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Chapter 7 Review Page 224 #1-9.

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1 Chapter 7 Review Page 224 #1-9

2 How did the economic depression of the mid1780’s impact farmers?
As crop prices declined, many farmers were unable to pay their taxes and the government seized their farms.

3 What is the role of the judicial branch in government?
The judicial branch interprets laws

4 What process did the Constitutional Convention set forth for states to ratify the Constitution?
Each state held a convention to approve the Constitution

5 Which powers did the Congress not have under the Articles of Confederation?
It did not have the powers to regulate trade, to tax, or to enforce the laws it passed.

6 How did not having these powers make the national government weak?
It could not control what happened among the states or take much action because of the lack of money and the inability to enforce laws

7 List the three stages a territory had to go through to become a state under the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 When a territory began to be settled, Congress would appoint for it a governor, a secretary , and three judges. When there were 5,000 free adult male settlers in the territory, it could elect a legislature. When there were 60,000 free people in the territory, it could ask to become a state.

8 How did this process help a territory prepare for statehood?
It gradually established a government.

9 What were the causes of Shays’ Rebellion of 1786
An economic depression caused farmers to lose money. The government was taking little action to help the farmers, so some farmers rebelled

10 Thomas Jefferson called Shays’ Rebellion “a medicine necessary for the sound health of government.” What did he mean? Thomas Jefferson felt the rebellion revealed the weaknesses of the central government under the Articles of Confederation.

11 How did the New Jersey Plan differ from the Virginia Plan?
Both plans called for three branches of government. Virginia Plan- Two legislative houses based on population New Jersey Plan- One legislative house based on equal representation.

12 Which key part of the New Jersey Plan is not part of our Constitution today?
A one house legislature is not part of our Constitution today. It did not take into account the size of each state when determining the number of representatives

13 Describe one contribution made by each of the following to the writing and ratification of the Constitution: George Washington, James Madison, Roger Sherman, Gouverneur Morris Washington- President of convention Madison- Took notes Sherman- Proposed the Great Compromise Morris- Wrote the preamble

14 Which freedoms and rights are protected in the Bill of Rights?
Basic freedoms such as freedom of religion, speech, and the press; it prevents Congress from forcing citizens to keep troops in their homes; it protects citizens who are accused of crimes and brought to trial; and limits the powers of the federal government to only those that are granted in the Constitution.

15 The Bill of Rights limited the powers of the federal government to those granted in the Constitution. Why? So that the central government would not usurp those rights that belonged to the states and the individuals.

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