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Dr. Anubha Rajesh, Early Education Services, ICF January 13, 2016 Invest in Young Children: National Conference on Mother- tongue Based Multilingual Early.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Anubha Rajesh, Early Education Services, ICF January 13, 2016 Invest in Young Children: National Conference on Mother- tongue Based Multilingual Early."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Anubha Rajesh, Early Education Services, ICF January 13, 2016 Invest in Young Children: National Conference on Mother- tongue Based Multilingual Early Education and Development Session 4 : Monitoring, Evaluation and Financing Early Childhood Care and Development

2 2 Monitoring and Evaluation Cycle: Key to Successful Project Management Project Planning Implementation MonitoringFinal Evaluation Any changes in implementation strategy? Baseline Evaluation

3 3 Monitoring v/s Evaluation MONITORING  Continuous/ongoing process  Part of operational planning  Measures/monitors day to day/ monthly/yearly activities and informs whether the progress is as per planned and appropriate changes to consider  Conducted by the project team EVALUATION  Periodic/ specific activity  Part of strategic planning  Measures effectiveness/ impact of the project  External agency utilizing available MIS information and in close consultation with implementers and funders

4 4 What is the Purpose of M&E?  Improve program implementation – Data on program progress and implementation – Whether activities are being conducted as planned? – Improve program management and decision making  Inform future programming  Inform stakeholders – Accountability (donors, beneficiaries) – Advocacy

5 5 Building a Monitoring System Interventions Activities Objectives Specific Indicators Information to be collected Research Design and methodology Research Questions Tools Identification/ Training of staff Data Collection Data Processing & Analysis Report Decisions for Effective Monitoring

6 6 Framework of the MTB-MLE, Monitoring & Evaluation Model  Infrastructure and physical setting  Program structure and curriculum  Personnel quality (including initial preparation, on-going training and support, caregivers well-being, professional code of ethics)  Interactions (including between adults and children, between children and between adults including staff, supervisors, community, families)  Structural support (including monitoring and evaluation, financing and logistics)  Inclusiveness  Health and hygiene (including mental and physical health and nutrition)  Family and community engagement Source: International Consultation. Measuring and Improving Quality in Childhood Environments, 2014.

7 7 What Should a MTB-MLE, M&E System Measure? Source: Adapted from ADB (2006) Introduction to Results Management, p. 7 Materials and services produced/ provided Tasks undertaken to transform inputs to outputs MTB-MLE Interventions, Financial, human and material resources Outcomes Impact Outputs Activities Inputs Increased knowledge for MTB-MLE Approach Better performance/ attendance Improved MTB-MLE ECE quality Number of stakeholders (teachers/ parents/ community trained Training of stakeholders to MTB-MLE Approach Development of curriculum MTB-MLE Approach Curriculum Teaching Learning Material Indicative Example: The Results Chain Access to, use of, and satisfaction with services Effects on dimensions of well-being World Bank (2001) PRSP Sourcebook, p. 108

8 8 Participatory Process Monitoring Technical skills: Who will conduct and how to build capacity? Community Beneficiary Program implementer Stakeholders


10 10 National Conference on MTB-MLE-EED (January 2016) Development of Logic Framework Design to Scale (January – February) Scaling the MTB-MLE early education and development program to State level Implementation of Pilot Programsmplementation of Pilot Programs Corrective action according to monitoring/ external evaluation (includes Baseline) (March – December 2016) Strategic expansion and consolidation Logic Framework for all MTB-MLE programs (April- August 2016) Preparation of pilot programs ready to be scaled Development of the Information System for Monitoring (September-December 2016) 2017-2020 2016 2012-15 MTB-MLE Project learnings and Evaluation Report STAGES Adapted from World Bank. (2009) Gladys Lopez-Acevedo. Monitoring and Evaluation: Lessons from Lartin America. Power point.

11 THANK YOU! Contact Information: Anubha Rajesh, ICF International

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