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Plant Oils Where do the following come from?

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Oils Where do the following come from?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Oils Where do the following come from?

2 There are many types of vegetable oil
Peanut oil Sunflower oil Olive oil Palm oil Soybean oil Coconut oil Rapeseed oil

3 PLANT/VEGETABLE OILS Oils can be extracted from plant fruits/seeds /nuts. This can be done by: 1. Crushing the seeds/plant material. 2. Pressing the seeds to remove the oil, OR distillation. 4. Removal of water and other impurities.

4 There are 2 ways of extracting the oil from plants
One; pressing – seeds are firstly crushed  pressed to extract the oil e.g. sunflower oil

5 There are 2 ways of extracting the oil from plants
Two; using distillation – Plants/seeds crushed Mixture mixed with water Oil floats to top (impurities removed) Oil placed in distillation flask Oil mixture is heated Oil evaporates Oil is collected by condensing it. e.g. lavender oil

6 A) 3 B) 2 C) 4 D) 1

Used as Fuels E.g. Biodiesel fuel (providing energy for heating systems, fuel for vehicles etc.) 2. Foods E.g. Lots of foods contain vegetable oils. These are a rich source of energy and nutrients

8 Cooking food in vegetable oil – why bother?
Oil boils at a higher temperature than water so food can be cooked at a higher temperature so it cooks ___________. Do you prefer boiled potatoes OR chips? Cooking in oil also gives different flavours.

9 BUT what are the drawbacks if any?
Cooking in oil = more energy = can lead to weight gain as stored as body fat if not respired (burned off). Cooking with unsaturated fats (found in vegetable oils) can lower the risk of heart disease by reducing ‘bad’ cholesterol. Unlike animal (saturated) fats that increase the risk of heart disease.

10 Vegetable Oils What do you think is meant by an unsaturated vegetable oil? How could you test for the presence of unsaturated vegetable oils? HOW?

11 What the difference? Which is more healthier? Why?
Saturated Fat Unsaturated Fat Heathier – poly is the best Butter Sunflower Oil How do we test for unsaturation?

12 Emulsions Oils WILL NOT dissolve in water, although we can produce EMULSIONS, which are mixtures of oil and water. E.g. COSMETICS SALAD DRESSING ICE CREAM EMULSION PAINTS

13 Emulsions Emulsions are thicker than oil and water and have a number of uses determined by their properties. Emulsions provide better texture, coating ability and appearance.

14 Oil and water are immiscible (they do not mix)
Oil and water are immiscible (they do not mix). To make them mix we need an emulsifier. The subsequent produce is called an emulsion. Emulsions in every day life are; Milk Mayonnaise Ice cream Salad cream Salad dressing. Emulsifiers keep the oil and water together. Without one you would see blobs of fat floating around!

15 Emulsifiers Emulsifiers are chemicals added to oil and water to emulsify the mixture. ALL emulsifiers have specific properties.

16 The properties of emulsifiers allows the oil (or water) to form droplets and spread out throughout the mixture, forming an emulsion.

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