of people who may seem to be you?

37 Using an appropriate photo of yourself in your social networking profiles is an important start. Think carefully about posting your contact information or birthday. As fun as it is to get birthday messages, you may also get targeted by marketers or even identity thieves. We all have good days and bad days, but remember that what goes on the Internet is public and long-lasting. Do you want everyone, including your future employers, to see your personal business, including fights and breakups? And if there are some parts of your digital footprint that you are not proud of, don't be afraid to untag a photo, ask a friend to take something of yours down, or even delete an account. These "fixes" are not absolute, but they can help to keep your private business private.

38 Try this Google yourself Pipl yourself
go to and search your FULL name with quotations around it What are the results? Pipl yourself go to and search for yourself again

39 Now that you've searched yourself...
What kind of information did you find about yourself that is public? Is there anything that you wouldn't want certain people to see? Is there anything that you wouldn't want a future employer to see?

40 Your Digital Footprint
To wrap it up... Please enjoy this video by Michelle Clark regarding your Digital Footprint: Your Digital Footprint

41 Bibliography footprints footprints/ m/6-8-unit3-trilliondollarfootprint.pdf

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