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Action Research Amanda Hoss EDU 671 Jessica Bogunovich 6/9/2016.

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1 Action Research Amanda Hoss EDU 671 Jessica Bogunovich 6/9/2016

2 Introduction “The term action research was first coined by Lewin in 1946. He described it as a spiral of steps, which comprised planning, action, observation, reflection and fact finding about the results of that action” (Keegan, 2016, pg 2). I’m shocked to never have heard of this process before especially because I work with teenagers, in group setting and could have utilized this process time and time again. Especially with technology as it is used daily to work on a variety of things that occur with our squad. I am somewhat shocked to see that this same technology is not used to gain knowledge about new methods, new techniques or new processes. Because technology has so much to offer, we can utilize it in just about everything we do.

3 Area of Focus The purpose of this study is how to incorporate and learn movements in cheer while keeping it fun and upbeat and remain fitting to a variety of students. There is a large requirement of material to learn, especially if you are new to the sport, which needs to be met before the season begins. This takes dedication, countless hours of practice, and the drive to learn the material in a way that is easy to understand and remember. Because the material is required, it can sometimes have a tendency to overwhelm new participants and I want to find ways to prevent this from happening.

4 Research Questions   How can I make it easier for the girls to learn the required material while making it fun and exciting?   I can I streamline the process to make it less complicated?   What can I do to help them learn the required material while juggling so many other aspects and dealing with the everyday distractions of boyfriends, girlfriends, family, work, school and teenage social media / drama?

5 Locus of Control This action research plan is within my control because I am the coach and as long as I complete the required material to remain a head coach, our school athletic director gives me free reign. I can bring any problems that arise to him and he will assist as needed and it is him who punishes on behalf of the school for things such as use of alcohol and drugs. However, he allows me to discipline as needed after the discipline action is given by the school. He is pretty open with how much control I have over the girls because I have yet to have many problems. In his experience, I have one of the most drama free cheer squads of any school he has previously worked at so, for now, I am not limited in any decisions I decide to make on behalf of the squad, unless of course it could lead to bodily harm. However, some outside influences can have an affect on this plan. I.E. Parents, regulations, policies and school administration.

6 Data Collection   3 different types of instructional materials and questioner.   Research Table to determine what other options are available.   Participant Interviews   Graph Data to Determine & Clarify Results

7 Ethics Ethical concerns consist of 1. Privacy 2. Anonymity 3. Confidentiality “Traditional research ethics principles contain the expectation that it is the role of the researcher to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of the participant” (Smith, 2008).

8 Reflective Stance The amazing thing about my action research effort is that it contributed so much to my squad as a whole. In three years, I’ve been on my own with ideas on how to switch things up so my girls are learning at a pace that is good for them. This process has allowed me to see and think in a different way and has open my mind to new ideas, possibilities and attributes that my girls will benefit from. I didn’t know much about action research before we began – but now I’m seeing how beneficial it really is. It’s completely changed my views on how to look at different aspects of teaching and learning!!

9 Action   By showing the different types of instructional videos available, the ability to determine pre- knowledge, strengths, weaknesses, perceptions, and learning styles will be gained and studied.   By researching different methods, I could find a larger variety of instructional materials, such as a choreographer, movies, etc. that would give each individual numerous learning options to choose from.   The interviews will give an insight to how the instructions are being received, how the information is being relayed, whether or not the chosen method is compatible with the chosen population and/or what is going on with the girls as individuals and as a squad. The results will allow me to see my girls on a full level instead of just a learning level. I will actually be able to justify how each girl learns compared to those around them and have documentation to finalize the learning ways of my squad. If the study is carried out from squad to squad, I could end up with a thorough data collection.

10 Intervention The intervention for this research plan will consist of three events that will be used for comparison to show the power of technology when it is used properly and how different learning opportunities can cause different results.

11 Reflection I’ve learned, throughout this study, that I have not reviewed every possible avenue to helping my squad. As much as I thought I had, there are questions, ideas and possibilities that I have not previously considered. It has opened my eyes to an abundance of more possibilities and made me more aware of questions and answers I should have asked and answered years ago. From this experience, I will be able to take this thought process and utilize it from season to season, and from girl to girl, and become a better coach. I will be able to manage my time better, create new dances and cheers and provide a learning experience that makes it easier to learn. That is exciting for me, my school and my participants.

12 Closing The power of learning is only increasing as time moves forward; for the cheerleaders and the school they cheer for, the ability to not only use new learning methods but to also understand it is paramount to future success.

13 References Smith, L. (2008). Ethical Principles in Practice: Evidence from participatory action research (1st ed., p. 18). Wellington: KAIRARANGA. Keegan, R. (2016). Action Research as an Agent for Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Physical Education: A Physical Education Teacher's Perspective. Physical Educator, 73(2), 255. doi:10.18666/TPE-2016-V73-I2- 6236

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