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Spanish Research, Education and Social Protection System in the European Context At the bottom of the pile...  Investment in Education - Public & Private.

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2 Spanish Research, Education and Social Protection System in the European Context At the bottom of the pile...  Investment in Education - Public & Private Tertiary Education Investment [% GDP]3 rd - Total Investment in Tertiary Education per Student [PPP]3 rd  Social Protection: - Investment per capita [PPS]1 st  Development: - Human Development Index (HDI) 3 rd EU-15 Pos. from the bottom 3 rd 4 th 3 rd 2 nd 3 rd - Total Investment [% GDP] 2 nd - Readiness for the Future Index3 rd Among the worst...  Investment in R&D [% GDP]  # Patents / mill. population  # Researchers / 1000 workforce  Composite Indicator of Investment in the Knowledge-based Economy - Total Investment in Education per capita [euros]  Situation of Young Researchers

3 The Precariousness’ Paradoxes... income / labour relation Studentships = earned income paying income tax Work produces it is formation and does not create a labour relation training / production training / production Research activity of young researchers is exclusively training About half of Spanish scientific production comes from young researchers in training The Initial Situation: NO SS How FJI has demolished Government arguments?...

4 Raising Society and Politicians’ Awareness: Key Reports   FJI’s Scientific Production of Research Training Personnel in Spain Report (05/10/2001)   Experts Committee’s Report on Research Training and the Scientific Career in Spain (20/09/2001) S&T Ministry’s bill draft to regularize the situation of young researchers

5   FJI organizes ‘Eurodoc 2002’ in Girona (Spain); is officially created (02/2002) Raising Society and Politicians’ Awareness: Conferences, Media, Institutional Meetings   FJI organizes the I Meeting of Young Researchers in Spain, Cádiz (07/02/2003)   FJI sent to the media more than 20 press releases during 2002; more than a hundred articles in local, national and international press, several radio interviews, and a few interviews/news on TV.   During 2002, many high-level meetings with National and Regional Governmental Representatives, Political Parties, Trade Unions, and with Universities and Research Centres.

6 Pushing politicians to do something: Demonstrations   A big demonstration in Madrid with more than 3000 young researchers, from all over Spain (25/10/2002)   More than a dozen of smaller concentrations and protest acts through the year and throughout the country.

7 Eurodoc 2002 Orange October Joint Press with Trad Trad e Unions > 20 press releases Key Reports High- level Insti. Meetings Young Researchers Meeting Great Media Impact Government and Parties use our reports Parliam entary bills Maternity Leave Isolation or Changes A promise towards regularization ? 2+2 Grant-Contract Scheme ”Orange pressure advances slowly but inexorably” Toni Gabaldón, FJI/PRECARIOS Resume: Actions, Outputs, Outcomes

8 ”The fight for recognition must go on” Pablo Sánchez León & María Villarroya, February 2002, ED02 Abstracts ”Whatever happens, we won’t give up” Diana Romero, February 2003, Science NextWave

9 Federación de Jóvenes Investigadores / PRECARIOS Young Researchers Federation / PRECARIOS

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