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WCSA IV CONFERENCE Tenerife, December 15 th 2013 Andrea Pitasi WCSA Hon. President and Scientific Director Agenda.

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Presentation on theme: "WCSA IV CONFERENCE Tenerife, December 15 th 2013 Andrea Pitasi WCSA Hon. President and Scientific Director Agenda."— Presentation transcript:

1 WCSA IV CONFERENCE Tenerife, December 15 th 2013 Andrea Pitasi WCSA Hon. President and Scientific Director Agenda


3 I. WCSA NETWORKING Empowering the WCSA networking and lobbying, : -To expand our networks by alliances with further associations/federations -To create more value from the networks we are already in touch. WCSA signed a lot of important agreements. Through the old partners we have the opportunity to link our association in a world network. This work will develop new opportunity for everybody. Partners: ECREA, ICA, ISA, IFSR, CCA, RCA

4 II. SCIENTIFIC AGENDA  To facilitate the dialogue among different stakeholders in a convergent, systemic approach, to empower WCSA to serve as a strategic meeting place among academics, investors, entrepreneurs and top professional.  SantaFe association International (SFAI) - WCSA relationship: a)let SFAI cooperate with WCSA editorial policy b) let WCSA support and "adopt” SFAI Business School c)to let SFAI and WCSA 2 cooperate towards great conferences planning for 2014 (Puerto Rico) and 2015

5 SFAI &WCSA editorial policy APPLIED SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY Publisher: L’Harmattan, Paris- Turin SCIENZE COSMOPOLITE/COSMOPOLITAN SCIENCES Publisher Loffredo, Naples SYSTEM THEORY AND COMPLEXITY Since January 2010, the book series has begun a strong collaboration with the WCSA and its journal titled NEW ATLANTIS devoted to the interdisciplinary complexity studies Publisher Aracne, Rome SCENARI E STRATEGIE/SCENARIOS AND STRATEGIES Publisher McGrawHill, Milan four book series becoming soon 5!!!

6 WCSA support and "adopt” SFAI Business School TARGET Businessmen, Sociologists, Doctors in medicine, Lawyers, Sociologists, and other professionals that need to work in an emergent world with adaptive strategies

7 SFAI & WCSA conferences planning - V WCSA Conference 2014 cooperate with SFAI towards great conferences planning for 2014/2015 (Puerto Rico) CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION BOARD (COB): Hon. President: Andrea Pitasi Scientific Chair: Aldredo Spilzinger COB Operational Assistants: Emilio Nuozzi and two more to be selected

8 III WCSA STATUTE PROLOGUE The World Complexity Science Academy (WCSA) offers its scientific and intellectual vision of the key challenges of our times to keep humankind evolve and empower by enhancing the Human Person (HP) chances and dignity. Systemic Science is the key toolkit allowing the HP to evolve by browsing the global platform which features our planet and its catalogue of memetic ideas, chances, models, maps etc: so that each HP might evolve at their best and at their highest speed. Authored and first subscribed by the WCSA Scientific Director, this Declaration was then approved by the WCSA Executive Board in its August 31st 2010 meeting and then the Declaration was diffused worldwide to be subscribed by “Global Top Brain Workers” who share the Declaration Wealtanschauung, independently from their belonging to WCSA or not. The Declaration will officially be presented with its early subscriber list at the WCSA Bologna conference, Dec. 4th 2010. Andrea Pitasi, WCSA Scientific Director. To revise WCSA Statute to let it be leaner and more effective towards the aim to evolve WCSA in 4-5 years into a Foundation letting it taking the shape of a new think tank university.

9 IV. BUDGET AND MEMBERSHIP EVOLUTION To empower WCSA fundraising skills and lobbies by designing ONE very "applied” topic which might inspire and legitimate a strong crowdfunding mechanism. Empower our world class event and editorial policy though an adequate fundraising strategy to create a stronger and stronger WCSA standard for systemic academic publications in social sciences.

10 Thank you!!! SEE YOU SOON!!! Andrea Pitasi:

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