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Using Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences to Strengthen Reading Lessons By Sarah Schwartz.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences to Strengthen Reading Lessons By Sarah Schwartz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences to Strengthen Reading Lessons By Sarah Schwartz

2 Summary of Data My research question is: Will students be more motivated to participate by the use of multiple intelligences in reading instruction? Every day I try a new intelligence in my reading lessons and take notes on how well the students react to the lesson by using a checklist. At the end of the day I reflect in each of the student’s portfolio with more in-depth observations about the child as an individual compared to an intelligence. At the beginning of my research I gave each student an attitude survey on reading and an interest survey dealing with how they like to learn.

3 Results After the implementation of this research question I found that students enjoy learning in different ways. Based on my study of the artifacts, I see a positive trend from the beginning of the implementation to the end. In the attitude survey many of my questions dealing with the student liking to read, write, grammar, and phonics had a positive increase of yes responses in the post survey.

4 Results I feel that adding different activities that involved the students differently than what they have been regularly doing had a positive impact. Even though the surveys may not have been honestly filled out, I was able to see the positive impact on the students through the checklists.

5 Reflections of the Pre Survey I took all of my students into the computer lab to complete the survey. I had students work on spelling games until it was time for them to complete the survey. I typed the address to the survey and explained what they were supposed to complete then left them alone to complete unless they had a question. Not many students expressed interest in completing this survey.

6 Reflections on Post Survey I administered the survey the same way I did the Pre Survey. This time I had a lot of students tell me once they were done that they all chose yes on every question. This makes me feel that they felt I wanted them to answer yes on all the questions to help me.

7 Data I am presenting my attitude survey to show that my students’ attitude has changed. I wanted my results to show that students participated, enjoyed learning, and had their confidence boosted.

8 Question 1: Reading is fun.

9 Question 2: I enjoy reading by myself.

10 Question 3: I enjoy reading with others.

11 Question 4: I like reading in front of the class.

12 Question 5: I like to write.

13 Question 6: I like to try and spell new words.

14 Question 7: I like phonics.

15 Question 8: I like grammar

16 Question 9: I think I am a great reader.

17 Summary of Data Overall most of the questions received more yes responses in the Post Survey. Questions 8 and 9 did not change from the Pre to the Post survey.

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