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Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department |  1   Reuse, Every Drop Has Value Seminar FPL JPA.

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Presentation on theme: "Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department |  1   Reuse, Every Drop Has Value Seminar FPL JPA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department |  1   Reuse, Every Drop Has Value Seminar FPL JPA for Development of Reclaimed Water Project May 26, 2016

2 Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) Largest Water & Sewer Utility in the Southeastern United States Serving more than 2.3 residents FY2015-2016 Budget: – Projected Revenues $732 Million – $13.5 Billion Multi-Year Capital Plan (FY16-21) – 2626 Total Budgeted Positions 2

3 Water System 3 large regional and 5 small water treatment plants (WTP), plus new Hialeah Reverse Osmosis WTP Supplying an average of 315 million gallons per day (MGD) 90% of the County’s public water supply Per capita water use 136 gpcd 15 wholesale customers 432,000 retail customers 100 water supply wells 8,206 miles of pipes 38,381 fire hydrants 126,306 valves 3

4 Wastewater System 3 wastewater treatment plants 2 ocean outfalls and 21 deep injection wells Collecting, treating, and disposing 306 MGD 350,000 retail customers 13 wholesale customers 6,309 miles of mains and laterals 1,047 sewer pumps stations Reusing 12.7 MGD 4

5 Water & Wastewater Treatment Facilities 5

6 Reuse Feasibility Studies 1992 & 1998 April 2007 –Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands Rehydration –Groundwater replenishment –Irrigation projects 6

7 Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands Pilot Pilot required by Water Use Permit Pilot planning started in 2007 Run pilot units from Nov 2010 to April 2011 Submitted final report to SFWMD, FDEP and BNP on October 2011 (not economically feasible) 7

8 Groundwater Replenishment Project Recharge of the Biscayne Aquifer at the proposed South Miami Heights WTP Completed 90% design of reclaimed water plant Estimated cost $367 million + WTP Directed by the Board of County Commissioners to look at the feasibility of more cost effective alternatives Reuse project cancelled Using the Floridan aquifer as the alternative source 8

9 Ocean Outfall Compliance Plan Submitted to FDEP June 2013 Reuse Projects to meet the 60% reuse by 2025 (117.5 MGD): –Recharge of the Floridan aquifer 27.5 MGD (9.5 MGD at each WWTP (CD, SD, & WD)) –90 MGD of High Level Disinfection reclaimed water to FPL 9 

10 FPL Reclaimed Water Project Miami-Dade County entered into Join Participation Agreement (JPA) with FPL in July 2010 Up to 90 MGD of High Level Disinfection (HLD) quality water to be delivered to Turkey Point for proposed nuclear power units 6 & 7 –FPL will provide additional treatment (nutrient removal) to meet the water quality requirements of cooling towers 10

11 FPL JPA FPL manages engineering, permitting, mitigation plan, procurement, and construction of pipeline (about 9 miles) County reimburses FPL for pipeline construction materials and labor, at time of conveyance –2010 cost estimate $78 million (max. of 4% annual escalation) Includes sample Water Service Agreement with formula for calculating cost of water Original in service date was 2019 (later delayed) 11

12 SDWWTP High Level Disinfection Complete in 2011 285 million MGD peak flow capacity (112.5 MGD Average rating) Capital Cost about $600 million Required by UIC rules and FDEP Consent Order 12

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