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WeekLesson 1Lesson 2Homework 1X Introductions & language learning language Complete worksheet 2classroom languagedictionary skills Complete work booklet.

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Presentation on theme: "WeekLesson 1Lesson 2Homework 1X Introductions & language learning language Complete worksheet 2classroom languagedictionary skills Complete work booklet."— Presentation transcript:

1 WeekLesson 1Lesson 2Homework 1X Introductions & language learning language Complete worksheet 2classroom languagedictionary skills Complete work booklet using a dictionary 3equipment, gender and articlesequipment + avoir & il y a 4describing school 5school facilitiesnegatives 6subjects & opinionsgiving reasons & adjectives 7numbers and datesREADING ASSESSMENT 8time HALF TERM 9timetableschool day 10teachers & opinionsuniform & colours 11uniform & present tenseschool rules 12school rulesjobs & je voudrais + inf. 13 future time phrases & je vais + inf. school in France & hand out writing question 14writing preparationWRITING ASSESSMENT 15Christmas in France

2 Date En classe Le dictionnaire Please remember, every lesson, to neatly write the date and title and classwork, and underline it with a ruler! MERCI!

3 Quelques élèves will be able to explain to others how to use a French dictionary. La plupartwill be able to use a dictionary to look up a variety of vocabulary. Toute la classe will understand abbreviations in a dictionary and be able to find new nouns.

4 NounsVerbsAdjectivesPrepositions smallnext to in front ofgreen enormousboring listen watch read watch in on Pour commencer.... Draw the table and write the words in the correct column. beddining room garage dance watchlistensmallin next todance read on garagegreen in front of enormousbed dining roomwatchboring

5 French Dictionaries. Get to know your dictionary. Which side do you need to look up French words? Which side do you need to look up English words?

6 chaise [ ʃɛ z] nf chair What is this word? what might ‘n’ tell you? what might ‘f’ tell you? French – English side (the first half) What does it all mean? the French word the gender: f=feminine so a chair = une chaise the chair = la chaise the English word The type of word N = noun – a naming word Any ideas on this part? The sound It tells you how to pronounce the word. You can IGNORE this part.

7 foot [fut, fi:t] n pied m What is this word? what might ‘n’ tell you? what might ‘m’ tell you? the English word the gender: m=masculine so a foot= un chaise the foot= le chaise the French word The type of word N = noun – a naming word Any ideas on this part? The sound It tells you how to pronounce the word. You can IGNORE this part. English – French side (the second half) What does it all mean?

8 Monkey [‘mΛηkι] n singe m How do you say the following in French (write your answers in your book) A monkey The monkey A shirt The shirt A head The head Do you use ‘le’ or ‘la’? Do you use ‘un’ or ‘une’?

9 Look up the following words in your dictionary and create a vocab list on what you find in your bag/pencil case. Remember the indefinite or definite article. ! Remember ‘un’ or ‘le’ = masculine ‘une’ or ‘la’ = feminine Put them into sentences to say what you have in your bag Mes affaires exercise book 2.a pencil 3.a felt-tip pen 4.a rubber 5.a textbook 6.a ruler 7.a pen 8.a ballpoint pen 9.a pencil sharpener 10.a pencil case 11.a bag 12.a ball

10 Dictionary Abbreviations As you have seen dictionaries have abbreviations we must understand to be able to use one correctly: v(vi/vt) = prep = adj = n = m = f = feminine adjective preposition noun verb masculine Can you work out what these abbreviations might be short for?

11 Is it a verb or a noun? - watch Which French word do you need for ‘the watch’ (noun)? la montre Which French word do you need for ‘to watch (a TV programme) (verb)? regarder

12 Is it a verb or a noun? - play Use your dictionary to find: a)a play (at the theatre) b)to play (a sport) Can you think of any other words with this problem – find the noun and verb in a dictionary.

13 How do I find the right word? Sometimes there is more than one word when you look up a word. You have to work out which one is the one you need. Which word for ‘in’ do you need to say ‘in’ with the name of a town, e.g. London? à Which word for in do you need to say in Summer? en

14 How do I find the right word? Use your dictionary to find which word for ‘on’ you would use in each sentence: a)The book is on the table b)I am on the train c)He is on holiday

15 Find the French word and write it on your mini whiteboard, hold it in the air as soon as you have it. First five will get a point each. How many points can you get? the garden a bed a computer football – the sport a lamp the cinema the guitar bathroom to dance a walk to walk le jardin un lit un ordinateur le football une lampe le cinéma la guitarre la salle de bains danser une promenade balader/se promener

16 Use a dictionary to complete these sentences in French. 1.J’aime étudier… (what I like to study) 2.Je n’aim pas manger… (what I don’t like to eat) 3.J’aime jouer… (what I like to play) 4.Je déteste faire… (what I hate to do) Be imaginative and write your own sentence on any topic you can.

17 Quelques élèves will be able to explain to others how to use a French dictionary. La plupartwill be able to use a dictionary to look up a variety of vocabulary. Toute la classe will understand abbreviations in a dictionary and be able to find new nouns. 1.What have I learnt today? 2.What do I feel more confident about? 3.What am I still unsure of?

18 Devoirs Please complete the dictionary skills booklet. You NEED a dictionary to do this. If you do not have one at home please complete this homework in the library at lunch time or after school. The last section of the sheet is very challenging, you may leave this out if you have found the worksheet very difficult. But remember that rewards are given for having a go. Please hand in in one week from today.

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