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Access, Regulation, and Restriction: How Cueing Words in the News Media Correlates with the Pro-Choice and Pro-Life Debate Final Four: Lizzie Ryan, Claire.

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Presentation on theme: "Access, Regulation, and Restriction: How Cueing Words in the News Media Correlates with the Pro-Choice and Pro-Life Debate Final Four: Lizzie Ryan, Claire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Access, Regulation, and Restriction: How Cueing Words in the News Media Correlates with the Pro-Choice and Pro-Life Debate Final Four: Lizzie Ryan, Claire Lewis, Jacy Zollar, Irene Burski

2 Why Study Abortion? Let’s start with some stats.

3 1 in 3 women Will have an abortion by age 45 4 abortion clinics Left in Wisconsin 1,074 restrictions Have been put into place since Roe v Wade


5 Why should we care? Political ▣ State laws ▣ Scott Walker slashing funding for Planned Parenthoods of Wisconsin ▣ Texas recent abortion laws Societal ▣ Planned Parenthood v Casey (1992) ▣ More loopholes for women Economic ▣ In WI, abortions only covered by public funding if an act of rape or incest ▣ More costly for women needing to travel far distances to clinics

6 1. The Trend Where do people stand on abortion?

7 Trend Overtime

8 Our focus: 2008-2016 (Obama Administration)

9 2. Theory Cueing // Framing

10 Cueing ▣ Words or phrases with rhetorical value ▣ Contested by elites ▣ Intertwined with framing The power of language to shape thought Framing ▣ Broad organizing principles ▣ Idea used to structure a news story ▣ Journalistic decision

11 Cueing words in the news media RestrictionAccessRegulation

12 Hypothesis: Part 1: The more our cueing words of access, restriction, and regulation are present in the media, the more people will identify as pro-choice. Part 2: Conservative news outlets are less likely to use these cueing words and framing techniques than liberal outlets when covering abortion. **********************************************************************

13 3. Methodology Content Analysis

14 Outlets Analyzed Neutral LiberalConservative

15 Coding Manifest Computerized coding to search through all articles containing the word abortion for the words access, regulation, or restriction. ▣ 0% margin of error Latent What if the articles focused on these topics but used other keywords? ▣ Hand coded 120 articles to check the accuracy of our method

16 Total Use of Cue Words Use of defined cue words in 6 news media outlets’ abortion articles Access Regulation Restriction 2014201320122011201020092015

17 20122011 20102009201320142015 2012201120102009201320142015 The more people are exposed to our cueing words access, restriction, and regulation, the more people identify as pro- choice.

18 Conservative vs. Liberal Outlets: Percentage of abortion articles that use our cue words FoxMSNBCCNNUSA TodayWA PostNYT Access Regulation Restriction



21 4. Survey Do people actually respond differently when exposed to our cueing words?

22 ‘’ ▣ Q1: Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, abortion has been a legal right for women nationwide. Do you agree that women should have an abortion clinic available nearby? ▣ Q2: Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, abortion has been a legal right for women nationwide. Do you agree that women should have the legal right to access abortion? ▣ Q3: Do you agree that women should have an abortion clinic available nearby? ▣ Q4: Do you agree that women should have the legal right to access abortion?

23 Hypothesis: Part 1: Respondents are more likely to respond “Yes” when exposed to our cueing word “access.” Part 2: Respondents are more likely to respond “Yes” when exposed to the framing information, “Since Roe v. Wade…” **********************************************************************

24 Results Yes No Preference No Do you agree that women should have an abortion clinic available nearby? Do you agree that women should have the legal right to access abortion? Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, abortion has been a legal right for women nationwide. Do y...

25 Q1: Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, abortion has been a legal right for women nationwide. Do you agree that women should have an abortion clinic available nearby? MENWOMENDIFFERENCE YES 1826+8 NO 179-8 NO PREFERENCE 68+2

26 Q2: Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, abortion has been a legal right for women nationwide. Do you agree that women should have the legal right to access abortion? MENWOMENDIFFERENCE YES 6268+6 NO 3226-6 NO PREFERENCE 146-8

27 Cueing matters. Respondents are more likely to identify as pro-choice when exposed to cues of access, restriction, and regulation, and are reminded of the legal right to abortion from Roe v. Wade.

28 Thank you. Team Final Four Claire, Lizzie, Jacy, & Irene

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