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GOAL: Exam Prep Warm-up: Multiple choice practice.

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1 GOAL: Exam Prep Warm-up: Multiple choice practice

2 EXAM Multiple Choice T/F STACKS (4) Extra Credit

3 1)__________ Which of the following was MOST likely to be the headline of a newspaper run by Hearst: A. “America may need to help Cuba” B. “Fairness is American Concern” C. “Many points of view on war with Spain” D. “Spanish Villains must be stopped soon!” 2)__________ Which of the following is a WRONG match of law/intent? A. Nativism: Chinese Exclusion Act. B. Assimilation: Dawes Act. C. Interstate Commerce Act: Robber barons getting richer D. 18 th Amendment: Prohibition 3)__________ Which of the following is the most accurate statement in regard to U.S. involvement in the Spanish –American War? A. The U.S. went to war to expand our sphere of influence in the Caribbean and Asia B. The U.S. went to war only to fight and free Cuba from Spanish oppression C. The U.S. went to war to acquire the Panama Canal D. ALL OF THE ABOVE

4 1. D 2. C 3. A

5 4)__________ John Q. Timex owns a gold mine, he owns a watch manufacturing plant, he owns a place to design watches, he own trucks, airplanes, & RR to deliver the watches, and he owns stores to sell the watches: A. Monopoly B. horizontal consolidation C. vertical integration D. cartel 5)__________ Which of the following is in proper chronological order? A. Civil War, WWI, Invention of light bulb B. Hayes, Wilson, Garfield C. Reconstruction, Westward Expansion, WWI D. Teddy Roosevelt, Hayes, McKinley, Bryan, Lincoln

6 4. C 5. C

7 6)__________ What does this quotation attempt to justify? “Today we are raising more than we can consume. Today we are making more than we can use…Therefore we must find new markets for our produce, new occupations for our capital, new work for our labor.” A. Radicalism B. Imperialism C. Progressivism D. Socialism 7)__________ The views of which group are represented by this quotation? As long as relatively few men own the railroads, the telegraph, the telephone…own in short, the sources and means of life…they will enslave the working class and they will impoverish and debase society.” A. Liberals B. Socialists C. Progressives D. Conservatives 8)__________ Which group most strongly supported free coinage of silver? A. factory workers B. farmers C. retired people D. Southern bankers

8 6. B 7. B 8. B

9 9)__________ William Jennings Bryan believed that the nation’s economic problems could be cured by: A. the gold standard B. free silver C. an income tax D. government ownership of farms 10)__________ Which of the following problems is matched with the WRONG person who attempted to address the problem? A. Civil Service - Rutherford B. Hayes. B. Dangerous & expensive shipping of cattle - Joe McCoy C. Farmers vs Bankers - Mary Elizabeth Lease D. Political Machines - George Pullman

10 9. B 10. D

11 SORTER Please sort the terms on the bottom of your sheet… We will do a few samples beforehand…

12 “Dumbell “ Tenement

13 Expanded Roles of Government Wisconsin Idea – Robert La Follette – Public-Academic Alliance to improve government

14 Women Used In Recruitment

15 Panama Canal TR in Panama (Construction begins in 1904)


17 Urban Growth: 1870 - 1900

18 The Great White Fleet: 1907


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