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3 is the MAGIC number! (How to form the PERFECT Past tense in French with Magic and Surgery)

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Presentation on theme: "3 is the MAGIC number! (How to form the PERFECT Past tense in French with Magic and Surgery)"— Presentation transcript:

1 3 is the MAGIC number! (How to form the PERFECT Past tense in French with Magic and Surgery)

2 In English, when talking about something that has already happened, we can say: I watched a film OR I have watched a film In French, it’s simply: J’ai regardé un film

3 Practice translations: 1.I have eaten a pizza = J’ai mangé une pizza 2.I ate a banana = J’ai mangé une banane 3.I did my homework = J’ai fait mes devoirs 4.I have done the washing-up = J’ai fait la vaisselle I

4 The Answers! 1.I have eaten a pizza = J’ai mangé une pizza 2.I ate a banana = J’ai mangé une banane 3.I did my homework = J’ai fait mes devoirs 4.I have done the washing-up = J’ai fait la vaisselle

5 So what’s with the MAGIC Number? You need to remember that the PERFECT Past Tense has 3 parts (the 3 Ps): 1.the PERSON(S) doing the action 2.PART of AVOIR or ETRE 3.the PAST PARTICIPLE

6 Examples: Person Part of AVOIR Past or ETRE Participle Jeaijoué Tuaslu Ilafait Elleestarrivée Noussommesallé(e)s Mes parentssontrestés J’ai Which are AVOIR examples and which are ETRE examples?

7 And now for some SURGERY ! (Well, nearly….) You know who the PERSON is (well, could be more than one person or in fact a dog or a horse or anything that can DO the action….)! You know the verbs AVOIR and ETRE (although you have to learn which verbs use Avoir and which verbs use Etre)! But what about these PAST PARTICIPLES? How do you work out how to spell them correctly?

8 This is where SURGERY comes in! 1.You take the verb INFINITIVE (i.e. the one in the dictionary that ends in –er or –ir or –re) 2.You CHOP OFF its –er, -ir or –re ending 3.You add on a different ending E.g.: manger mangé finir fini vendre vendu Notice the DIFFERENT PATTERNS for –er, -ir and –re verb past participles

9 Quick test! PAST PARTICIPLES How would you make PAST PARTICIPLES from the following Infinitives? jouer chanter choisir perdre attendre

10 If only... …all French verbs followed these nice regular patterns! (They don’t, you just have to learn the IRREGULAR ones) …all French verbs just used either AVOIR or ETRE in the middle! (They do, but you have to learn which is which: for now just remember that MOST verbs use AVOIR in the middle). ALLERRESTER Two important verbs which use ETRE are ALLER (to go) and RESTER (to stay)

11 Irregular past participles Sorry, but this really is something you just have to learn over time! For some common examples of irregular past participles (those which don’t fit the nice, neat pattern), look at the bottom of pages 60 and 61 in the French Grammar Book

12 Oh yes… one more thing! Question: What’s the other thing you have to remember about PAST PARTICIPLES of verbs using ETRE? Answer: They have to AGREE with the PERSON(S) (i.e. add an extra ‘e’ if it’s a female, and an ‘s’ if its more than 1) Examples: Elle est allée, Ils sont restés, Elles sont arrivées

13 And now it’s time for you to work some magic on the exercises in the French Grammar Book! (don’t forget the magic number and the surgery!!)

14 Writing Assessment 1.Today you are going to write in French about what you did on holiday (real or imaginary) last year! 2.You will be aiming for Levels 5-7 3.Look at your blue KS3 MFL Assessment Criteria for Writing grid and decide which level you are aiming for 4.Now write this title: Mes vacances de l’année dernière

15 Bear in mind... Whether it’s true or not does not matter! Make it as interesting or funny as you like, including lots of details However, you must make it as accurate as possible (check spellings, verbs!) Include lost of Perfect Past tense verbs (REMEMBER: magic numbers and chopping off bits!) Use a range of vocabulary (use dictionary) Bear in mind...

16 Begin with the following: Pendant les grandes vacances de l’année dernière, je me suis levé(e) un jour à 8h30…. (During the summer holidays last year, I got up one day at 8.30am….) Now write about what you got up to that day, giving details about people, places, activities, times and your opinion (use (e.g. C’était vraiment cool…. = It was really cool) To start you off...

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