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Abbot- the head of a monastery. abdicate- to give up power (usually royal power)

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Presentation on theme: "Abbot- the head of a monastery. abdicate- to give up power (usually royal power)"— Presentation transcript:

1 abbot- the head of a monastery

2 abdicate- to give up power (usually royal power)

3 absolutism- the political theory that power should be held by a single authority (one leader or one group)

4 Acid rain rain that carries pollution-especially acid (see the Earth Science definition)

5 the Acropolis- a complex of buildings in the center of Athens- field for the people




9 the Age of Enlightenment- having to do with learning- age of reason- 18 century

10 imperialism- More powerful countries take over less powerful countries

11 alloys- mixed metals

12 Alluvial Soil silt washed down by running water

13 ancestor worship- praying to one’s ancestors and believing that they have power, because they are still part of the community

14 assimilation to be absorbed by another culture

15 autonomy— home rule; self rule

16 Autocratic Having unlimited power (autocrat—dictator with unlimited power)

17 Balance of Power in international politics, no one nation has all the power

18 baptism— Christian rite, in which water is poured or dripped on a person (or in which a person is put into a body of water) to symbolize being reborn as a new person

19 barter— direct exchange of goods and services, without money (barter economy—an economy with barter instead of money)

20 biodiversity— millions of plant/animal species in balance in their environment

21 bureaucracy— a corps of administrators, clerks, and other officials who carry out laws, policies, and programs of a government or business

22 leader who is Muhammed’s successor as leader of Islam (also calif, calif, khalifa) Caliph

23 capital— sums of money, economic assets measured as money

24 Absorption Passing of a substance through a surface

25 Aerobic bacteria Bacteria that need oxygen to live

26 Anaerobic bacteria Bacteria that do not need oxygen to live

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