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 The Ancestors of the Prophet ( Summary)Summary  Birth, His childhood and His Youth ( Summary- Forum- Assignments)ForumAssignments  The Position of.

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Presentation on theme: " The Ancestors of the Prophet ( Summary)Summary  Birth, His childhood and His Youth ( Summary- Forum- Assignments)ForumAssignments  The Position of."— Presentation transcript:


2  The Ancestors of the Prophet ( Summary)Summary  Birth, His childhood and His Youth ( Summary- Forum- Assignments)ForumAssignments  The Position of the Prophet and start of his prophetic mission ( Summary)Summary  The Attributes of the Prophet (PBUH&HF) ( Summary- Assignments)SummaryAssignments  Necessary Attributes for Prophets ( Summary- Forum- Assignments)SummaryForumAssignments  The Meaning of Wilayah (Authority) ( Summary)Summary  Extra Resources

3  The prophet is among the offspring of Abraham (Ibrahim),  All the ancestors of the prophet were monotheists and were in charge of managing the House of Allah, Ka'ba,  " Before bringing me to this world, Allah has always kept me moving among cleansed ancestors and did not let me be contaminated by (immoralities of) ignorance.“ (Bihar-Vol5) Next

4  Since he was an orphan when he was born, he was raised under his mother Amena and his foster,  After the demise of her, his grandfather Abulmattalib took him and after him, Abutalib did this,  At the age of 25, the prophet got married to Khadijah,  Little by little, the signs of prophet-hood were becoming evident in him…

5  1- Why did not Abdul-matallib fear from the army of Abraha in 'aam-ul-fil (the year of the elephant)?  2- What was the incident of donating 100 camels for Abdullah? How does this event show the position of Abdullah?  3- Why has been prophet (pbuh&hf) introduced as the son of two slaughtered?  4- You know that according to Shia belief the ancestors of prophets have been monotheists, please show it in the family of prophet of Islam?  5- What were the actions of Abdul-matallib for taking care of prophet?  6- Write the supplication of Abraham (pbuh) about his progeny and what is the relation between it and the Prophet of Islam?  7- What were the miracles caused people to learn about prophet (pbuh&hf) position and what was the people reaction?  8- What were the effects of prophet’s presence in Hallimah tribe? And how did he comfort the worry of Halimah about himself?

6  1. There is a story mentioned in Lesson 1 about Abdul-mutallib(AS) in the occasion of 'aam-ul-fil (the year of the elephant). What was that? How it shows the position of Abdul-mutallib(AS)?  2. What was the incident of donating 100 camels for Abdullah(AS) ? And how this shows the position of Abdullah(AS)?  3. What could be the relation between the praying of Abraham (AS) and our Prophet (PBUH&HP)?  4. In lesson 2 we quoted a hadith regarding ten attributes of the prophet (Peace Be upon Him and His Progeny). Can you find more quranic verses or traditions in this regard?

7  The time for revelation had come and Mohammad had been appointed to bear this great and divine responsibility.  "In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful * Read, in the name of your Lord, who created. * Created human from a clot * Read, and your lord is the Most Honorable." (Alaq (96) / 1- 3)  However, from the time of Jesus, it has been a long time during which no prophet were appointed and people were deep in their ignorance.  "(God) sent him (the messenger) after a long gap between the prophets, a long darkness for people, evils were raising heads and all matters were under diruption..." (Nahj-ul-balaqah, Sermon 89)

8  The Attributes before the prophetic mission:  Being prophesied: 1. The appearance of a prophet in the last days has been prophesied by previous prophets. "Those whom we have given the book recognize him as they recognize their sons, and some of them certainly conceal the truth while they know it." (Baqarah(2) / 146)  Being Human: "I am only a human being, like yourselves, who receives revelation." (Kahf / 110)  Unschooled: "And believe in Allah and his messenger, the unschooled prophet." (A'rAf(8) / 158)

9  Having good morality: "And you are indeed of a great morality." (Qalam(68) / 4)  Taking care of orphans and the disabled: "Therefore, as for the orphan, do not oppressn * And as for the begger do not avoid." (Dhuha(93) / 2)  Kindness and Merci: "Certainly a messenger has come to you, from yourselves, rievous to him is your falling into distress, excessively solicitous for you; to the believers (he is) compassionate." (Tawbah(9) / 128)  Renouncing Earthly Matters and Not caring for this world

10  1-What is the reason of that Abutalib (peace be upon him) loved prophet Mohammad (pbuh&hf) more than his children?  2-Who was the Buhaira and what was his prayer about the prophet Mohammad (pbuh &hf)?  3- Please write a story about Prophet (pbuh&hf) that shows his honesty, trustworthiness, and his good temper?  4- What are special attributes of the prophet, before being appointed?

11 A prophet appointed by God should have a set of necessary properties and attributes:  Infallibility  Knowledge  Worshipping and Being Submissive to God  Patience and Constancy  Being Submissive and doing what was told to do  Kindness with Friends  Help and Support from God  Confirming Other Divine Religions  Authority (Wilayat)

12 Please choose one of the following questions and have research on it?  1-The Beginning of the Prophetic Mission and what happened for prophet (pbuh&hf) ?  2-How was the State of the Arab’s nation ( Jaheliyah) before Islam?  3-What is the difference between prophet, messenger and Imam and hadhrat Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny) was which one of them?  4-What does the word“Ummi” mean? Was the holy prophet (peace be upon him & his progeny) illiterate?

13 Allah mentions in Surah Fath that He has forgiven all the past and future sins of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) after the conquest of Makkah: “Surely We have given to you a clear victory. That Allah may forgive your past faults and those to follow and complete His favor to you and keep you on a right way. And that Allah might help you with a mighty help. (Surah Fath 48: 1-3) Is there any conflict between the infallibility of the Prophet (PBUH)and the above mentioned verses?

14 Shi'a believes that there will be no time without Hujjat (God's evidence, a perfect man) on the earth 1. General Authority: All believers are given a kind of authority from God 1. Specific Authority: This kind of authority is specific to the prophet and his progeny

15 Wilayah has several levels:  The first level is concerned with being a religious reference for the Muslim society,  The second level of authority is about governing the Muslim society,  The third level of wilayat, is called spiritual authority or authority of control (Tasarruf: direct, influence) and is considered the highest level of authority,

16   m.htm m.htm  mohammad-(saw).html mohammad-(saw).html 's-life/index.htm's-life/index.htm  prophet-(sawas).htm prophet-(sawas).htm     mohammad(s)/index.htm mohammad(s)/index.htm  week/prophets-birthday-ushers-in-unity-week.html week/prophets-birthday-ushers-in-unity-week.html  

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