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October 15, 2012 PV & Storage Workshop ERCOT’s Interconnection Process John Adams Principal Engineer.

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Presentation on theme: "October 15, 2012 PV & Storage Workshop ERCOT’s Interconnection Process John Adams Principal Engineer."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 15, 2012 PV & Storage Workshop ERCOT’s Interconnection Process John Adams Principal Engineer

2 2 Entities involved in the Generation Interconnection Process in ERCOT

3 3 For the ERCOT its 1-2-3-4 1) Screening Study 2) Full Interconnection Studies 3) Interconnection agreement 4) Review design for protocol compliance November 14, 2011

4 4 Screening Study November 14, 2011

5 5 Full Interconnection Studies November 14, 2011

6 6 Interconnection Agreement signed November 14, 2011

7 7 Review Design for Protocol Compliance November 14, 2011

8 8 What is currently checked in 16.5 review Confirm design will produce ±0.95 Power factor reactive at all MW levels between LSL and HSL Protocol section Power System Stabilizer or equivalent is included in the design: Protocol section 3.15.3[4] Unit will provide frequency response: Protocol and Unit will dynamically provide voltage regulation: Protocol section 3.15 Breaker interruption capability is suitable to fault duty Transient voltage ride through per Protocols and operating guides: Operating Guide section 2.9 AVR is included in the design, and it can be operated in voltage control mode. Protocol section (3.15.3 & 3.15 [5]) Unit can respond to changes in the voltage profile. Protocol 3.15 Reactive capability is based upon the ability to deliver to the HIGH side of the step-up transformer. Protocol section (3.15 [3]) Unit is able to receive control signals from its QSE in an upward and downward direction. (Normally referred to as AGC; Protocol section and Meeting Title (optional)Date

9 9 Timeline summary Time in Days As per ERCOT Planning Guide Section 5

10 10 Generation Interconnection Process in ERCOT Perform the Screening study (Steady State): Discuss possible Points of Interconnections with the Developer Model the system in PSSE using the latest Steady State Working Group Case TARA Contingency Analysis Complete the study in 90 days

11 11 Screening Study Approach First Contingency Incremental Transfer Capability (FCITC) approach, unit under study ramped up from 0- 120% and constraint and associated violation listed Contingency analysis for thermal violations with nearby Natural Gas units ramped up (Base Case) Two standard dispatches executed, summer peak and low load with wind adjusted up on nearby generators Include all generation with signed Interconnection Agreements in the vicinity LoadWest WindCoast WindNearby Conventional Nearby Wind Sum Peak MaxSSWG* 100% 95% for Coastal 80% for West Low Load Min70%90%100%95% for Coastal 80% for West

12 12 Scheduling the Full Interconnection Study 180 days to evaluate completed Screening Study Results Notify all the Transmission Service Providers (TSP) (Transmission Owners Gen Interconnection List) of the project under study Include lead TSP and Developer to discuss the study results and chalk out the data requirements, timelines, protocols Draft a scope of the Steady State, Dynamic,Short Circuit and Facility studies to be performed

13 13 Full Interconnection Study (FIS) and timelines Approximately 300 days for the TSP to complete the FIS ERCOT provides comments and reviews to the completed studies (10 day review period) 180 days allowed for the Resource Entity (Developer) to sign a Interconnection Agreement after the completion of the comments period 60 days for ERCOT to perform compliance checks once the IA is signed (NPRR 408) Compliance tests to be performed by the unit before synchronization and energization (7 days)

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