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Access Asia. Access Asia because….. It represents 60% of the world’s population It encompasses 30% of the earth’s land It includes two of the world’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Access Asia. Access Asia because….. It represents 60% of the world’s population It encompasses 30% of the earth’s land It includes two of the world’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Access Asia

2 Access Asia because….. It represents 60% of the world’s population It encompasses 30% of the earth’s land It includes two of the world’s most populous countries – China and India Has two of the world’s richest and most influential civilizations – China and India It has two of the world’s global superpowers – India and China It generates 25 % of global GDP It represents the greatest diversity of belief systems – Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Christianity.

3 Since 1992, Access Asia has been providing cutting edge professional development to the education sector in the Studies of Asia.

4 Access Asia is an opportunity to engage with diverse themes that touch on culture, language, geography, history and contemporary issues.

5 Access Asia helps teachers use effective pedagogy to foster intercultural understanding and breadth and depth of knowledge about the nations and peoples of Asia.

6 The Studies of Asia & Australia foci include the learning Areas of The Arts, Society and Environment, Languages, and English and embed the National Programs of Civics and Citizenship and Values in their material.

7 Access Asia provides teachers, students and communities with responsive, flexible support to foster and develop the Studies of Asia & Australia

8 Access Asia assists through email, newsletters, school visits, the state Access Asia website, the National website and advice onsite.

9 We can give access to teaching and learning materials with strategies and activities with an Asian focus, and provide advice on resource access, cultural incursions and events.

10 A feast of Asian cultures can be drawn upon to create a curriculum that expands students horizons ……

11 education/accessasia/ index.html


13 www.asiaeducation. _statement.pdf

14 _html/scope_sequence.htm

15 public_html/ discussion_groups.htm

16 /public_html/online_ resources.htm

17 www.curriculum.

18 Contact: Lindy Stirling 9264 4249 9264 4240

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