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Early Documents that have influenced the U.S. Constitution SOL 2B.

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1 Early Documents that have influenced the U.S. Constitution SOL 2B

2 FYI The Constitution of the United States was a unique document that granted power to the people instead of the leader having all the power and making the people do anything he wants. The Constitution did not just come as an idea to our founding fathers. It was fueled by previous documents that promoted the idea of equal rights, freedom for all, and a leader that has to answer to the people. The Constitution reflects ideas expressed in previous documents and takes the best ideas from each of them and puts them into the US Constitution and Bill or Rights, which sets up how the American government works

3 Welcome to the New World England began to settle the New World Settlers wanted to be treated like full English citizens (Englishmen)

4 Charters of the Virginia Company of London (1606) Charter---rule of government This would guarantee colonists the same rights and privileges as Englishmen even if they did not live in England King James

5 Charters Worksheet We will read the first part together. Second part---old English. In your group, read and try to translate what you believe the charter is saying. 5 minutes

6 VA Declaration of Rights 1776- George Mason Model for the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights– first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution (both documents are similar)

7 VA Declaration of Rights Worksheet In your groups, skim over the VA Declaration of Rights writing notes off to the side about some of the sections written ( we will do 2 together). On the back of this worksheet use your textbook to fill out the bottom comparing the VA Declaration of Rights with the Bill of Rights.

8 Exit Ticket!! On a sheet of paper answer the following. Write the answers only. ___1. Rule of law ___2. Charter of the VA Company of London ___3. limited government ___4. VA Declaration of Rights ___5. consent of the governed a. People are the source of governmental power b. Government is NOT all powerful c. Colonists guaranteed the same rights d. No one is above the law e. Model for the Bill of Rights

9 Declaration of Independence 1776, Thomas Jefferson 1. Stated the grievances (complaints) against the king of England 2. Declared the colonies’ independence from Great Britain 3. Affirmed certain unalienable rights (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) 4. Established the idea that people are equal under the law

10 Textbook Reading We will read pp. 95-98 aloud

11 Declaration of Independence Skim over the Declaration on pages 106-109 and answer the following questions. 1. What are the four parts of the Declaration? Explain each. 2. What arguments does the Declaration make supporting the colonies independence? 3. What grievances did the colonists have against the King? (summarize at least 5 of the complaints in your own words) 4. What is the purpose of government as stated in the Declaration?

12 Exit Ticket Answer each completely 1. Why was the Charters of the VA Company of London important? 2. Why was the VA Declaration of Rights a model for the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution? 3. Define unalienable rights.

13 Declaration Group Activity In your group, you will create your own declarations– teen rights or students rights. Your declaration must have the 4 sections similar to the Declaration of Independence and signatures of team members. Teen Rights---- document that speaks on the dissatisfaction with rules, chores etc. Student Rights--- document that speaks on dissatisfaction with rules, etc at school Be creative!!! You will present these to the class!

14 Declaration Group Activity Your declarations must have 1. Preamble--- why are you writing this declaration 2. Declaration of Natural Rights--- what rights do students or teens automatically have? 3. List of Grievances—come up with 5 4. Resolution---what will you do as a result

15 Exit Ticket!! On a sheet of paper answer the following. Write the answers only. ___1. Rule of law ___2. Charter of the VA Company of London ___3. limited government ___4. VA Declaration of Rights ___5. Declaration of Independence a. Government is NOT all powerful b. Listed the grievances against the king c. Colonists guaranteed the same rights d. No one is above the law e. Model for the Bill of Rights

16 Articles of Confederation Textbook Reading; Read pp. 99-101 Complete #4,5 on p.101

17 Articles of Confederation 1781 1. Established the first form of national government for the independent states 2. Maintained that major powers resided with individual states 3. Created weak central government (e.g., no power to tax or enforce laws); led to the writing of the Constitution of the United States of America

18 Articles of Confederation Weaknesses What do I think the “FIX” would be under the U.S. Constitution? No power to enforce laws Court system established No power to tax No chief executive States coined (made) their own money States had most of the powers

19 Think-Pair-Share with Face Partner What does religion mean to me? 2 minutes

20 VA Statue for Religious Freedom 1777 Thomas Jefferson Freedom of religious beliefs and opinions

21 Quick Write How important is religion to you? Explain. Be prepared to share your responses with the class.

22 Exit Ticket 1. What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence? 2. What are our unalienable rights? 3. What was the first form of national government for the 13 states? 4. List one of the weaknesses of the above government.

23 The U.S. Constitution 1787 1. Established the current structure of the U.S. government. 2. Living, flexible document (can be amended or changed) 3. Guaranteed equality under the law with majority rule, and the rights of the minority protected 4. Affirmed individual worth and dignity of all people 5. Protects the fundamental freedoms of speech, religion, press, assembly, petition

24 Exit Ticket Give the name of the document 1. Model for the Bill of Rights 2. First form of national government for the 13 states 3. Establish the current structure of government 4. Listed the grievances against England

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