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2014-2015 Open Enrollment. LOGGING ON Logging On Your Network user name and password Login through the Dickinson Gateway (on the right) or directly into.

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Presentation on theme: "2014-2015 Open Enrollment. LOGGING ON Logging On Your Network user name and password Login through the Dickinson Gateway (on the right) or directly into."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014-2015 Open Enrollment


3 Logging On Your Network user name and password Login through the Dickinson Gateway (on the right) or directly into Banner Self Service (below). Click to Login If you’ve forgotten your PIN, please contact the HelpDesk to have your PIN reset. Your Dickinson Email User name Personal Identification Number

4 Logging On

5 Select Employee Information

6 Logging On Select Benefits and Deductions

7 Logging On Select Open Enrollment


9 How to Start Click to begin the Open Enrollment process. *NOTE: You will only see the ‘Start Open Enrollment’ button when you first begin the process.

10 The Process Click directly on these group headings to view the information. NOTE: Insurance benefits and retirement elections will continue into the 2014- 15 year unless changes are made. Flexible Spending Accounts & Annual Giving amounts will end 6/30/14 and must be re-selected for 2014-15.

11 Viewing/Selecting Items To Add/Change/ End a coverage, click directly on the title of the coverage. NOTE: 2014- 15 PER PAY amounts are indicated. NOTE: Dependents who are currently covered are listed. Cancels all changes and resets the Health Group back to current 2013-14 elections.


13 Adding a Deduction Select this button to Add this coverage for July 1, 2014. Return to the Health Group Menu without making any changes. NOTE: A plan MUST be chosen if you are adding coverage. Choose the coverage level by clicking in the desired radio button.

14 Adding a Deduction NOTE: Dental coverage has been added effective July 1, 2014.

15 Changing/Ending Deductions Select this button to Change the current coverage effective July 1, 2014. Select this button to End the current coverage for June 30, 2014. NOTE: You will see a screen like this when you select a benefit that is to continue into the new year.

16 Employer Retirement NOTE: The total % for both carriers combined is 7%. You must first either reduce or ‘Stop’ the current distribution prior to selecting 7% for the other carrier.

17 Entering PER PAY Amounts NOTE: Do NOT enter “0” amounts if you are not electing a deduction. Enter a PER PAY amount for Flexible Spending Accounts and/or Retirement Elections. An annual amount may then be calculated prior to finalizing. Current per pay and annual deductions are listed here.

18 After Tax Deductions To Add/Change/ End an after- tax deduction in the Miscellaneous Group, click on the title of the deduction. NOTE: All Annual Giving Amounts for 2013-14 will end on June 30, 2014. NOTE: PER PAY amounts must be entered for items in the Miscellaneous Group. An annual amount may be calculated prior to finalizing.


20 Completing the Process VERY IMPORTANT: When you have finished making your selections, click ‘Complete’ to finalize and view your take home pay. NOTE: The ‘Reset to Current’ button will cancel ALL changes and reset ALL elections to the current ones held in 2013-14. NOTE: Continuing, terminated, and added benefits will be listed here.

21 Reopen and Estimate Take Home Pay Once ‘Complete’, you may view an estimate of your July, 2014 Take Home Pay. You may reopen to access open enrollment until the deadline of May 30, 2014.


23 Estimate Take Home Pay NOTE: Deductions and taxes are listed on a PER PAY basis. To return to Open Enrollment and make changes, click here. To Exit Banner Self-Service, click here.

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