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ICT for Development: Utilizing New Technologies for Regional Development Todor Yalamov Coordinator, IT Group ARC Fund.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT for Development: Utilizing New Technologies for Regional Development Todor Yalamov Coordinator, IT Group ARC Fund."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT for Development: Utilizing New Technologies for Regional Development Todor Yalamov Coordinator, IT Group ARC Fund

2 Plan of presentation From stories to theories From theories to implementation: Utilizing ICT From fragmented cases to integrated future

3 From stories to theories ICT4DEV concept: Glocal activism and convergence of partnerships Stories of glocal (global + local) activism Convergence of partnerships

4 From stories to theories Stories of glocal (global + local) activism Story 1. ICT4DEV in Bulgaria: UNDP + CSD + stakeholders → position paper & advocacy → CCICMT Story2. DEV4ICT in Bulgaria: USAID + MSI + BIBA + stakeholders → strategy & shared vision → {work in progress} Story 3. Development Gateway: World Bank → Country Gateways → Development Gateway Foundation → regional partnerships {in progress} Story 4. Corporate Governance in ECA: CIPE network of grantees → World Bank joins → virtual one-stop shop Story 5: ARC Fund’s experience of building web-presence of NGOs in SEE + USAID → Southeast Europe Online Other stories: Please share yours!

5 From stories to theories Convergence of partnerships Coalitions vs. One-man shows → partnerships between coalitions Public-private partnerships vs. sector (1, 2, 3)-separated activities → partnerships between NGOs and international organizations Regionalize or Die!

6 From theories to implementation: Utilizing ICT Utilizing ICT for NGO development in SEE: Southeast Europe Online – To find who (individual and institutional) is doing what in the region? – To find websites in or about the region! – To read the daily news and country info for seven countries! – SEE provides structured information around topics and interactive tools for community building! – Find out more at

7 From theories to implementation: Utilizing ICT

8 Utilizing ICT for country development: Bulgaria Development Gateway Initiative – Policy level – Glocal efforts – Portal – Building communities!

9 From …. to policy level Policy research, awareness raising and advocacy to position Knowledge economy as a top national priority

10 From …. to glocal efforts Hosting two regional Country Gateways meetings Regional pilot projects (Romania) Integrating different global initiatives on local level – GDLN and GDG Integrating content between GDG and thus > 40 countries and BG trough XML

11 From …. to portal Interactive content management system (dynamic relative taxonomy tree, users post files, links, news, events, comments, and participate in forums) Pilot projects in progress (interlinking outside databases, offline initiatives or specific user demands)

12 From …. to portal

13 From … to building communities

14 From theories to implementation: Utilizing ICT Challenges or lessons learned – “Hat” syndrome: Everybody wants to coordinate! – Zero-sum and non-transparent mentality! – Strong donor rivalries for ownership of products and still not enough focus on the processes! – With the exception of EU programmes other financing mechanisms provide incentives rather to compete than to cooperate!

15 From fragmented cases to integrated future How we could respond to the challenges? Extensive use of XML between different fragmented web4dev sites Advocacy for new models of donor assistance that would encourage – best practice transfer from one country to another – implement cooperative pilots

16 From fragmented cases to integrated future Expanding national public-private partnerships on a regional level Shifting focus from communication tools to communities Develop a culture of sharing trough common projects Meet more often

17 Thank you!

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