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International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP): A University Perspective Dr. Jennifer Mitton-Kükner March 9, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP): A University Perspective Dr. Jennifer Mitton-Kükner March 9, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP): A University Perspective Dr. Jennifer Mitton-Kükner March 9, 2016

2 Overview 1.Benefits of the IBDP: The broader context 2.University perspective: IBDP 3.Teacher perspective: IBDP 4.Parent perspective: IBDP 5.StFX perspective: IBDP 6.Summing up: 5 Big ideas

3 Broader Context OECD – The Wider Environment of Schooling Knowledge, technology and work: The speed of change is increasing on all fronts, reflecting the rapid diffusion of information technology, the widening global marketplace, strong competitors, and reduced stability in markets. OECD economies, already seen as knowledge-based, are developing more and more into "learning economies" where the success of individuals, firms, regions, and countries depends mostly on the ability to learn. As life-time careers recede, schools stand at the centre of learning economies, with the responsibility to prepare future citizens with the skills to learn and adapt to rapid change. Information retrieved from: hewiderenvironmentofschooling.htm

4 University and Life readiness Reflective Open- minded Risk-takerCaringBalancedPrincipled Knowledgeable Inquirer Communicator Thinker IB Learner Profile

5 Viewing the IBDP: Higher Education perspective Academic Preparedness (knowledge, skill and cognitive-strategy based) Student has the academic knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in college-level courses. Academic Tenacity (beliefs, attitudes, values, participation, perseverance) Student has beliefs, attitudes, and values that prioritize success in school and drive student engagement and work. University Knowledge (knowledge, skills, behaviours to access university) Student has the knowledge, skills, and behaviors apart from academic content that allow him or her to successfully access university. Information retrieved from:

6 Viewing the IBDP: Teacher perspective Are my students: curious? open? engaged? creative? persistent? responsible? flexible? able to reflect on their own learning? (pp. 31-32) Information retrieved from:

7 Viewing the IBDP: Parent perspective Am I helping my son to prepare for life at and after university? Motivation Perseverance Critical thinking IBDP predicts and supports success at University

8 StFX awards 6 IB Scholarships each year (for students who have completed the IB Diploma Programme). The scholarship is valued at $28,000 and is awarded to students who successfully complete the IB Diploma program. The scholarship is renewable for four years at $7,000. Viewing the IBDP: StFX Perspective

9 Students who complete the IB Diploma are: eligible to receive transfer credits which can be used towards their degree at StFX. students with a score of 30 or higher, and who have received a minimum score of 5 on all higher level and standard level courses, will be granted up to 30 transfer credits. students, who have any one minimum score falling below 5, will have their courses individually assessed for possible transfer credits. Other possibilities: Students who have completed IB courses, but who do not possess the diploma or who scored less than 30 on the IB Diploma, may be eligible to receive individual university course credit if they have achieved a grade of 5, 6 or 7 in higher-level courses.

10 Summing up: 5 Big Ideas 1.Relevant 2.Critical thinker 3.Motivating 4.Recognized 5.University ready

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