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Global Perspectives Habitat Loss & Destruction L5 African Elephant Poached for ivory and habitat loss In 1930, between 5 and 10 million elephants, by 1979.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Perspectives Habitat Loss & Destruction L5 African Elephant Poached for ivory and habitat loss In 1930, between 5 and 10 million elephants, by 1979."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Perspectives Habitat Loss & Destruction L5 African Elephant Poached for ivory and habitat loss In 1930, between 5 and 10 million elephants, by 1979 there were 1.3 million / now there are only 35,000 to 40,000 left in the wild African Elephant Poached for ivory and habitat loss In 1930, between 5 and 10 million elephants, by 1979 there were 1.3 million / now there are only 35,000 to 40,000 left in the wild

2 Learning Objectives To list, compare/contrast and evaluate Natural and Man-Made resources. To analyse evidence to support your personal perspectives concerning deforestation.

3 Research Activity How do we use biodiversity and natural products? Research activity – firstly discuss with friends, the difference between natural and man-made products. Collect a list of objects that use natural products and also list what the natural product is from looking around the classroom (or other location). Then lists should be compared and discussed. The aim is for you to see how many things in your daily life are linked to biodiversity.

4 Natural V’s Man Made A man-made resource is a resource that has been created through the acts of humans. For example, bleach is a man- made resource. It does not exist in nature (in any significant quantity), and is produced and consumed by humans. A natural resource is a resource that exists naturally. It might also be defined as a resource which man did not create (i.e. not man-made). For example, coal is a natural resource. It only exists in nature, and it is consumed by humans.

5 Watch n_save_biodiversity.html n_save_biodiversity.html Jason Clay discusses that if just 100 key companies to go sustainable, he predicts that global markets will shift to protect the planet that our consumption has already outgrown. What are the implications of the conclusions, arguments, reasoning or claims? Suggest the consequences of the conclusions, arguments, reasoning or claims, in a global context.

6 Complete Attempt to complete your resources worksheet. Use your mobile phones to help. Is Indonesia (or are you) a consumer society/person? Construct a cartoon character called Consumer (NAME). What will they look like? How can your findings be presented reliably in a cartoon? Use appropriate technical terms and cite references accurately and clearly.

7 TASK – Article - You’re going on safari in…………………An Indonesian Palm Oil Plantation Ideas for your article: How did you get to the plantation? What type of habitat is found in and around the plantation? What species did you see? Choose 2 or 3 species to write about in detail. What conservation issues affect the species in your area? Pick 5 pictures from the ARKive website that you would like to accompany your article.ARKive

8 Good References…. palm_oil_plantations.html palm_oil_plantations.html conservation-concerns-1.10936 conservation-concerns-1.10936 oil-set-to-grow-indonesia-climate-changing-emissions oil-set-to-grow-indonesia-climate-changing-emissions

9 Reflection You should now understand the arguments for and against deforestation. You should also have knowledge of natural and man made products. How do your personal viewpoints relate to the perspectives identified in the previous lessons How could sustainability fit into all of this – this will be the basis of next lesson!

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